

Purple, it was the colour of my dress and I was wearing it for the first time. It matched my un-made up eye, as I have been taking a lot of beatings, obviously Grey doesn't know, I hide it from him all the time. The dress was the kind that the popular girls always owned in those teen angst films, with a built in bra (just fantastic for the minimal support style), which was hidden by the other areas of the bodice, it had silver glitter from the left top side spraying out evenly all over. I much preferred the mid length flowing material that had silver glitter rising up from the bottom - I would have preferred arms.
Today was the day of the school dance, it was a sunny Friday in California. Perfect for the formal dance.

I sighed as I took of my dress to change in to a green long sleeved top and black jeans. I was a little bit down that my best friend wouldn't be there this time. Just a little. Honest. I'm happy she's happy! I can't possibly feel in anyway bad...enter next cliché here. They decided on going out with the rest of the family. So 'Dad' and his girlfriend -with another funny name- would meet Reni's parents formally...and her brothers, but I was not invited. Instead I was asked by Dylan and Stephan to go to the dance. I was to turn up wearing a certain colour to show which one had a date for the night.

Obviously it was Stephan! He had recently been told he was going to be moving over to Toronto, Ontario, Canada- by himself. I asked if he needed someone to keep him company after I had finished school and I could totally get into the University over in that area, so we could hang out as friends if not more than that.

*BUZZ* My phone moved around, trying to catch my attention with desperation.

"Hello?" I answered, having not read the caller ID I didn't know what to expect.

"Hi Di, it's me Dylan!" For some reason I knew he had a smile on his face and that he had an evil plan to go with it.

"What do you want?" I asked rolling off my bed to get up and walk while I talk.

"Haven't you seen Facebook? Stephan is planning on going with Kelsey! Apparently he's always felt that way for her and he's going to live with her in Canada next year. Crazy right?"

I rushed to my laptop to check facebook. Dylan wasn't lying, which I guessed he wouldn't be, after his brief rehab visit they got him through the dishonest patch, he even visited me in hospital when I 'fell down the stairs'...I am the best liar! My stories can't be broken. It's sad that I'm not joking, I could probably give Reni a red pen and convince her I saw it as blue.

"Well, my dress is purple, so I don't know what we are going to do." I answered back clearly and with as little emotion as possible.

"Well [he said this mocking me slightly], I do have a deep purple top and silver tie. That could work right?" He asked, the hopefulness attacked my mind and I gave into him.

"Awesome, I will just grab some silver shoes instead of black and my dress has silver on anyway." I stated and hesitated a moment, "What time do you want to pick me up?"

"It's four now, so in two hours at six."

"Sounds great."

"Good, see you then." Then he ended the call.

I decided it was best to get ready right now and grabbed the silver shoes and headed to the bathroom - dropping my shoes next to my dress.

All the bruises were covered and I had all my things ready to leave, just in time as I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Dylan standing, looking smart. His newly bleached hair did look great as it flopped in-front of his face.

"Tell me I don't look like Draco from Harry Potter?" He smirked.

"No, you look fabulous!" I winked and moved out of the door, swiftly following Dylan towards his black car slick car.

The dance was just packed with people, I didn't even see Stephan or Kelsey, it was a sea of faces that I noticed from various places but couldn't quite put my finger on where.

-After the Dance-

I sat in Dylan's car as he slowly drove me home. The street lights illuminated the empty road as we silently drove into the thriving darkness ahead. Dylan pulled over. I looked at him questioningly.

"Look, other people may not notice it by I do." He looked at me with saddened eyes, "At the dance you looked at you arm and literally smudged part of it to cover a blue fade. I know you have so many bruises, I can tell you are wearing more make-up on your eyes. I can see it."

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. My mind wouldn't function and I couldn't think at all.

"It's okay." Dylan reached across and hugged me, "I can help you now."

"I don't want to go back there tonight." was all I could force out.
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This is kind of short and I have taken it in a different direction I think, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy typing it :)