Tomorrow Never Comes

The Happy Ending

There is a point when you just give up on life... I know you shouldn't ever give up, but when you have tried legitimately everything and you feel like you are killing yourself as your trying so hard to make everything work, you just can’t stay forever and keep killing yourself to have the same thing every day. I would end up literally killing myself cause I’m going to realize that I’m not good enough for him. I love him and he is all I’ve ever wanted but he’s not worth what I thought he was worth. He used to look at me as if I was the best thing on the planet, but now when he looks at me it’s as if I’m making his life hell. I don’t know why he sees it like he does, but he does. I can’t force him to see it how I see it or how anyone else sees it but I wish I could. I wish that it had never ended up this way. I love him with all my heart and don’t want to leave him.

The first day we met, I remember it as if it really were yesterday. My best friend Liz came to my house to pick me up to go hang out with her and a few others that she invited to her house. In the car was Sam John and Kevin, John was Liz’s boyfriend and Kevin was Katrina’s boyfriend, Katrina wasn’t there but she would be over to Liz’s after work. Sam looked at me as if we were the only two people on earth. I fell in love at first sight. We were so open with each other about everything. I felt so comfortable around him. He asked for my number and of course I gave it to him. We danced, we snuggled still talking, and we kissed a lot.
“Will you go out with me again sometime?” Sam asked kind of anxious.
“I don’t know, I think I might end up being busy those days.” I said flirtatiously.
“So that’s a yes, anytime? Right?” Sam flirted back.
“Of course.” I said sweetly.
Sam had all the things I’ve been looking for and he made me forget about everything that was bothering me as if nothing went wrong in my life. We talked all the time. If we weren’t together, we were still texting or talking on the phone. I mean this was all around love.

We got married about two, two and a half years later on June 23rd. I was 23 at the time while Sam was 25. We moved in together before we got married about 6 months to a year of knowing each other. Everything was just so perfect. I felt like the luckiest person in the world. I had my true love with me and he never wanted to leave me. We were both so happy.

Then the day came, about four years of being married he just looked at me different. I don’t know if anything happened to change that. But in my mind nothing could have ever changed that. I was so in love with him I was blind to everything else.