

As far as I could tell things were going well. As Grey already had his little apartment and the house was way too big for me to live in alone so I had packed up and moved into an apartment that was equal walking distance between work and School, which was great. The house was sold off to some new family and I took 50% of the profit as Grey had the rest. Which was now the basis of my savings. Turns out neither Dylan or Coal wanted to talk to one another so nothing damaging was said. Obviously everyone was a little worried about my health and mental state, but as far as I could tell everything up there seemed okay and apart from my broken arm (luckily the left, otherwise I wouldn't've been able to sign myself out) I was perfectly fine.

Although I was insisting I was fine both Coal and Dylan wanted to live with me, I told them I only had one spare room. Which is when things didn't go so well, as they both turned up at my new apartment to help me unpack.

"That's fine, me and you can share a bed." Dylan suggested, glancing at Coal - who reacted a little late.

"What?" It was a simple question with a simple answer - only not so simple because both thought they were dating me, even though neither had actually asked. Oh well. "I think it would be better if I shared with Di."

"You don't understand, me and Di are kinda going out." Dylan laughed a little, "Besides, you're gay."

"I'm bi actually, and I think I am dating Di."

Before they had the chance to fight about it I stopped them, "Neither of you asked, therefore everyone here is single. Which is great right?"

Both of them just gave me a look and left, Coal looked back to shake his head at me and then left after Dylan. At least I wouldn't have anyone bothering me. Sighing I unpacked a few boxes and moved the items in to the correct place. I was able to furnish the apartment with basics from a few shops downtown.

My phone began ringing, it was Grey, "What's up Grey?"

"I think I need to see you." His voice seemed empty and I could imagine the vacant look on his face, something wasn't right, "Are you at the apartment now?"

"Yes, where are you?" I asked, trying to sound up-beat as to bring him up.

"About a ten minute walk away, I'll be there soon." He hung up on me.

Ten minutes later Grey arrived and told me I better sit down. I thought that the news might've been about our father's court case or sentence or something. I wish it was.

"Dad told me you had to know something and that it would be in a letter with your first Baby picture," Grey stated, not looking at me.

I could see the envelope now, it's almost like I hadn't even noticed it before. Like my perception was bent and I just wasn't looking in the right places. Now I couldn't look away from it.

"The picture," Grey began, flipping it over, "is of you being born. It's not Mom. Well not mine anyway."

"What?" I quickly moved closer to him and stared at the picture he held in his hand, "But there's three babies, when Mom had me I was alone right?"

"This letter is from your real Mom, the one who birthed you. There's no name just tells you that she gave you and your brother and sister up for adoption when you were born and she's sorry for it." Grey looked as though he was a zombie and would collapse at any moment.

"It must be some mistake. Why would they adopt me? They had you anyway." That's when it hit me.

My adoptive mother had actually been unable to conceive up until Grey; they said it was a miracle. She was on too many pills to have another child after that and she couldn't cope with the stress it brought her. There really was no way she could have had two children especially with the small gap between our birthdays.

"I'm sorry Diamond." Grey finally looked at me and put the items on a box I was using as a table, "I don't know what to say."

"I'll be fine. I mean it makes sense, I was never loved by Dad and Mom was on way too many pills to even think of having another child." I became as much of a Zombie as Grey, then I perked up, "That means I could have an entire family out there somewhere. Another brother and a sister too. Maybe I will never find them but it's a great excuse for a road trip. Maybe not anytime soon but what about summer. We could do it together."

Grey gradually managed a smile and looked at me, "Even now you have a new family you want to keep me?"

"You are my brother. Maybe not blood but we grew up together and we shouldn't split because of that." I smiled back and tried to keep all my thoughts from turning bad, "Now get back to Reni she'll be worried sick!"

I let Grey out and sat down to stare at the picture of my real Mother holding me and smiling as if this was the best day of her life. I can't imagine what may have happened. Maybe something terrible or maybe she just couldn't cope with triplets, I wonder if she kept one of us and what happened to the others?

Where were my siblings? What are their names? Are they still in America? Do they know? Am I the only one? Are they still alive?

I was only broken out of this trance by a cough coming from the door. It was Dylan and Coal. Both looking kind of ashamed.

"We know." Dylan's voice was clear and he nudged Coal.

"And we are sorry about everything. We also forgive you," he said with perfect rhythm, they had obviously practised this, "Grey told us about the adoptive side of things."

There was a moment of silence, "Well yeah, but that just means I'm not related to the cruel being who broke my arm and I have more family somewhere. I'm a triplet!"

We all decided Coal should occupy the spare room. Although that wasn't the issue on my mind.

Where are my siblings?