Tomorrow Never Comes

Lets Try and Work it Out

Annabell woke up as any other day, brushed her teeth, took a shower, then started making breakfast for Sam
“Where the fuck are my boxers?” He yelled from the bedroom.
“In the closet, what’s wrong?” She asked kind of worried.
“Nothing!” He yelled back.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Yes! Fuck don’t you listen?”
“Sorry, I was just making sure.” she said with a sad tone as she was about to cry.
Sam started heading towards the front door.
“Where are you going?” Annabell asked with shock because he left without breakfast.
“I’m going to Dan’s.” Sam said before slamming the door behind him.

Annabell started cleaning up as she was crying. After she was done picking up the table she called her friend Erika
“Hey, Sam just exploded on me and left.”
“What happened?” Ericka asked.
“I don’t know, he woke up and asked where the fuck his boxers were as always and I said in the closet then asked what was wrong. Then he was like nothing! I asked if he was sure and he’s like “Yes! Fuck don’t you listen?” then went to Dan’s and slammed the door.” Annabell started crying harder.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?” She exclaimed.
“Yeah, I just needed to talk to someone. You were the first person I thought to call.” She answered.
“Well would you like to come over, Jason went to work already.”
“Thanks, I’ll be over in about twenty minutes.”
“So about eight-fifteen?” Ericka asked.
“Yeah, I just have to get dressed.” Annabell answered.
“Okay, sounds good see you then Anna.” Ericka said.
“Bye.” Annabell said.

Annabell put on her favorite pair of Jessica Simpson “Daisy Dukes” short shorts, her belly shirt, thong, bra, and flip flops. Then headed over to Ericka’s condo.

Knock, knock, knock.
“Coming.” Ericka yelled.
Ericka answered the door. “Hey” giving her a big hug saying “It’s okay, come sit down and let’s talk about it.”
They both sat down on the old couch and talked about what Annabell was going to do.
“How are you doing?” Ericka asked trying to slowly enter the conversation.
“I don’t know Ericka, I love him so much and don’t want this little fight to get in the way of our happiness if it can work out, but I need an apology before I even come home or else I won’t be coming home ever. I don’t deserve that. I treat him with respect and love every single day. I just can’t understand why exactly he went off on me this morning.”
“I understand what you mean, I see you guys all the time happy and you worship the ground he walks on and for him to treat you like this is like throwing away everything you have given him.”
“Exactly. I feel like he just threw everything that I have done for him down the drain and didn’t care about it anymore.”
“You need an apology. You can stay here either till he apologizes or you find a place.”
“Thanks. I really appreciate it. I’m not going to text him first. He can text me and be worried that dinner isn’t on the table.”
“Good.” Ericka said proudly.
Annabell looked at the time and said “Well I better go get a suitcase of clothes and everything so I can get to work on time.”
“Okay. Drive carefully and text me when you get there so I know you made it.”
“Alright I will, love you.” Annabell said trying to look happy.
“Love you too.” Ericka said back with a big smile on her face.
Annabell walked out the door and walked down the stairs to the parking lot and got in her black 2008 convertible Ford Mustang, turned on “Nightmare” by Avenged Sevenfold. And drove to her house to pack. She grabbed everything she could think of that she needed. She grabbed all of her clothes, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shoes, and then realized she was packing all of her stuff in the suitcases that Sam had bought her for Christmas because they were going to go on a second honeymoon. She started crying again, and then thought of all the good times she has had with him. She wrote him a not

“Dear, Sam
I’m leaving for awhile I don’t know how long, but you can decide that for me. I’m done being treated like this when I do everything in my power to make you happy. I don’t know why you think I deserve this pain. When you figure yourself out call me and I’ll be here but I’m not going to be with you when you treat me like shit all the time. I can’t do it anymore I deserve better and if you don’t agree I guess this is goodbye. I love you and hope you realize what you have just lost.”

