Status: I have Writer's Block-Honestly

Falling for You

Tom to the rescue

I woke up the next morning by Tom shaking me. I looked up to see him staring at me"Hey,"
“Hi,” I said sitting up slightly.
"We uh, we need to talk."
I felt my stomach drop.
"About what?" I asked scooting over a little.
"Well last night, you told me something that I'm really worried about."
I was confused, I didn't remember anything after we fucked. I stayed silent and waited for him to finish.
"You told that your dad...Mina is he hitting you?"He asked softly.
I pulled my knees up to my chest, I didn't want to lie to him, so I simply nodded my head.
"Kiro too?"
I nodded again and he hugged me.
"You're not going back home,"
"Tom I cant-" I started.
"Look," He said holding onto my shoulders."We've been friends for as long as I can remember, I think of you as a little sister that I have to protect, just like I protect Bill, and when you told me the stuff you did last night-I don't want you going through that anymore."
"Tom," I said moving away from him, "I'm fine, you just don't understand. Kiro and my dad love me-"
"We love you too, You don't see us hurting you like that." He said stroking my face.
"I know you guys love me, you're my best friends, but I need something more than that."I turned my face, "Kiro loves me Tom, and now that Bill's done with me...I have nothing."
He looked at me, "You're done with Kiro. I called him already, and Jost is talking to your dad today. You're coming in tour with us."
"Tom!" I said standing up, "You can't just fuck with my life like that,"
"It's the only way we can make sure you're safe."
"Safe? Tom I'm fine and now I'm going home." I said walking out the door.
He pulled me back into a kiss, I felt myself become weak in the knees.
"Please, come with us..."
I nodded and kissed him again.
"Hey Tom you need to-"
We quickly pulled apart and saw Georg standing in the doorway. I hoped he didn't see anything.
"You need to get packed,"He continued, and then he walked out.
"So what about Bill?" I asked putting my arms around Tom's neck.
"Well...he's not exactly thrilled about the idea." He put his large hands on my hips.
I sighed,
"Don't worry about Bill," He said placing a hand on my face.
I put on a fake smile and he walked over to his bags, which were packed and ready to go.
"I'll be right back,"
Tom left and I sat on the bed, I fell back and stared at the ceiling until my cell phone rang. I picked it up and nervously answered.
"So you think your friends can scare me off?" Kiro's voice said on the other line.
"No! I didn't know he-"
"Don't fucking lie to me, I'm coming back and when I get a hold if you-"
"Kiro please let me explain,"
"Don't bother.I'll see you soon baby."
I hung up the phone and ran out of the room to find Tom, bumping into him in the hall.
"Mina what's wrong?" The worry in his eyes was somehow soothing.
"Kiro..he called," I said holding onto his oversized white shirt.
She looked so worried, I knew I had to get he out of there as soon as possible.
"It's okay, as long as you're with me he won't get near you."I said pulling her close to me.
"Come on, we need to leave." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders and walking her down to the car.
"Aren't you gonna wait for Bill?"
"He's riding with Georg and Gustav,"
"Tom I'm scared, what if Kiro or my dad finds me?" She said looking out the window.
"Trust me, they won't."
She turned to me, "You're amazing Tom," She said smiling.
I smiled back. It still amazes me that she looked so beautiful that early.
I reached over and touched her arm.
"Tom,"She said smiling.
"What?" I said innocently grazing her chest.
"We can't do it in the back of a limo Tom." She said pushing my hand away.
"Mr.Kaulitz its gonna be about another hour until we're at the airport."
"Thank you." I said letting the black window up.
"Tomi..." She asked raising an eyebrow.
I leaned over and kissed her on the neck. She moaned lowly and ran her fingers through my dreads.
I felt the hand land between my legs and pull the zipper down.Rubbing me through my underwear, she looked up at me and smiled.
My hand rested on her thigh and up.
"How could Tom do this?" I said to Gustav and a sleeping Georg.
"Maybe he knows you aren't that upset."
"But I am..."
"So you're really willing to throw away 14 years of friendship over nothing?"
I nodded.
"Wow Bill, that's just...that's just sad." He said pulling his glasses off and putting them on his pocket.
I got my phone out and called Tom. He must've been sleeping because he didn't pick up.
I sighed and looked out the window thinking that this ride would be so much more fun with Mina.
"Bill come on!" Mina called from the top of the hill.
It was my 13th birthday and I had spent it with Mina, Tom, Georg , Gustav, and all of our parents, but Mina and I ran off.
"I'm going as fast as I can," I said out of breath.
By the time I reached the top of the tall hill I was so tired that I just collapsed on the blanket.
"Finally," She said smiling widely.
I sat up and sat cross-legged next to her. Her brown hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail and she wasn't wearing any makeup. She wrapped the thin blanket around me and smiled.
"I love watching the sunset with you Billa."She said resting her head on my shoulder. The whisper of vanilla kissed my nose and she grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together.
"I love watching it too,"
"It's so pretty, not as pretty as you though."
"Boys aren't supposed to be pretty."
"Well...I think you're pretty Bill." She repeated.
I smiled at her and she kissed my cheek.
"What was that for?"I asked knowing my cheeks were reddening.
"For being you," She said grinning.
"Mina, Bill, it's time to go!" Her mom called from down below.
We both go up,
"Sit by me in the car okay,"
I nodded,
"Race you to the bottom!" She said getting a head start.
♠ ♠ ♠
The only way to get rid of writers block is to write right?