Sequel: Madness
Status: Complete

Crimson X

Chapter 9: Escape

“There’s no sign of the hostage,” an officer radioed in as he looked around the building. “There’s a broken wall, signs that someone was living here, but that’s it.” The man turned around to a person handcuffed. He looked slightly beating. “Where’s the doctor?”
The man looked to the side, not intending to answer the question. He was using the right to remain silent, a feat that’s very difficult for him to actually accomplish. The officer growled and picked the man up by the shirt.
“Answer me, Riddler! Where is the hostage?”
“Not here,” The Riddler smirked. “She escaped.”
“Where did she go?”
“Oh, probably to go check on her parents or to check up on the asylum. You do know what’s going on there, right? If she goes there she’ll die.”
“Damn it!” The officer dropped the Riddler and turned to his fellow officers. “If we go the asylum Joker will destroy the place even more…We’ll have to let her go. Check with her parents.” He pointed to an officer who nodded and ran out of the building. “Let’s get Riddler into the car. He’ll be out of our hands once the city is built.”
---Time Skip---
The trees hid her as she made her way to the crazy house – as some would put it. Her eyes darted from place to place. There were people on the guard towers, armed with sniper guns. They were guards, though; they were ex-inmates of Black Gate and current patients at Arkham. She cursed under her breath at how idiotic Quincy Sharp could be.
“Now I need to find out where Joker is and stop him…” Her eyes glanced from place to place.
Suddenly, something hit her in the back which sent her to the ground. She grunted from a sudden pain and turned around, seeing a weird plant like thing with floating spores. Her eyes widened as they came at her. Using her wooden sword she swung at it and split the spore away. She sighed as it stopped and looked at the plant. It was making a weird noise, making more spores no doubt.
“I guess I have to kill it,” She frowned and walked over to it. Swinging her sword above her head she pierced the plant and it gave an odd shrieking noise. “Sorry…”
Crimson X’s head shot upwards as she heard a lot noise. She tilted her head as a jet crashed into the gardens. Only a few moments later it left with a giant bat leaving the building.
“Batman,” Crimson X grinned slightly. “Glad to see you’re still alive…Now to find Joker.”
Fireworks lit up the sky from Arkham North. X scratched her head and shook it. Joker must be celebrating something. Whatever it is it can’t be good, which is why she began walking to the area. Multiple thugs were lined up in front of a building. She gripped her sword and ran up to them, making sure her feet wouldn’t make too much noise. Before any of them could spot her, she hit a man over the head and sent her unconscious.
“Oh God! It’s the Bat,” A thug screamed and paused. “Wait…”
“It’s just a girl, you idiot!” Another yelled and charged at the girl.
Knowing her strength would not aid her in this battle she jumped out of the way and sent a thug into another one. She smirked as it was causing them to beat each other up. She swung her sword into the middle of one of their thighs, sending him falling to the ground in pain. A slight yelp escaped her lips as a thug picked her up from behind. She trashed about and ended up kicking other men in the process. Her eyes picked up on a black figure that was grabbing the men she kicked. Knowing who it was she bit the man who was holding onto her. He yelped and dropped her to the ground. Before Crimson X could do anything else Batman had the man on the ground and knocked him unconscious.
“Well hello there,” Crimson X smirked at the Batman, her accent shining through. “It seems like we meet again, Mister B.” She paused. “Oh, I shouldn’t call you like that. It’s too close to what Harley calls The Joker.”
Batman watched her as she headed towards the building and glared over at her, “We’ve met before?”
“Awe, you don’t remember me? I was the one that was hacking into computer, until Riddler showed up,” She winked at the Batman, “Now, should we take out The Joker? I’m sure he’s just dying to see you.” She pressed an ear against the door, “By the sounds of it there are plenty of thugs in there.”
“I work alone,” He growled.
Crimson X pouted slightly, “Ah, come on Bats.” She began to circle him, “I’ll still go in there no matter what you say.” She placed a door on the handle, “Now come on.”
X walked in the room where people with party hats all looked at her and the Batman. In a split instant they charged. While she was working on three thugs, Batman took the rest down. She frowned slightly at how slow she was. She’d have to work on her combat skills and strength.
Once they were all gone, the Batman looked at X, “Stay here. Make sure no one else comes through. If they do take them down.”
“Will do, Bats,” She grinned and waved as Batman walked into a different room.
She turned around and placed a hand on her hips, while the other dangled loosely at her side. A sigh escaped her lips as she hit in the shadows. Her thoughts lingered back to Nigma and a blush rose on her face. She shook her head. No, she can’t be distracted right now. It could kill her.
A scream sounded from the room the Batman came from, though it was him. He couldn’t have made that noise. It was something more like what Bane sounded like. Her eyes widened and she turned around quickly. Her pulse raised as her thoughts jumped back to the blood that dripped from the examining table. She felt slightly dizzy, but was snapped back from her memories as a door opened.
Crimson X turned around to see a man of at least six and a half feet in dripping height. She gulped slightly, trying to think of how to take this man down. Her hands tightened around her sword as she walked out of the shadows to confront him.
“Leave now,” she commanded and pointed her sword at him.
