

Sometime within the day I was expecting a phonecall from my father. I didn't know when he'd bother to make the call but I knew that before I went to bed I'd receive a phonecall off of him that would probably last two minutes before I hung up on him. The reason why I figured I'd probably end up hanging up on him is because of the letter that I sent him a few days ago that he surely would have received today.

If I were being honest, I don't think he would have appreciated the letter too much even if it hadn't have contained what it does. Since the marriage to his wife, he hasn't really wanted anything to do with me in his house, and that would have been fine with me if he'd have let me go live with my mother as soon as that happened – but of course, just to spite her and I, he didn't. The sad thing was that it wasn't even his wife that was making him act this way towards me – sure, I do think he listens to her far more than he should do, but never when it comes to me, his first daughter. She decided to not have any role in my life if I did not want her to, something which I do like about her.

Surprisingly, my father didn't phone me until that evening when both Rachel and I were back in our dorm and she was painting her nails on her bed while talking about a boy back home that she had been infatuated with for five years. Nothing happened with the infatuation other than her becoming a recluse in her room to cyber-stalk him and him moving out of state to go and live with his grandparents after his mother went to prison.

I looked at my phone and motioned to her to be quiet before I answered. "What?"

"I think you're forgetting that I am your father, Louise." He was pissed, I could tell. The letter obviously didn't please him in the slightest, which I didn't expect it to because I was honest with him and people like my father don't like it when honesty portrays them in a bad light.

"And I think you're forgetting that I'm your daughter and I have feelings," I countered, rolling my eyes at Rachel as I did. She made a gun sign with his fingers and placed it to her temple which made me grin and nod.

I could hear him breathing heavily down the line, a sign that he was attempting to calm himself down before speaking again. It wouldn't matter anyway because whatever he says I probably won't like and whatever I say he won't like either, and if I honestly cared about that in the first place I would have never wrote the letter out and sent it to him. Some people I know would have told me not to write the letter because he's my father and I should just accept what he does for that reason, but most of those people belong to my family and of course none of them are from my mother's side because when my father got full custody of me when he and my mother split up, he stopped them from seeing me which was something he had every right to do as the documented guardian.

Just as I was about to hang up, he spoke. "I swear to god, Louise. You are really testing me. I'm sorry that you feel that I'm against you but the truth is that you're the only one who's against me and there's only so much I can do to keep our family a calm dynamic – please, tell me, what good did it bring you to accuse your Uncle Gary of what you did? Then explain to me why you felt the need to act like you did and cause so much trouble that I had to send you away for any good to come of action being taken."

"Woah, "our" family? No, she is your wife and they are your children. I've told you before that they are nothing to do with me," I spat. Clearly, he hadn't read my letter properly - either that or he did but still didn't believe me. "And you know what? Forget what I said about him. Not like you'd believe me because guess what – I'm the devil in the family according to you and your parents and everyone else so even if you could comprehend for a second just why I would have confided in you what I did, you still wouldn't take any notice because you never do."

Rachel was staring at me in shock, not having heard me speak to my father like this. Sure, she's heard me express my hatred for him but she hadn't been present when I've spoken to him so she's never seen how our relationship is at this point in my life – which, by the way, doesn't exist because he's just someone whom I'm unfortunately related to via blood and not someone who I ever want to see again, which is why I'm heading to my mother's house when school lets out next week. And even if he somehow managed to get me away from her, I would just run away and not be forced to live with him because life on the street would be better than living in the same house as him, something which more people would call me stupid over. After all, a roof over your head and a warm bed is supposed to make you love the person you live with even if they treat you terribly and are more concerned about how they're thought of than their own child's happiness.

"I will not be disrespected by my own daughter!" he seethed. "Just wait until you get back here because you're in so much trouble."

I sighed. "Well, don't wait up," I told him before hanging up the phone and tossing it on my bed. I looked back at Rachel.

"I would never speak like that to my parents!" she gasped. "I'd get in so much trouble if I even thought about speaking in a tone like that to them."

What she and other people don't get is that I don't like being this way towards my father, but sometimes you just can no longer be nice and obedient to the people who are supposed to be there for you no matter what. I would love to have my old relationship with my father back but the person I had that relationship with doesn't seem to exist any more. But I guess this is my life and I got dealt parents who were great to begin with but then just slowly went downhill until they reached rock bottom.