Annabell started crying then looked at how plain the house was now. She grabbed the suitcases and put them in her car, went back to the house and put the note on the kitchen table. Closed the door and then left. She drove back to Ericka’s house and put her things inside. Ericka had a guest bedroom that Annabell would be staying in.
“I left him a note.” Annabell said crying.
“What did it say?” Ericka asked while hugging Annabell.
“I was leaving and it was up to him for how long and to call me when he has figured this out. And I couldn’t stay anymore because I’m tired of being treated like shit. And to call me when he has decided.”
“Well he should realize what he has done and think about it because now he knows you won’t just stand by and let him treat you like this. He needs this. You need this. This will be good for both of you. I promise.” Ericka said with a smile on her face.
“Thanks Ericka, I love you! I better get going to work before I’m late.”
“Okay, see you after work. And love you too!”
Annabell headed off to work, she works at a mall as the manager. She does stocking, selling, and ordering.
“Hey, Anna you okay?” Megan who runs the makeup counter asked.
“Yeah, I’m just really upset today. Me and Sam got into a huge fight. I just can’t concentrate on anything.” Annabell said as she held back the tears.
“Well if you want you can go home and I will take over.” Megan said while getting closer to give Annabell a hug.
“Are you sure I don’t want to just leave you here by yourself just in case anything happens.” Annabell said seriously.
“What could possibly happen? It’s Monday and it’s never busy on Mondays. Just go home. If the impossible happens I will call you in.” Megan said trying to get Annabell to quit being stubborn.
“Promise?” asked Annabell.
“Promise.” Megan said while walking her out the door.
“Okay. Thanks.” Annabell said as she was heading toward the employee parking lot.
“No problem, you would do it for me to.” Megan said gratefully knowing that it has happened before.

Annabell drove around LAX for a little while deciding where she wanted to go. Then realized the only place she wanted to be was in her house with Sam. She know she should ignore the feelings and just go to Ericka’s but decided not to listen to herself and go by the house just to see if Sam was home yet. Annabell drove by slowly with people behind her honking and screaming so she quickly pulled into the parking lot and started looking for Sam’s car. He drove a Black 1969 Chevy Camaro SS with two white stripes down the middle. Suddenly she spotted Sam getting out of the car. He started heading up the stairs to their house. She waited to see if he would storm out of the house.
Suddenly her phone went off and played “Best Love Song” by T-Pain. Annabell looked down and ignored the call. She looked back to the house and saw a light in the bathroom turn on. Annabell starting thinking maybe he didn’t care. Then she got another call she looked down and ignored it again. Sam left a voicemail this time. As soon as it popped up on her screen she listened to it.
“Hey, babe. I wanna talk this out please talk to me I know I fucked up but please give me another chance. I love you. I really really do and I don’t want to lose you. You’re my love and my all. If I don’t have you then I don’t have anything. We have been through so much together. I love you and don’t ever want to lose you. If I do I will try my hardest every single day to get you back. Babe please just call me back as soon as you get this cause we need to talk about this together alone and in person not over the phone. Please at least let me know your ok and I will be fine after that but I need to make sure your okay. At least text me if you don’t want to talk to me right now I can understand that. And it’s not you, it’s me. I don’t really know what’s going on with myself right now but I am willing to figure it out for you. Love you bye.”

Annabell started crying. She drove down to Ericka’s and told Ericka everything “I went to the house and Sam called and left me a voicemail telling me he would do anything for me and he doesn’t know why he is acting the way he is. And he loves me and is willing to do anything he has to in order to get me back.”
“I told you. He notices what he is doing now.” Ericka said with a happy tone.
“Yeah, but he wants us to talk alone about it.” Annabell said not knowing what she should do.
“Give him a couple days to realize what he has lost cause if you go running back to him so fast then he is just gonna realize you will come back if he just says something. Don’t make it easy for him.”
“Okay, thanks so much Ericka. If I didn’t have you right now I don’t know what I would do. I am so glad I have a best friend like you.” Annabell said stepping to give Ericka a hug.
“You would do the same for me. You’re my best friend and I would never let you go through something like this alone.” Ericka said hugging Annabell back.
“I’m gonna go to bed.” Annabell said with tears starting to fall down her cheeks.
“It’s only eight-thirty though.” Ericka said.
“I know but I’m tired. It’s been a long day.” Annabell said heading towards the guest room.
“Okay, what about dinner? I’m making stir-fry, do you want any?” Ericka asked.
“No. I’m not hungry.” Annabell said closing the bedroom door.
Annabell went into the bathroom changed into some pajama shorts and a tank top, brushed her teeth, washed her face, then went into the room and lifter up the covers to get in bed. She grabbed her phone and texted Sam.
“Hey, I want you to know I’m willing to talk to you but not now. I wanna wait a couple of days. I’m really hurt that this is what it has come to and how you treat me. It’s been very recent but I can’t live with this forever. I still love you and everything and really want this to work but I need to be proven that you want the same. I love you night.”
“Babe thanks so so so so much I love you to and want it to work and I will do anything to make it work. I don’t know why I’m treating you like this either. I will change for you though. I love you to night and text me in the morning.”
“I will.” Annabell texted back then put her phone on the nightstand and drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you see any grammer wrong let me know in a comment.