Tomorrow Never Comes

Life's a Rollercoaster

“Here is your guys’ food?” The waiter came with a bottle of wine to refill our glasses.
“Mmm….. Very good. Tell the cook he did an excellent job on the steak and everything.” Sam said as he took a bite of the steak.
“No problem.” The waiter said as he turned to walk away.
“So we going back to the house?” Annabell asked biting her lip.
“Do you want to?” Sam asked looking up at Annabell.
“Of course.” Annabell answered quickly.
“Then yes. Do you want dessert?” Sam asked.
“Dessert here or at the house?” She asked while licking her lips.
“How about both?” Sam said with a wink.
“Okay. What do you want?” Annabell asked.
“Well anything you want to do.” Sam answered in a confused tone.
“I meant what do you want here?” Annabell said with a light laugh.
“Oh. Umm… I want vanilla ice cream.” Sam said because vanilla ice cream was his favorite ice cream.
“I will have the same.” She smiled at Sam while rubbing arm.
“Are you guys still doing okay over here?” The waiter asked as he picked up the plates.
“Yes can we each get some vanilla ice cream please.” Annabell asked.
“Of course 1, 2, or 3 scoops?” He asked with a smile
“Three for him and two for me please.” Annabell answered with a laugh.
“Alright I will be right back with that.”
Annabell looked in Sam’s eyes then leaned in and kissed him. She felt his hand go in between her thighs. She grabbed his hand and said “Wait till we get home now.” With a smile as she bit her lip again.
“Ok ok…” Sam said rolling his eyes a little bit.
“Here you are.” The waiter said as he set the glass ice cream dish with the ice cream in them. “Can I get you anything else?” He asked to make sure we had everything we needed.
“I think we are good.” Sam answered.
“Okay here is your ticket when you are ready to pay.” The waiter said as he set the ticket in the middle of the table.
“Can I just pay you now?” Sam asked.
“If you want yes.” He answered.
“Here you go.” Sam said handing him a 50 dollar bill.
“Thank you.” He said grabbing the money to go to the register.
“How much are you gonna give him as a tip?” Annabell asked.
“Well the bill is almost $30 dollars. So I was gonna give him a ten. Why?” Sam asked squinting his eyes.
“Just wondering.” Annabell said with a smile as she put her hand on his thigh.
“Oh.” Sam said with a laugh as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“Here is your change back.” The waiter gave him a one, two fives, and a ten back.
“Here you go.” Sam said handing him a ten.
“Oh thank you!” The waiter said with a smile and wide eyes.
“Your welcome and you deserve it.” Sam said while he stood up. “Let’s get out of here babe Sam said holding his hand out for Annabell to grab on and stand up as well.
Sam and Annabell headed out the door. They went to the parking lot and got into Sam’s car.
“So your really gonna come home with me?” Sam asked to make sure it was what Annabell wanted.
“Yes. Unless you don’t want me to?” She said teasing him.
“Of course I want you to.” Sam said leaning in.
“Oh, why is that?” Annabell teased again while leaning in as well.
“Because I love you and your perfect.” Sam began.
Annabell licked her lips and kissed Sam. Sam and Annabell sat in the car for about ten minutes kissing. Annabell leaned back in the seat, “So we gonna get out of here?” Annabell asked.
Sam started up the car put it in reverse and backed up, he put it into drive and drove away.
Sam turned off the car when they got to the parking lot across from their house. He grabbed the key out of the ignition and opened the door, walked over to open Annabell’s door and grabbed her hand to help her out. Annabell leaned against the end of the car while Sam closed the door. He took a couple of steps toward her and she put her arms around his neck and he lightly put his hands around her waste. He bent down a little to let their lips meet. He picked her up bridal style and carried her to the door as they were still kissing. He set her down at the door to unlock it. He opened the door and lifter Annabell up once again. She didn’t kiss him again, she looked around first and noticed how happy she was to be back in her house with him. She got down from his arms and looked around a little. Then jumped up on him. She started kissing him intensely as he started heading towards the bedroom. The door was partially open so he nudged it with his foot, walked over to the bed and laid Annabell down as they were still kissing. They stopped kissing for a few to take off their shoes but as soon as they were done they went back into their intenseness.
