Tomorrow Never Comes

The beginning to happiness

“I still love you.” Annabell said.
“And I love you but I’m not going to sit here and wait for you. I’m gonna do whatever I do. You’ll get over me. I’m pretty sure your basically already over me if you could leave me in a single instant.” Sam said back with hate in his eyes.
“No I love you. Why would you ever say I could just get over you. I don’t think I will ever be completely over you. I left cause I needed you to realize you had something great. But obviously that was wrong. It was suppose to make you realize what you had so you could change.” Annabell said as tears were rolling down her cheeks.
“I loved you and you broke my heart. You left me. That didn’t make me want to change that made me want to stay away from you. And now I’m done.” Sam said with disgust on his face.
“Your done? How can you be done that fast? You say you loved me. No if you loved me then you would try and make it work anyway possible.” Sam started walking out of the room. “Sam! I love you! What you have or had was not love. If you leave your just proving me right.” Annabell yelled.
“Then your right. Whatever I don’t care I need to leave. I don’t want to be here with you anymore.” Sam said as he slammed the door behind him.
“No, I still love you.” Annabell screamed at the door.
“No, no, no, no,” Annabell kept saying.

“Annabell, wake up!” Ericka said while shaking her body.
“What?” Annabell said faintly.
“Wake up!” Ericka said a little louder.
Annabell opened her eyes and looked around then snapped back into reality. She noticed her wet cheeks. “Ericka.”
“What?” Ericka answered.
“What time is it?”
“3:30.” Ericka answered again.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” Annabell said with tears still coming down her cheeks.
“It’s ok.” Ericka said as she leaned in to hug Annabell. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, I’m going to try and get some sleep.” Annabell answered.
“Ok. Well if you need me just come wake me up ok?”
“Ok, I will.” Annabell said as she rolled over on the bed.
Ericka walked out the door and turned out the lights as she softly closed the door. Annabell laid there thinking about her dream and realizing that it was only a dream and Sam had told her that he will do anything to get her back again. She drifted off to sleep again.
It was noon when Annabell woke up again. She looked over at her phone and pushed the end button and noticed that Sam had texted her and left her voicemails. She thought about texting him back and listening to the voicemails but decided against it and went into the bathroom to take a shower and brush her teeth. When she got out she went out into the living room and sat on the couch and turned on the TV and turned it to Faction radio. Then stood up and realized that Ericka wasn’t there so she went over to the kitchen and made herself some eggs and toast.
When she finished her breakfast she turned off the TV and went back into the room and listened to the voicemails and read the texts. Sam texted “Hey babe I love you just wanted to tell you.” and his voicemail “Hey I love you so much and I really want to see you and talk to you. Well again I love you babe and call me or text me if you need anything.” Sam said then hung up. Another voicemail was “Hey it’s me again I’m just trying to see if you are okay and everything. I don’t like sleeping alone and I miss you and your body next to mine in bed. We used to always cuddle and now I don’t have that. It’s sad but I will try my hardest to get it back. I will do everything in my power to get you back. I love you again and call or text me if you need anything. Love you.” Sam said again sounding a little more sad.
It was about two p.m. now and Annabell just wanted to cuddle with Sam like they always did before. She missed him and really wanted to be with him. Annabell thought about calling Sam but she couldn’t do it right now. She had to get out of the house though. She went down to the parking lot and got in her mustang to find that her and Sam’s song was on “Rebel Love Song” by Black Veil Brides. She sat there for a few minutes, then decided to leave it and start driving. She drove down to the fairgrounds and remembered all the times her and Sam went there feeding ducks and one time in particular came to mind. Sam and Annabell were feeding the ducks and Annabell went to go feed one and he took the bag of bread instead of the piece. She started laughing to herself and drove to a parking lot and called Sam.
“Hello?” Sam said with a confused tone.
“Hey!” Annabell said with a happy and shy tone to her voice.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked trying to ease into a conversation.
“Sitting in my car in a parking lot.” Annabell answered.
“Just in a random parking lot?” Sam said joking.
“Yes, don’t people do that all the time?” Annabell said acting dumb.
Sam and Annabell started laughing.
“I miss your laugh.” admitted Sam.
Annabell didn’t really know what to say “I visited the duck pond.”
“Did a duck steal the bag of bread again?” Sam asked remembering the time.
“Nope cause this time I didn’t have bread with me.” Annabell said laughing.
“So what are you doing tonight?” Sam asked anxiously.
“Nothing, probably just sitting in Ericka’s guest room watching movies. You?”
“Missing you. The guys wanted me to go out but I just can’t.” Sam said with a long sigh.
“Well maybe you need to have fun.” Annabell said quietly.
“No. I just need you.” Sam said hoping Annabell would agree.
“I need you to. But I want to go slow instead of rushing into getting back together.” Annabell confessed.
“I know. Do you maybe want to get some dinner with me?”
“Sure.” Annabell said with a big smile on her face.
“Do you want me to pick you up or meet there?”
“You can pick me up at Ericka’s.”
“Ok sounds good what time?” Sam asked
“I don’t care. I will be back at around 6:30.” Annabell said as she started heading to the mall.
“Ok what about 7:00 then?”
“That works for me.” Annabell said as she thought about what she should wear.
“Alright see you then.” Sam said
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Bye.” Annabell said not wanting to get off the phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
(Disclaimer: I do not own bands/brands/logos/pictures/ect. However I do own the plot and the characters that I create.)