Sequel: Madness
Status: Complete

Crimson X

Chapter 13: Back From The Dead

“Doctor Channing, exactly why were you fired from your job as a psychiatrist in Arkham Asylum?” A reporter held a pen in her hand, ready to write down any notes.
Doctor Channing cleared her throat and leaned into the microphone on the podium, “My methods for treating patients are unconventional. I’m afraid Hugo Strange isn’t a fan of my methods. One day after one of my sessions with Mister Bane, Mister Edward Nygma was in my office with no security around. I escorted him back to his cell and Hugo Strange fired me right then and there.” She chuckled a little bit, “I’m afraid he’s had it out for me.”
“Then could it be that your opposition against the building of Arkham City is out of spite?”
Doctor Channing waved her hand, “No, no! I was working with Bruce Wayne before I was fired – before the Joker incident even.”
Another reporter raised their hand, “What has happened to The Riddler? Do you happen to know where your ex-patient is?”
“I’m afraid I don’t,” Doctor Channing frowned. “I’m just glad that he hasn’t been causing any problems for the citizens of Gotham City. As a forensic psychiatrist that’s my number one job – to make sure the patients won’t be a problem for the rest of the city and that they can lead productive lives.”
“Are you afraid that he’ll come back to kidnap you?”
“No, I’m not. If he does show up I have my dog to protect me,” she paused. “And a baseball bat.” The crowd laughed, “Now, let’s get back to Arkham City. Please welcome Bruce Wayne.”
Shar Channing stepped back and walked down to her seat as Bruce made his way to the podium to give a speech. After all, who was more powerful than a billionaire? As Shar sat down something crumpled underneath her. She stood up slightly and looked down. There was an envelope with a question mark.
“Shit,” she whispered and opened it quietly. Her mouth worded what was written on there, “The apple didn’t work and you’ll have to come and lurk. Another one of you has death near. Though, it won’t frighten this master of fear. Go where you keep your lair.”
Shar furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to make sense of it. She zoned out as she thought of the riddle. Only when Bruce Wayne walked up to her did she snap out of her thoughts.
“Is everything alright, Shar?” He questioned as he looked at the question marked envelope.
Shar looked at his line of sight and her eyes widened, “It’s um…Riddler…” She stood up, “I think…” She paused her mind raised as Scarecrow flashed before her eyes, “No…He’s supposed to be dead…”
“Can I see it?” Bruce held a hand out.
Shar gulped and handed it to him, “If what he’s saying is true, Jonathan Crane is still alive…But…I have to get home!”
“Wait!” Bruce shouted after her as she started to run to her car. “He’ll be waiting for you there!”
Shar turned back as she was running, “He won’t hurt me!...At least I think he won’t!”
---Time Skip---
Shar opened her door and looked inside. She frowned when she noticed blood on the carpet. Quickly, she followed the path of blood that lead to her couch. She gasped slightly at a mauled looking body. Her bag fell onto the ground as she ran over to it. Her eyes scanned the multiple wounds that were covered with blood soaked bandages or had butterfly ones that attempted to close the wound that was in need of stitches. Without a second more, she dashed to her bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit that was lying on the counter – one she made sure to have around ever since Joker took the asylum over.
“It’s Jonathan Crane isn’t it?” She questioned as she ran back into the living room.
“Yes,” He nodded slightly and winced from the pain.
Shar lifted up the shirt he was wearing and pulled it over his head. She grimaced at the damage that covered him. She quickly put some gloves on and began to work on him. His face cringed as she applied cotton balls with alcohol on them. Shar muttered a sorry, but continued. Some of the wounds looked like they were close to getting infected.
“How did you manage to survive this long, Crane?” She questioned. “Didn’t this happened months ago?”
“Some of it,” Crane coughed. “Others were form falls as I tried to get to safety.”
“You should have gone to the hospital,” Shar whispered.
“And go back to the asylum!?” He growled. “I’d rather they not know I’m alive! Nygma shouldn’t have even brought be here in the first place.”
Jonathan began to sit up, but was only pushed back with great force. Shar glared at him and shook her head, “You are staying here, Crane. If you don’t I’ll sick my dog on you. Speaking of which!” Her eyes lit up, “I’m going to get Riolu right now!”
Shar skipped to her bedroom and opened the door. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Edward looking around at different photographs she had on her night table. He turned around when he heard the door open.
“I see you got the riddle,” He smirked and put down a frame. “Good.”
