Status: I appologize for sporatic updating.

House of Cards

Gerard Way is... peculiar.

Always has been, always will be.

But when he wakes up in a hospital bed and realises his entire memory has been whiped clean, things just get even weirder.

Coming home for the first time in months, Gerard finds a sticky note on his window, and soon he's racing to follow clues scattered around the morbid Jersey town of Belleville and put together an intricate puzzle of murders, ghosts, and a mysterious boy named Frank.


This story is also posted on my DeviantArt:
  1. Raven Hair and Bloody Skin
    ashes ashes we all fall down
  2. Apparently
    Talking to the walls again.
  3. I See Dead People
    The sky caves in and the ground falls beneath my feet.
  4. A Box Full of Sharp Objects
    ‘Mikey, if you open this, I swear to god I will come and eat you.’
  5. Eyes Like the Ocean and a Smile Like the Sun
    It felt like icicles were growing inside my heart and piercing right out through my chest
  6. Toy Parachutes
    It's not what you think.
  7. Hey Mister
    Look, if you're gonna break into a ***ers house you gotta do it right.
  8. Let's Play House
    Crawling down the floorboards like beasts with spindly claws.
  9. Spiders
    I'm so sorry
  10. Tastes Like Cigarettes
    He hides his voice like Batman
  11. Numb
    As Crazy As It Is
  12. The Raven
    It's All In Fate's Hands
  13. Newspaper
    What's black and white and red all over?
  14. Little Voices
    Get OUT.
  15. Alone
    with the devil’s arm around my waist.