Status: Active

Saving Someone

The Forgotten


I once read a quote about love and it being sort of like a candle. I don't exactly remember how or why I came across it, but if my memory served me correctly the saying said "Love is like an eternal flame, once it is lit, it will continue to burn for all time".

For my whole high school life, and up into my early twenties I actually believed this quote was the truth. It was almost like a motto for me. Everyday I would wake up and never even doubt the love I had for her.

Looking back, I couldn't believe how foolish I was as a teenager. I had this idea in my head that everything would always be okay. No matter what, it would always be just me and her taking on the world. Sometimes I even wondered if things were just an ounce different, maybe I wouldnt be here, and she would still be with me.

Instead I was alone. Sitting at an empty bar on a Wednesday night while drowning myself in alcohol. It was basically a daily lifestyle now. Every since that terrible day. The day I lost the love of my life to something that was worse than death itself. Memory loss.

The one girl I had ever loved with all my heart. My best friend, my other half, the love of my life. Was gone. Maybe not physically, but mentally she was gone. She didn't even remember me. She remembered nothing in fact. Except that she had two brothers and loving parents, but nothing else.

So her parents sent her off to god only knows where, and of course no one would tell me where. Something about 'running after her'. Apparently it's not acceptable for someone's boyfriend to go after them and help them figure out there life.

That was what I felt was my whole purpose in life. To help her, to be there for her, to support her. That was exactly why I was going to propose. She wasn't suppose to get in the accident. She was suppose to show up, annoyed at me. Then find out what I had planned, and agree to marry me.

I was not suppose to be here. She was not suppose to be gone. She was suppose to be with me. We were supposed to be married by now. She was supposed to know everything about her past. We were suppose to be together forever, just like we had always planned. This wasn't suppose to happen.

But it did, and that was the cold hard truth. It wasn't like I could run from it. I couldn't run from anything that even remotely involved her. Like this god forsaken place, called a bar. Every where I looked I remember something about her, or something we did together here.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you, doing here all by herself?" I asked, smirking at the brunette, as I sat down next to her.

"Oh, aren't you funny, Kenny?" Quinn smirked, tossing back the drink in her hand. "What took you so god damn long anyway?" she questioned, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Well I went to go meet up with you at a bar, like you said. But you know, it's funny. You never did say which bar it was in the city." I laughed, ordering myself a whiskey.

"Hey, in my defense, I figured you would have known right away which bar I was at." she chuckled, looking over her shoulder at the dance floor.

"Oh right. Because I knew you were going to be at a bar, neither of us have ever been too."

"Dance with me." I only laughed, allowing the blonde bombshell to drag me to the dance floor, a place she knew I hated. The music switched to a loud, Britney Spears song, and Quinn began to dance with me, the alcohol already taking over the petite girl. Her tatoos were peaking out from under her shirt, and her short shorts showed off her killer legs. She looked hot tonight, and I wasn't the only guy in the room to notice. Luckily for me, I would be the only one taking her home tonight.

"Sir, I'm going to have to cut you off," I just nodded my head at the bartender, brushing the stray tears from my eyes. I handed him a fifty dollar bill to pay off what appeared to be my never ending tab.

Stumbling, I grabbed my coat from the stool I had been previously sitting on, and walked out of the bar. The sun was due to rise any second moment and I silently cursed myself for staying out too long.

I did my best to dial my bandmate's number, and plopped my drunken body on the cement sidewalk. "Hullo?" I groggy voice filled my phone.

"Gaare, could you-you pick me up?" I slurred, trying to gain control of my brain. I knew it would never happen, it was one of the many reasons I chose to drink myself to death.

"For Christ's sake." Garrett hung up the phone and I laid on the cement staring up at the night sky. I couldn't help my mind from wondering to her. Every second of the day that I was conscience she was there. And it was always the same questions that filled my brain.

Where was she? Could she remember me yet?

"Kennedy? Come on, Ken, lets get you home," I felt Garrett picked me up, and the tears began to fall. I was a fuck up, and nothing was going to save me but her.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you all of think of Kennedy? He's in a lot different of a state than Niall that's for sure. What do you think of the Quinn in the flashback?

Thanks to all those who subscribed in the last chapter, it meant a lot. I hope the readers continue to subscribe and maybe even comment?

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!