

One thing that I loved about living with my mother for these past few weeks was the fact that I could go out and actually have a good time with people whom I had struck up conversations with around the area. My father so far hasn't tried to force me to go back to his house, instead telling my mother that I could stay with him until the boarding school started up again because I have to continue going there. That decision pleased me so much but I didn't talk to my father about it, just in case I changed his mind. If I'm honest, I think it was because I told him that I hated him, something which my mother doesn't know I said and isn't going to find out that I said.

So since I've gotten to know some boys around here, I've taken advantage of my mother working. Of course it's been with the same boy because I don't think I could sleep at night with the knowledge that I'd slept with several different boys within the course of a week, but pretty much everytime she's gone to work I've called the boy over and we've used my bedroom. His name's Sam and I think we both knew that this relationship we have will probably only been physical.

However, near the end of August I found myself with a problem: my period hadn't come. So, naturally, I phoned Sam up and he went and robbed a pregnancy test from a shop before coming over to mine and giving it to me. We weren't worried because the chances of me being pregnant were slim but we had to know whether there was an actual problem that we had to deal with.

While he sat downstairs, I went into the bathroom and done the test. My mother was at work today, like usual, so this would never have to be known to her because I wasn't stupid and the test would not be going anywhere near my bin or in any bin that exists within the house, no matter the results. It was also safe to say that my father would never be hearing of this either because I would never admit something like this to him – not even if it ended up being just a scare – nor would I want him to find out and then feel the need to have a go at my mother, me and Sam all for the situation that had nothing to do with my mother and mostly to do with the fact that he didn't like to wear a condom, no matter how safe they tended to be.

When I'd done the test, I washed my hands and brought it down to him. He looked slightly pale the whole time we were waiting for the result. When it appeared, I saw the colour slowly come back to his face.

"Don't scare me like that again, Louise," he hissed, rubbing his hand over his face in happiness.

I popped it back in the box and placed it on the table. "Start wearing condoms then," I said bluntly.

"Now? I think I have some in my wallet."

I shook my head and pointed to the box. "Get rid of that first – somewhere far away from this house so that no one knows we had one – then check your wallet first. I don't want to have to piss on a stick again, Sam."

He nodded, stood up and shoved the box in his pocket before telling me he'd be around ten minutes then left. After a moment or so just listening to the silence of the house, I put my head in my hands and let out a long sigh of relief. I knew it was a problem that I had just taken a pregnancy test, and I also knew that if my father ever found out that I took one under my mother's care, I would never see her again until I was old enough for him to no longer have to legally provide for.

When I lived with him, I was almost constantly grounded because of how I acted towards him which ultimately stopped me having any real relationship with anyone. That eliminated any chance of a scare like this, but now that I'm here with my mother who works most of the time and allows me to live happily, I was free to make my own choices and my own mistakes. Of course, if I'd ended up being pregnant I would have aborted it – there's no question to Sam's agreement with that – but it was his fault in the first place because he's the one who said that he had no need to wear a condom.

Lifting my head from my hands, I stood from my seat and decided to occupy myself with tidying the sitting room from the mess I'd left it in. As I was putting the plates in the dishwasher, the door went which ended up being Sam, back from buying condoms and disposing of the box. He stood in the kitchen doorway as I finished stacking the dirty cutlery. The kitchen was the place where even my mother didn't bother tidying up every day, but that was mostly because she worked so much. Sure, the sitting room stayed tidy the most but that was because we were almost always in there and we both knew to put things back where they were, which ended up mostly being the cushions whenever they fell onto the floor. So I wasn't just stacking today's mess but rather the last week's mess, but I didn't mind. It gave me some time to think about what had just happened even though Sam was standing in the doorway, watching me while he waited for me to finish.

"This doesn't change anything, right?" he said after a while, taking my attention from the knives in my hand.

"What?" I asked.

He waved his hand about. "What's just happened. The test. It doesn't change anything."

"I know."