

Andy is such a bullshitter. He couldn't make it to school today because he "tripped over his mother's shoes" and "sprained his ankle" even though he was fine yesterday and spend the entire day bitching about how he was dreading today because he had homework due in each of his classes as well as a test and he hadn't done any of them. Not only did that tell me that he hadn't sprained his ankle but also the fact that I knew him too well to believe any bullshit that comes from his mouth, no matter whether it sounds genuine or not. Which, this doesn't sound a single bit genuine and yet he expects me to be a complete knob and accept it for the day. I could have except for the fact he only told me after he knew I'd gotten into school.

As he decided to let me know after I'd gotten into school, I couldn't skip the day like I normally would have. This meant that there was a possibility that someone would try and talk to me today, just because I would be alone. Everyone tended to steer clear of us when we were together, mostly because we're bad influences on each other and would just take the piss of whoever was talking which never goes down well, especially if it's a chick. It was also the fact that a lot of people thought Andy was one of "those" boys, even though I'm not quite sure what they're supposed to be like. I mean, I'm just as bad as him and yet they don't go out of their way to avoid me like they do him. It's probably to do with my parents. Everyone loves them.

The morning went excruciatingly slow despite the fact that I was left alone and I spent my classes doing what I normally do of not paying attention because I probably knew it already. I find being in high school a complete and utter joke because most of the students don't want to be in the class so that doesn't make a good atmosphere to learn in. It's why I do most of my work when I'm off travelling with my parents compared to when I'm actually in a room surrounded by twenty other people my age who annoy the shit out of me. And my mother tried to tell me that I'm not a people person. It's not like she would know as she's not in this fucking school with me.

At lunch I sat at the normal table Andy and I would sit at together and stabbed at my salad, pretending that it was Andy to get my resentment out for him ditching me. I had just stabbed at a tomato and bit it off my fork when a girl in my English class – whose name escaped me – came over to the table and sat down opposite me. I looked at her slowly before swallowing my mouthful.

"Can I help you?" I asked. Lunch is normally a quiet occurrence even if Andy isn't here so this was not welcome at all.

She tapped her fingers on the table which was annoying as fuck. "You know that the dance is tonight, I was wondering whether you'd go with me?"

I choked on my mouthful of food, leaning over my salad bowl and spitting the food into it. Putting the lid back on it and chucking it into the bin on the table, I then proceeded to look back at her. "You want to go to the dance tonight...with me?" I said tentatively, not quite sure what to make of her words. They didn't sound like a joke but no one has ever asked that before and I'd never gone to a school dance before, either. They were fucking lame and I preferred to get high with Andy. And it's not like I wanted to be associated with girls that lived near me because that was just not fun at all.

"Uh, yeah. It could be fun, Gabe," she said. When the fuck did she get permission to call me Gabe? No one called me Gabe that I didn't know. It was Gabriel or nothing.

"Is there a dress code?"

She broke into a smile. "No, no, just jeans and maybe a shirt."

"I don't know where you live." Please take back this request. Dear fucking God, please.

She waved her hand and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I know where you live. I'll knock for you at like five, okay? My dad's offered to take me. I'm so glad you said yes!" She leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek before standing up from her chair and going back over to her table. I waited until she'd sat down and was distracted before I wiped the kiss from my cheek.

"Fuck, she was forward," I muttered before standing up from the table and leaving the canteen. After that, the day seemed to go by so quickly and by the time it was five, I'd run out of options and excuses to get out of this dance. I had thought that I could just tell her that I couldn't go with her but then her father's out the front and my mother's in the house so that probably wouldn't go too well. I knew that spinning some bullshit about coming down with the flu or something wouldn't work, especially not this late into the whole invitation, which meant that I was fucking screwed.

I was just about to phone Andy to verbally abuse him when there was a knock at the door. I swore to myself before putting the phone back, calling out that I was getting the door and going towards the door. The girl stood there in a skirt and top which looked a tad bit fancier than what she'd told me to wear.

"Hey, Gabe!" she smiled at me enthusiastically.

"Uh, hi," I mumbled back as I stepped out of the house and closed the door. I didn't even know her name so I was hoping either she or her father would provide me with it. We climbed into the idling car where her father turned around in his seat and looked at me.

"You're the Stephen's kid, aren't you?" he asked, although I had the feeling that even if I denied it he wouldn't have believed me. I nodded. "I hear you're on course to graduate high school early?"

"Uh, yes. Sir," I quickly added that onto the end, just to be on the safe side.

He nodded before turning back and driving away. "You picked a good kid, Julie," he complimented. I didn't know whether to accept that as a good thing or a bad thing but at least he gave me her name.

The test of the ride went by without any more conversation, thankfully, but before I knew it we were at the school and heading towards the dance. Just before getting too close to the door, I pulled away from Julie. "I just have to make a call to my mum, I didn't tell her I was going," I told her. "Give me two seconds. I'll come find you."

"Okay," she smiled before heading inside. I instantly let out a long breath before moving away from the building and taking out the flask I put in my pocket. I glanced around quickly before taking a long swig of the content and recapping it straight away. Fuck, I'm glad I brought this with me. I haven't even been into the dance yet and I fucking hate it. It's all Andy's fault that I'm even here and I'm going to make sure that he knows that it's his fault.

Fucking prick