Tomorrow Never Comes

Sam Cares

Annabell went to Beverly Center to her favorite store, Bebe and drove around the parking lot trying to find a space and as she drove she began to get angry because people really needed to learn how to park. After she finally found a parking spot next to a Black Ford 150 and a red Dodge Intrepid. She walked into the mall she began to make her way to Bebe. She walked in and seen a few dresses right away. She noticed a black one and grabbed it in size “0”. She walked a little bit further and noticed a pretty light pink dress that looked tight till the bottom where there were frills. A sales woman came up to her and Annabell noticed her name tag said Katie.
“Are you looking for anything in particular?” The sales woman asked.
“I’m going out with a guy that I was dating and just kinda needed a break but he wants to go out again, so just trying to find something to make him realize I’m right here.” Annabell answered.
“Okay well the two you have there would work and there are some over here that you can look at.” She said as she directed Annabell over to the sassy cocktail dresses.
“Thank you.” Annabell said with a big smile on her face.
“Your welcome. If you need anymore help just let me know.”
“I will.” Annabell started holding dresses up to her body.
Annabell walked around the entire store looking for dresses and grabbed about 20 of them and tried them on and had the sales lady tell her how she looked. She tried on the first pink one she had grabbed which looked “absolutely fabulous” on her as the sales lady said.
She walked to the shoes after finding the perfect dress. She seen a pair right off the bat, they were pink platforms with a toe peep. She hurried and grabbed them. Annabell made her way to the front counter so she could check out.
“Did you find everything okay?” Another sales woman asked.
“Yes, I had some help from Katie.” Annabell answered.
“Oh good. So what’s the occasion?”
“My husband is taking me out for dinner. We had a split and trying to recover it. So trying to show him what he can get back.”
“Oh that’s awful. I’m sorry.” She said
“Yeah but I have a feeling that we can get back to the way it was before.” Annabell said proud.
“Good. I hope everything goes well for you.” She said with a big smile on her face with her dimples showing.
“Me to.” Annabell said as she started heading towards the door.
Annabell walked into the parking lot and unlocked her car and got in, then closed the door. She put her key in the ignition and decided to listen to a CD instead of the radio station. She put in a mix that Sam had made for in when they first started dating. The first song was “Nightmare” by Avenged Sevenfold. She slowly backed up and headed towards Ericka’s house excited to tell her the news that she has been waiting to tell her.
Annabell pulled into the parking lot across from Ericka’s house and turned the car off and grabbed the bag from the back seat and opened the door. She grabbed her purse and closed the door. As she was walking away she pushed the button on remote and locked the car. She walked across the street and headed up the stairs. She grabbed out the key she had been given when Ericka had first moved in, in case of emergencies. Annabell unlocked the door and walked in to see Ericka cooking dinner, she didn’t notice the time before but it was already 6:30.
“Oh my god.” Annabell said looking at Ericka.
“What?” Ericka asked worried then looking down at the bags asked “Where did you go?”
“Sam, he asked me out to dinner tonight at 8 and I said yes and ugh….” She said so excited. Then answered “Bebe.”
“Ooh. Sounds like you had a fun day shopping for Sam. Did you buy some laundre?” Ericka asked wiggling her eyebrows.
“No, I bought a cocktail dress and shoes.” Annabell said through her laughs.
“Oh darn. Sam will be disappointed.” Ericka said laughing with Annabell.
“Help me, I have to look perfect.” Annabell said pulling Ericka into the guest room.
“What about dinner? I have to get it ready for Jason.” Ericka pulled back once they got in the door.
“You and Jason should go out. That solves everything.” Annabell said smiling.
“Well then let me go put everything back. Your lucky I barely started.” Ericka said rolling her eyes.
Annabell headed into the bathroom and put on the new dress, the shoes, then grabbed out her jewelry box and found a necklace that was in the shape of a heart that Sam had bought her for their 6th month anniversary. Then grabbed out a chain heart bracelet that Sam had also gotten her for their 6th month anniversary.
“Oh my god. You look so beautiful.” Ericka said when she walked in.
“Really?” Annabell said before twirling in her dress.
“Yes. Absolutely.” Ericka said with her pearly white teeth showing.
“Help me do my make up?” Annabell asked already knowing the answer.
“Of course.” Ericka said sitting Annabell down at the vanity.
Ericka grabbed Annabell’s make up box and grabbed out the black and pink eye shadow for smoky eyes, she grabbed out the black, black eye liner, mascara, pressed primer, mineral powder, and brushes. She put the pressed powder on first and then over it the mineral powder. Annabell put on the mascara and eyeliner next because she had a fear of people getting to close to her eyes with utensils. Ericka put on her eye shadow, black on bottom and pink on top.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” Annabell said with the biggest smile on her face jumping up and down.
“Your welcome.” Ericka said.
“Honey!” Jason yelled from the living room.
“Coming.” Ericka yelled back.
Ericka walked into the living room “What?”
“I was just wondering where you were. Dinner almost done?” Jason asked going towards her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“I was helping Annabell for her date. And I think we should go out to eat tonight.” Ericka said back
“Who is she going out with?” Jason asked kind of worried because he was friends with Sam and didn’t want to see him get hurt.
“Oh you know this guy she met a few years back.” Ericka said deciding to make a joke.
“Who?” Jason said getting even more worried.
“Sam.” Annabell said after a few minutes without Ericka answering.
“Oh. Ok.” Jason said then asked “where we going for dinner?”
“Just the place around the corner that I never can pronounce.” Ericka said with a little laugh.
“Okay, let me go get ready.” Jason said heading back into their room. Ericka followed Jason to their room.