As they were kissing on the bed while moving to the top Annabell started unbuttoning Sam’s shirt and then quickly took it off. After she took off his shirt he took off her dress. She quickly made it a game and took off his pants. He bit her lip a little with a tease knowing she loved biting. She hurried up and took off his boxers so he was naked before she was.
“That’s not fair.” Sam said in a teasing voice.
“Oh really? What is fair?” She said teasing back.
“Take off your clothes too.” Sam said going for her bra.
“How bout you take them off for me.” Annabell said lifting up her body so he could un strap her bra.
Sam took off her bra in a quick snap. Annabell looked up at him and bit her lip and lifted up her lower body so he could take her panties off as well. He took them off slowly, as another tease. She looked at him and they began kissing again. He slowly got on top of her as he started kissing and sucking on her neck. He slowly entered himself in her as she moaned. She grabbed a hold of his back and scratched as she moaned louder. She rolled over on top of him in cowgirl position. She bounced up and down on top of him till he rolled her over fighting for top position, as they always did. Annabell was a biter and a scratcher which turned on Sam. Annabell bit Sam’s ear, and as she did Sam grunted a little then began to go deep inside of her faster. Annabell kept moaning louder. Sam was even more turned on by her moaning and went faster and harder as Annabell’s nails dug into his back. Annabell was on birth control so they never worried about pregnancy. Sam released his load inside of her as they finished. Sam rolled over and Annabell put her head on top of his chest as they were both heavily breathing.
Annabell and Sam laid on the bed slowly falling asleep. When Annabell woke up Sam was gone. For a minute she started worrying and thought he just used her. She put her head in a pillow as she was trying to ignore everything.
“What are you doing sexy lady?” Sam asked while carrying a tray.
“Oh you’re here? What’s that?” Annabell said as she rose up to sit.
“Why wouldn’t I be here? And something for you.” Sam answered.
“I don’t know. Oh thank you!” Annabell said as Sam set the tray in front of her.
“Your welcome.” Sam said as he kissed Annabell.
On the tray was eggs toast hash browns and bacon, Sam’s favorite meal. Annabell didn’t even know Sam could really cook.
“Aren’t you having any?” Annabell asked.
“Oh yeah I forgot.” Sam said as he stood up to go to the kitchen.
Sam walked back in with a bouquet of pink roses, which meant appreciation grace and perfect happiness, a velvet looking box, and another box in the shape of a heart.
“Here.” Sam said as he handed the roses to Annabell first.
“What is all this for?” She asked as she started to smell the roses.
“You. You have done everything for me and I want to show you that I can give back.” Sam said as he grabbed the roses to set aside. Sam gave her the heart box with chocolates next and on the front it said “I LOVE YOU!”
“Aww… I love you too!” Annabell said as she set it off to the side to grab a hold of the black velvet box that Sam was holding out to her. When she opened it she seen a whole set of jewelry, ring, necklace, bracelet, and earrings. The ring was silver with a heart in the middle and a heart to each side with diamonds around to the bottom left going to the top right. The necklace was in a heart shape with four sapphires on the right side and the word “LOVE” to the left. The earrings were of three hearts and each heart was a sapphire with little round sapphires at the bottom of the heart either to left or the right. The bracelet with nine sapphires evenly around it.
“Oh my god!” Annabell said excitedly as she opened the velvet box.
“Do you like it?” Sam asked smiling.
“Of course!” Annabell answered then kissed Sam.
“Here.” Sam said grabbing the box and grabbing the ring out.
“Will you Annabell Marie Anderson renew your vows with me?” Sam said as he was on his knee.
“Yes!” Annabell answered as she attacked him to the floor.
They hugged, they kissed, they were back to the way they used to be before everything changed.
