

"Shit, shit, shit!" I shouted, flapping my arm about to extinguish the flame. "Andy, you knob!"

Andy was currently leaning against the wall, laughing his arse off like this was the funniest thing in the world. He didn't even smoke in the first place so I don't know why he brought a packet of cigarettes out and decided to make a dick of himself and drop it on me.

I shoved my arm against the wall, scraping it up and down to put out the flame. Luckily it worked but only after burning a hole in my jumper and singeing the hairs on my arm. I liked this jumper because it was one of them ones that I got from China when I went at the end of last month. I wasn't insanely into fashion like some guys I know but I didn't want to look a mess like Andy did most of the time, but to be fair I've never known him to care about how he looked or his personal hygiene, not even when he was a kid.

"You're such a dick," I muttered, shoving him as I left the area of the park we were hanging out in.

After catching his breath from laughing so much, he followed. "Dude, I didn't mean it. But you gotta admit, that was some funny shit. I should have caught it on camera."

"And then you would have had my fist in your face."

He laughed again and shoved my head. "Yeah, alright," he mocked.

We carried on walking back to my house, me still occasionally brushing the burnt hole in my jumper and him going off about Karina again. I'm going to have to bin this when I get in but not in front of my mum because I don't think she'd think too much of Andy if she found out that he'd been the one to ruin it, much less that he'd ruined it by smoking. Of course it doesn't really matter to me what she thinks of Andy but still, I have the knowledge of her dislike for him so it's not like I was going to purposely make it worse.

Just as we got to my road, I grabbed Andy's arm and turned down the wrong road in a hurry. "Dude, you live that way," he said, pointing down the road I'd just avoided.

"That Julie chick is down the road. Do you know how much of a stalker she is?" I exclaimed, rubbing my head as if that would prevent a headache from coming.

"Isn't she the one that fantasises about being Mrs. Gabriel Stephens?" he asked, but I knew what he was doing so I punched his arm. "Ouch, dude, I was just saying!"

Since taking her to the dance that she asked me to, she tried to talk to me when we were still in school, something that didn't go too well because Andy didn't take another day off and I don't talk to other people because I'm an "ignorant fuck" in their eyes whenever Andy's around, but that's just because I know I would take the piss out of them if they attempted to talk to me because Andy just had that influence. It wasn't a bad influence in my eyes but according to everyone else, it was. But now that we were on summer, she's knocked for me at least four times while I've been in bed and about seven time while I've been out with Andy, thankfully. It's not like I know when she'll decide to knock but for some reason my mum seemed to think I was avoiding Julie, which I of course was but just not in the way she thought I was.

I don't even know why she bothered to knock for me because I barely stayed with her at the dance, something which she should have grasped as me not wanting to be with her. There wasn't even anything bad about her, in all honesty, except for this persistence and her forwardness, not to mention the fact that she lives in the same area as me. I do not go out with girls from where I live because it's easier to strike up something with a foreign girl because it's less drama and they know it'll never be anything serious compared to a girl I went to school with thinking that it could possibly lead somewhere.

We walked around the block before coming back to my road and it being clear. "She's getting to be a problem," I told Andy.

"At least you didn't sleep with her sister."

"Would help if she had a sister," I sighed. "At least then I could do something that would stop her being obsessed with me."

Andy snorted. "You could kill her dog and I still think that girl would be obsessed with you."

"Does she have a dog?" I pondered as we reached my house.

"I gotta go now, Gabe. My dad's coming round and I have to be the one to stop my mother killing him," he told me, waving me off as he continued down the road.

After waving after him, I turned and headed into my house. Noticing the note by the door, I realised that I'd just missed both my parents and Julie because they wrote that she'd knocked and asked whether she could come for dinner one day this week and that they had to pop to my mum's dad's house for a bit. I already knew what my answer was going to be for the dinner message. There was no way she was going to come into the house and talk with my family when she's nothing to me. Sure, I went to a dance with her but a dance does not mean I'm going to bloody marry the girl when we're older.

When I told Andy that I had problems with her, not even I knew that it was as bad as her trying to invite herself around for dinner. That's just beyond the line of being creepy.

It's all Andy's fault, that idiot.