Status: Finished.

You've Never Looked Better, And I've Never Looked Worse

Get Out

I lay in bed next to Mark, his snoring filled the air. I inhaled deeply, replaying my plan over and over again in my head. It had it's flaws, but I had to. It was worth a shot.
Or was it.

I slowly pulled back the dark blue blankets to our king sized bed. Inhale. I snaked one of my legs off the bed and pushed my upper half up. I looked behind me at Mark, sleeping the same. Exhale. I pushed the rest of my body off of the bed, trying my absolute hardest not to make a sound. I pushed my whole body off the bed, biting my lip when I heard a creak in the bed. I froze for a second and finally made it onto the floor. I looked over at him one last time, he remained the same. Turning on the bathroom light and shutting the door, I crept out of the room. I grabbed the duffle bag in the hall closet that I filled with some clothes and person belongings. I made one last look at the room.

He was gone.

I feet behind me loose contact with the floor, and I was instantly pinned against the wall. Two warms pinned my neck and torso.

"Where the hell do you think you're going missy?" He gritted through his teeth. My breathing became irregular and uneven, I couldn't manage to say anything. "I SAID." He repeated, this time gripping my hair and slamming my head against the cold hard wall. A cry escaped my lips. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" His eyes looked fiery and cold.

"I-I was just-" I spoke before getting cut off.

"You were trying to leave me weren't you?" He said, laughing to himself. My released his arm off my torso, only to be slapped across the face. "You do know, you can't leave me Emie." He chuckled. "No one's allowed to leave me."I could feel another tear trickle down my face. I let out another cry as he started at me laughing. "You look so pathetic." He gripped my hair and threw me to the ground. My body laid limp as I laid on the floor. He kicked me twice, once in the ribs and once on my thighs.

"P-pl-ease, st-op" I cried, tears streaming down my face now. He smirked.

"Maybe this will teach you not to mess with me." He grabbed my keys from my duffle bag and shoved them into his pocket. "You won't e needing these."

With that he walked back into the bedroom. I laid there limp. I curled my legs up to my chest and cried silently. My hand pushed gently on my ribs, i winced in pain. More tears falling down my face.

Why wasn't I yet used to this?

"Get up bitch and make me my coffee before I leave." Mark mumbled as he tripped over me, walking into the kitchen. I look around and saw the sun gleaming throughout the windows. It was morning. I struggled to my feet, holding my ribs as I made my way up. Once up, I walked into the kitchen to set the coffee.

"Wash yourself up." He growled at me. He was probably referring to my make stains running down my face. I nodded as I poured him a cup of coffee and he walked out the door.

I picked up the house phone and dialed Macy's number.

"Hey girl, what sup?" She asked cheerfully through the phone. I didn't answer, I just cried. I cried hard. "Em, what's wrong?" She asked worried, again I didn't answer, I just cried. "I'm on my way love. Hang tight." She hung up the phone and I clicked off. I slid down the island in my kitchen and sobbed.

Why did I deserve this?
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know, but I just wanted to get this out :)

Comment please and tell me how you think so far. Yes no? <3