Sam shot a look at the clock and said “well are you ready for your next surprise?”
“There’s more?” Annabell said with a shocking look on her face.
“Of course there is more. Your worth more.” Sam said smiling.
“Aww. Thank you. You really go all out don’t you?” Annabell said as she shifted her body into his.
“Of course and your definitely worth all of it.” Sam said as he stood up grabbing a hold of Annabell’s hand to lift her up as well.
“So what’s next?” Annabell said as she went to the dresser to put on some clothes since she was still naked from the night before.
Annabell grabbed out a pair of tight bellbottom jeans, a black with lace thong, a matching bra, a backless tie white shirt that was a bit low cut, and a pair of flip flops. When she was done picking out what she was going to wear she went into the bathroom to take a shower. Sam went over to his dresser and grabbed whatever seemed to be at the top of the drawer. He grabbed a pair of baggy dark blue jeans, a white shirt with a button up collar. He put on his mixture of colognes and fixed his hair a little while looking in the mirror that was attached to the dresser. Now he sat on the bed waiting for Annabell to be finished.
A few minutes later Annabell walked out of the bathroom with her clothes on and her hair still wet. Annabell looked at Sam “So how should I do my hair for this event?”
“However you want it wont really matter.” Sam answered.
“Okay.” Annabell said as she walked back into the bathroom to blow dry her hair and put it up in a quick pony tail. A few minutes passed and she was done. She walked out of the bathroom and put on her flip flops. She went over to her vanity and put on some “sweet pea” body spray and took one last look at herself in the mirror before telling Sam she was ready.
“Finally.” Sam said as looking at his watch and laughing making fun of Annabell.
“Hey, I don’t take that long.” Annabell said as she rolled her tongue around in her mouth.
“Whatever, the next ice age would come in the amount of time it takes you to get ready.” Sam said jokingly.
“Oh, whatever.” Annabell said as she pushed on Sam’s shoulder.
“Alright, lets go.” Sam said putting his hand around Annabell’s waist and kissing her on the cheek.
Sam opened the door for Annabell and locked the black painted wooden door before closing it.
They walked down the stairs and walked on the sidewalk to get to the parking lot. Sam opened Annabell’s door to the black Camaro after Annabell sat and put both of her feet in the car Sam closed the door softly and walked around the car to the other door and got in. He looked at her and smiled.
“So are you going to tell me where we are going yet?” Annabell asked as she leaned over and put her chin on Sam’s shoulder.
“No, that wouldn’t be much of a surprise.” Sam said teasing her.
“Aww… That’s not fair.” Annabell said with a pouty face.
“You’ll get over it.” Sam said as he started the car and looked over at Annabell laughing.
“Fine.” Annabell said as she turned to the window and adjusted her body towards the window as well.
Sam looked at Annabell and rolled his eyes. All of a sudden the music came on blaring. They couldn’t even hear the song, it was so loud. Sam quickly went for the volume knob and turned it all the way down.
Annabell turned towards Sam with wide eyes.
“It’s okay.” she said laughing to herself.
About 40 minutes went by and they were finally there; Pomona county fair. Sam looked at Annabell “So is this place okay?”
“Oh my god. I love the fair here. It’s the best.” Annabell said as she leaned over to hug and kiss him.
“See told you it would be better as a surprise.” Sam said as he unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door.
Annabell was already two steps ahead of him. She unbuckled her seat belt as soon as they pulled up and was already out of the car after hugging and kissing him.
“Wait for me!” Sam yelled at Annabell.
Annabell stopped dead in her tracks looking back at him impatiently. “Well then hurry up.”
“Okay, calm down. It will still be here in two minutes.” Sam said as he shook his head.
“How do you know? The world could end right now.” Annabell said being a smart ass.
“Because I know.” Sam said grabbing a hold of Annabell’s waist.
“Oh do you now?” Annabell questioned while turning to him and kissing him gently.
“I do. I know all.” Sam said while Annabell wiggled as he was tickling her, trying to get his point across.