Shar rolled her eyes and walked past him as she opened the bathroom door – allowing a dog to escape. She turned around and followed her dog into the living room with Edward following her.
“You’ll have to stay here for a few days, Crane,” Shar sat on a chair and crossed her legs. “Luckily I’m out of work, so I’ll be able to keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t do anything.” She coughed, “Illegal.” She glanced at Edward who was leaning against the wall, “And you…” She ran a hand through her hair, “Why did you bring him here? I’m not a doctor that treats wounds, just the mind.”
“But you’re still a psychiatrist, which means you’ve been through some medical school,” Edward moved from the wall and over to her. “Besides, Hush doesn’t exactly like to treat us rogues.”
“It’s a long story,” Edward sat down on the arm of the chair, “Now we’ll be staying here until I can buy another place. The other ones I have aren’t exactly suitable for living in.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Shar glared and stood up. “The only reason why I’m okay with keeping him,” she pointed at Crane, “Is because he’s dying on my couch and if he moves he could very well die! But keeping you, too? It’s bad enough I helped break you out of Arkham, but that’s the only illegal thing I want to do! You hear me!?”
Riolu growled slightly at her yelling and gave a nasty look at Riddler. He moved in front of his girl and bared his teeth. Edward lifted a hand and held his cane firmly in another. He wouldn’t admit it, but the dog made him slightly nervous.
Shar smirked slightly, “Ah? Are you afraid of a little pooch? Or did he infuse you with some fear toxin, hmm?” She laughed lightly at Edward’s death glare. “Fine, you can stay here, but under one condition. If anyone drops by for a visit you hide, understand? Hide in a wardrobe, whatever. I don’t want to get in trouble for holding some fugitives, got it?” She looked over at Crane, “And you, Mister Crane, will be staying in the guest bedroom. Edward, you have the couch.”
“What!?” He crossed his arms. “Why do I get the couch?”
“Because Crane’s injured,” She knelt down to Crane and helped him stand up. “And I don’t want to share my bed. It’s bad enough having a dog on there with me. I’m not going to sleep on the couch, I have some things to do and when I get back I get back through my bedroom window.”
“What are you? Batgirl?” Crane rolled his eyes as the two made their way to the guest bedroom.
Shar laughed lightly, “Not quite.”
“She’s Cr—“ Edward stopped talking when he received a death glare form Shar. “She’s Shar. Is that short for anything?”
“Sharlet’s my birth name,” She moved the covers on the bed and laid Jonathan down on the bed and covered him. “Changed it when I turned eighteen to just Shar. I hated it when the teachers called me Sharlet – so I just wanted Shar.” She looked at Crane, “Do you need anything? Water, Advil, anything?”
“No, thank you,” he whispered as he closed his eyes.
Shar was slightly taken back, “Rogues that have manors…Interesting.” She turned around, “I’ll be here for a couple of hours in the living room, if you need anything get me. If I’m not here then get him.” She pointed at Edward and closed the door once Shar and Edward were out of the room.
Shar walked to the sink in her kitchen and pulled out some cleaning supplies. She walked over to the carpet and began wiping away the blood. Now, it wouldn’t look very good to have blood stains on the carpet would it?
“Sorry about that,” Edward watched her clean up. “We just had nowhere to go. Besides, if I didn’t do anything he’d find a way and come after me with a vengeance.”
“It’s fine,” Shar sighed. “I’d just like a little more heads up next time. And I preferred you weren’t wanted when you show up at my door next time.”
“Oh, so there can be a next time?” he quirked an eyebrow.
Shar sat up having one stain done, “Who knows? Now, where did you even find him?”
“He was on the top of one of the tunnels when I was hiding some of my trophies, I think his mask is still there,” He hit a fist onto the palm of his hand, “That’d be a great riddle for the Dark Knight! I only wish I could see his face when he realizes that the one he fears is still alive! Now what riddle…?”
“Edward,” Shar looked at him. “Don’t kill the Bat…I’ve worked with him once or twice and I’m pretty sure he knows who I am – at least Robin does.”
“What?” Edward looked at her, “How?”
“Well after you kidnapped me Robin came here looking for clues. I snuck in as Crimson X while he was here and he found out,” Shar shrugged. “At least they’re vigilantes…”
“They’re horrible!” He growled, “They’re worse than the other rogues. They always spoil the plans, cheat and get in the way!”