The man narrowed his eyes, his mind obviously thinking, “Chica?”
Crimson X blinked and lowered her sword, “Wait, Bane? What are you doing here? Why are you wet?”
“The bat sent me into the river on the hood of his car,” He explained in a relatively calm tone. “The Joker has infused the titan into his thugs and is planning on releasing his monster army into Gotham. I’m here to stop him.”
Crimson X glanced at the door, “Batman’s taking care of it right now. You should leave.”
“But the Titan,” he stepped forward.
Channing analyzed him and her mouth opened slightly agape, “You’re addicted to it, aren’t you?”
“Si,” he nodded, “I don’t want other people to be addicted to it.”
“I see…” She mused to herself for a second, “I’ll take care of it. You just get out of here…And please don’t cause any trouble.” She crossed her arms, “You’re the reason why I became Crimson X, Bane. I’d hate to have to fight you.”
Bane stood there for a moment and turned around, “Alright, chica.”
---Time Skip---
The crashing ceased to end in the room; hopefully Batman won. Crimson X turned around to face the door he left through. Then, to her dismay, more crashing sounded with the Joker laughing. Her eyes widened and she burst through the door. What appeared to be Joker on Titan climbed up with the Batman in his hand. Crimson X gasped at the sight before her. She narrowed her eyes and saw Commissioner Gordon in the Joker’s other hand.
“Damn it,” She whispered and looked for a route that she could use in order to help the Batman. “Looks like I’m climbing.”
She ran to the edge of mannequin body parts and began climbing up. Her mind kept on telling her to not look down. She didn’t want to think about how one misstep could send her tumbling to her death. Her eyes were glued to the Joker, who was unaware of her presence.
The Joker threw Batman onto a stage below him and jumped down. He placed Gordon up on a chair that would electrocute him every so often. He nudged for his thugs to attack as he climbed back up. He glanced down below him.
Crimson X held herself close to the wall she was climbing up and held her breath. If the Joker saw her she was done for. After a few minutes, she peaked up and saw that the Joker was watching the Batman. Nodding to herself she kept on climbing up.
Her hands grabbed a beam at the top. With a little struggle she pulled herself up. Her eyes landed on The Joker and a helicopter that flew above. He yelled something about Jack Ryder. Then, he paused when something latched into his back. Crimson peered behind him seeing Batman with a triple clawshot. He was trying to pull the Joker down, though he was struggling. Crimson X sprinted towards the Joker. His glowing green eyes widened as Crimson X threw herself against his body. He tumbled backwards and turned himself around in midair. His fingernails –err claws – stuck into the floor board. Crimson X rolled away from him, a scrape appearing on her face. Batman ran towards the Joker and hit him around a couple of times. He flipped up and slammed Joker through the floor and into an electrical system.
“AHHH!” The Joker screamed as he shook about through the voltage. Batman stood back from him as the Joker climbed up. “I can take anything you throw at me, Bats. I can’t believe you think you’re actually going to win! Are you ready for the next round?”
“Always,” Batman sprayed something on his fist.
“What!?” The Joker yelled and started to charge.
“I’ll never let you win,” He started running towards the Joker. “Never.”
With a slam to the face, the gel on Batman’s fist exploded, sending them both flying back. The Joker was rendered unconscious, while Batman only sustained injuries to his arm. He stood up holding it and walked over to Comissioner Gordon and cut him loose. Crimson X stood up and held her hand up to her face to try and stop the bleeding. She glanced down at Joker and cringed at the pain he must be in. Her eyes then glanced over to Batman who was currently walking towards her. He didn’t look too happy.
“You should have stayed where I told you.”
Crimson X shrugged, “Sorry, Bats. I don’t take orders too well.” She smirked. “Though, I did stop someone from coming in. Bane is it?”
“Bane?” Batman scowled. “How?”
“Him and I have met before, he listened,” Crimson X smirked, “He’s a smart fellow.”
“Hmm,” Batman turned around. “Let’s go, Jim…You too, Crimson.”
Gordon glanced wearily at Crimson, “You’re the one that’s been placing Riddler’s trophies around the asylum.”
Crimson raised her hand in defense, “He had me trapped in a corner, so I did what he told me to. It’s not like I hurt anyone innocent in the process.”
Gordon humphed as the three continued their way down the visitor building. Police cars were pulling up to the asylum. Patients were be taken into handcuffs and led back to their cells. Doctors were running around everywhere; tending to the wounded. Crimson X pulled up a scarf that was on her neck to hide her scraped face. She didn’t feel like letting a doctor getting a DNA sample of her blood. She’d tend to herself once she got home, if she could get home.
A car pulled up and an officer brought someone out of it. Crimson X looked over and her face lit up behind her scarf. There was The Riddler. The Riddler glanced over and smirked slightly as he was pushed into the intensive treatment building. Crimson X shook her head, glad that he was going to be back at Arkham.
“Two Face just robbed a bank,” Gordon turned around to Batman.
“I’m on it,” Batman looked back at Crimson. “You get back home, or wherever it is you’re from.”
“Got it,” Crimson X nodded. “Later, Bats, Gordon.” She waved and walked away from the asylum. She did have to go to work tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 2143
Alright, so my chapters have been getting shorter...Sorry...I'll try and make them longer. =P Anyways, please comment on what you like and don't like.