“No stop it, that’s not fair.” Annabell said trying to get away from him.
“Why isn’t it fair?” Sam said continuing.
“Because I love you.” Annabell said trying to distract him.
“That doesn’t make sense.” Sam said as he quit tickling her and gave her a funny face.
“I know. I was just trying to distract you. And it worked.” Annabell said as she stepped far away from him.
“Your gonna get it.” Sam said as he ran after Annabell.
“If you can catch me that is.” Annabell said as she zigzagged through people.
They ran and ran and ran till Annabell seen the rollercoaster. It looked so terrifying. She knew she had to ride it.
“Babe!” Annabell yelled deafeningly.
“What?” Sam shouted as he was headed over quickly.
A blonde in her mid 20’s or so, glared at Annabell and rolled her eyes as she looked over at Sam.
“What, bitch?” Annabell asked looking at her up and down.
“Excuse me?” The blonde twenty something year old asked.
“Yeah that’s right excuse you!” Annabell said as she got into the girls face.
“Bitch get the fuck out of my face!”
“What the fuck are you going to do about it?” Annabell said getting closer and shoving herself against the blonde.
“You wanna see what I’m gonna do?” The blonde said as she shoved Annabell.
“Bitch!” Annabell yelled as she went back. She flung herself forward and punched the blonde straight in the nose. The blonde went flying back on her ass.
Sam ran up and picked up Annabell so nothing else would happen.
“What are you doing?” Annabell said with a raised voice.
“I’m not letting you go to jail over some stupid slut.”
“Aww….. I love you!” Annabell said going in for a kiss.
“I love you too.” Sam said giving her a kiss while still holding her. “Do you really have to get in a fight today?” Sam asked.
“Did you not see the way she looked at me and rolled her eyes as if she was better than me?” Annabell said as she looked at Sam waiting for the right answer.
“No, I didn’t but still you shouldn’t be getting into fights over stupid shit like that anyway.” Sam said as he looked deeply in her eyes.
“So you ready?” Annabell asked giving a grin.
“Ready for what?” Sam asked looking puzzled.
“The rollercoaster of course.” Annabell said as she tried squirming out of Sam’s arms.
“Want me to let you go?” Sam asked flirtatiously.
“Yes!” Annabell said trying harder.
“I don’t know. Are you sure?” Sam asked again.
“Yes, I’m sure. Now let me go now.” Annabell said getting even more excited.
“Oh was that a command?” Sam asked not letting go of his grip on her.
“Yes, it was. I will beat you up if you don’t let go of me.” Annabell said raising her fist.
“Oh really?” Sam said holding up his right fist up to her much smaller fist.
“Yes!” Annabell said as she put her head in his face.
“Ok, at home we will finish this.” Sam said putting Annabell down.
As soon as Annabell was put down she ran grabbing a hold of Sam’s hand to pull him along with her. She stopped at the end of the line to a huge neon green and black rollercoaster.
“Look honey!” She yelled as if he was 50 feet away.
“Yeah. You excited to go on it?” Sam said behind her as he grabbed a hold of her waist.
“Of course!” She said as she looked up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for bringing me here, babe.”
“No problem. I know this is basically your favorite place ever and wanted you to have a great day.”
“This is my favorite place ever.” She said as she lowered her eyebrows down.
“What? I thought it was?” Sam said confused.
“No. In your arms is my favorite place ever.” Annabell said as she gave him a sweet and innocent smile.
Sam turned Annabell towards him and gave her a kiss. “I love you.” he said as they parted their lips.
“I love you too.” Annabell said as she turned around rocked her hips back and forth listening to the obnoxiously loud music to the left of them.
As they went to the car to leave Sam put Annabell up to the car and kissed her. He held her waist and kept kissing. Annabell put her arms around Sam “Let’s get out of here what do ya say?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I just didn't really know exactly how I wanted to end the chapter. Tell me how I did in a comment or message. Thanks for reading to everyone.