“That’s because you threaten innocent people,” Shar stood up furiously. “If you didn’t commit crimes like that then they wouldn’t bother you, would they? They’re only trying to protect people that you decide to go after randomly! If it weren’t for people like you then he wouldn’t have stepped up!” She menacingly walked over to Edward. “If it weren’t for people like you then he wouldn’t have protected me!” She jammed a finger into his chest and glared at him. “If it weren’t for people like you then he would still be alive!” Tears leaked from her eyes.
Edward grabbed her wrist, “Then why do you work with people like us? That are supposedly lower than you?”
“Because if you were to get back onto the streets I want to make sure that someone like my brother won’t be killed!” She yelled at him. “But apparently it doesn’t work, because you’re still thinking about putting people into your death traps and I’m fired from my job with nothing to do, but use my life savings!”
“I do have some money if you want,” Edward smirked slightly.
Shar shook her head, “I don’t want stolen money!”
“It’s the mob’s money.”
“And that makes a difference!?” Shar shouted at him. “No! I don’t want anything to do with anything illegal! Once Crane is all healed up I want you all out of my life! I never want to see your face again!”
She stormed away from him and slammed the door to her bedroom. Shar threw her wig off and quickly changed into her Crimson X attire. She needed to relieve some stress. What better way to relieve it than to beat up some bad guys? Once she was ready she flung herself out of her window and ran out into the night to give some bad guys some fright.
Edward screamed as he flung a glass on the counter onto the floor. It broke into multiple shards that just threatened to cut into some delicate skin. Riolu whimpered and hid under an end table at his rage. His breathing was ragged and his face was flushed red.
“I’ll make her see that she can’t go without seeing me!” He looked at the ground and grabbed a sweeping pan and cleaned up the mess he made –as it was bothering him.
“Nygma? What’s wrong?” A door opened revealing a tired looking Jonathan Crane.
Riddler glared at him, “Nothing!”
“Girl problems?” He smirked and crossed his arms knowingly; he was a psychiatrist after all.
“What? No! Shut up!” He barked at him.
---Time Skip---
Crimson X panted as she hid behind a dumpster. Bullets rang off of it as she covered her head. It died down and she peered over it seeing the gunman reloading her gun. Gulping, the girl ran towards the man. She was too slow. The man pointed the gun at her and fired. She screamed as it hit her leg and she fell down. The man over to her and pointed the gun at her head. Her eyes widened in fright and in adrenaline rush she kicked the man down and scrambled up. The best she could she ran back to her apartment. All the while blood was leaking out of her leg.
In a matter of minutes she was in her apartment – as she didn’t go far that night. She climbed up the fire escape and climbed through her window. She hid the floor with a rather loud thud. Crimson bit her lip to try and hold in a yelp of pain that seared from her leg. The first aid kit was still in the living room – where Edward was staying –great.
She limped to the living room, trying to avoid putting any weight on her leg by using the wall for support. Once she made her way out of the bedroom her eyes narrowed, there was no wall near the first aid kit. Biting her lip, X hopped on one leg over to the kit. Once she was near the couch something caught on her good leg and she was sent tumbling to the ground with a small yelp.
“Ow,” she whimpered at pain down radiating from multiple parts of her body. She glanced back at what made her fall, Edward’s cane. “Damn….”
“Mmm, Shar? Are you okay?” A sleepy voice questioned.
She looked over seeing Edward on the couch who was now sitting up, “Just dandy! Bullet to the leg and just falling over your crap!”
“What!?” He shouted.
“Be quiet!” A voice came from the guest bedroom.
“What?” He whispered.
Crimson X rolled her eyes, “While I was out stopping a drug deal one of the thugs got a little carried away and began shooting at me.” She stretched out her leg and hissed, “The bullet’s still in there. Do you know how to get them out?”
Edward knelt down and nodded slightly, “After being a rogue you get used to it.” He grabbed some tweezers that have been sterilized since being used on Crane. “If it weren’t for people like me you’d be going to the hospital.”
Crimson X watched him and sighed, “Sorry, Edward…I shouldn’t have said those things.”
Edward glanced up at her face and then back at the leg where he began to work on getting the bullet out, “Some of it was true. Granted I’m better than the other rogues, but some of them – like Joker – do kill people without reason. When it comes to me people get themselves killed because they’re too stupid. I don’t actually kill them. Nonetheless, we’ll be out of your hair when Crane’s well enough to actually get from place to place.”
X nodded slowly, “That’d probably be for the best…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter shall take place with Arkham City~! =P I have some plans after Arkham City, too. You shall see. ;D