Annabell looked at the time and realized it was already 7:45 and knowing Sam he would be there early because he probably got ready at 5:00 and had to wait forever. She laughed to herself.
Annabell sat on the couch to wait. A few minutes went by and there was 6 knocks on the door.
“I’ll get it!” Annabell yelled.
She opened the door and there was Sam in a white collared button up
t-shirt, dark jeans, white and black Nikes, and a black jacket.
“Hey.” Sam looked astonished at Annabell.
“Hey.” Annabell looked at Sam up and down.
“You ready to get out of here?” Sam asked with a light smile on his face.
“Yeah.” Annabell answered with a shy smile back.
“I’m leaving! Bye!” Annabell yelled at Ericka and Jason, who were obviously doing more than getting ready in the room.
Annabell and Sam walked out the door and down the stairs. Sam opened the door to his black 2009/2010 convertible Camaro for Annabell. When Sam opened the drivers side door he noticed Annabell was already making her way to his CD’s and deciding what to listen to. She quickly found the album “The Black Parade” by My Chemical Romance and went to “Teenagers”. Sam looked over at Annabell and laughed a little then rolled his eyes, started his car and backed up and was on his way to the restaurant. Sam knew that she always changed it to “Teenagers when she got in his car just to put it in his face. He didn’t really know the reason, but he didn’t care. As they were on the way he asked her to put in “Danger Days - The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys" and quickly changed it to “S.I.N.G.” because it was his way of teasing her back.
They finally got to the restaurant and were seated at a table with a white and red cloth on top and a bouquet of roses on the side of the table closest to the window. Sam held the chair out for Annabell, then sat himself.
The waiter, a shaggy haired, 6 foot, guy with brown eyes and brown hair, gave us menus asked “Can I get you anything besides water?”
“Not at the moment maybe after we decide what we want.” Sam answered for them both, while Annabell was looking at the menu.
“Okay, I will give you a few minutes.” The waiter said as he was getting ready to walk away.
“Thank you.” we both said.
“Your welcome.” The waiter said as he started walking to another customer.
“What do you want?” Sam asked.
“I have no clue.” Annabell answered with wide eyes.
“Hmm… I think I’m going to have a steak. Maybe a Ribeye with mashed potatoes and white gravy.” Sam said still looking at the menu.
“Could I just share with you? And then get a side salad?” Annabell asked with a smile.
“Of course. Would you like to have a little bit of wine with your dinner?” Sam asked knowing how Annabell gets when she drinks wine.
“Sure. I haven’t drank in quite awhile.” Annabell said knowing what Sam was trying to do.
The waiter came over and asked “Have you guys decided what you want or do you need a few more minutes?”
“I think so.” Sam said looking at Annabell.
“Okay, what can I get you?” He asked after pulling his notepad out of his apron with a pen.
“A Ribeye medium rare?” Sam questioned Annabell.
“Yeah.” she agreed.
“Okay, what kind of potato would you like with that?”
“Mashed potato.” Sam said looking at Annabell to make sure.
“Okay, anything else?” He asked looking up from his notepad.
“Two side salads both with ranch dressing please.” Sam asked.
“Ok. And anything to drink?” The waiter asked to make sure.
“Yes bring us the best wine you have in here.” Sam looked up at him.
“What flavor would you like?”
“Red wine would be fine.” Sam said then lightly took Annabell’s menu and handed it to the waiter.
“Alright I will be right back with the salad.” He insured.
“Thank you.” they both said.
“Your welcome.” The waiter smiled at them both.
Annabell looked at the roses on the table and smelled the reddest plumpest one. “Mmm…”
“I had them especially ordered for you.” Sam said with a smile then shyly put his head down.
“But they were already here when we got here?” She said kind of confused.
“Yes, but I kind of already made reservations two months ago.” Sam admitted.
“What do you mean?” She said even more confused.
“Do you realize what day it is?” He asked with a smile on his face.
“Umm… I don’t know?” Annabell said kind of lost.
“It’s the first day we met.” Sam said grabbing something out of his pocket.
“Oh… umm… You remembered that?” Annabell asked shockingly.
“Of course I have remembered all the important dates.” Sam said with a light laugh.
“Here is your salads and wine.“ The waiter interrupted.
“Thank you.” They both hurried to say.
“Your welcome.” He said as he stepped to walk away.
“Oh my god.” Annabell almost started crying because it was such a happy shock.
“Come here.” Sam grabbed her hand as she stood when he moved the chair.
Annabell put her head on Sam’s shoulder while hugging him. She was so shocked and happy that he actually cared that she didn’t really know how to act on it.
“Are you okay?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, I just can’t believe you care this much.” Annabell said looking up at him.
“I do care and you need to know that.” Sam lightly grabbed her chin and kissed her.
As their lips split apart they started slowly eating the salads and drinking the wine. Annabell knew what was going to happen tonight and was happy.
“I’m gonna go use the restroom.” She stood up and told Sam.
When she got in the bathroom she texted Ericka.
“Hey I’m not going to be coming home tonight I’m going to stay with Sam. He just shocked me so bad. Today is the very first day we ever met and he really cares more than I thought. I’m gonna stay the night with him and see how it goes tonight and if all goes well then I will just stay and pick up all my stuff soon. Love you and thanks for your help.”
Ericka soon texted back “Aww… I’m so happy for you. And that’s no big deal anytime you need it I’m here. I always will be. And I hope everything goes absolutely perfect for you.”
“Thank you so much and I hope everything goes as it was before the not caring.” Annabell texted back then started for the door to go sit down with Sam again.
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Tell me what you think of it. Took a long while to actually figure out how I wanted it.