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Unwelcomed Adivisary

I sat in my room going through the pictures I'd brought with me. My mom and dad seemed so happy when I was so small and unable to speak. She didn't look like she was taking anything. Looks can be deceiving I guess. Why did Daniel start all this shit? Did she know about him treating me like a lab rat with experiments? I'll never know because I have no idea where she is and I don't even care. She's gone and I never want to see her again. I put my pictures back into the box and hid it in the back of the large closet and went over to bed covering myself up. I just wish all this never happened. I wish I could've had the family everyone else has.


I woke up to the sun shining through the window and onto me, burning me up under the covers. I threw them off of me and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked down at my hands and I knew I needed to get control of the fire that's within my body. I went into the bathroom locking the door behind me and remember the words on that paper.

Since the day I injected the synthetic materials into my young daughter Ivy, her ability to produce an excelerant is remarkable but the experiment for to regenerate hasn't been successfull. More work needs to be done and one day I will find a way to make it work.

I looked through the cabinet and found a razor. I need to see if this regenerative works. I sat down on the side of the tub and raked the metal across my arm. I set the razor down and watched as the blood seeped back into my skin and sealed back like I never even cut.

"Strange. I thought he said it wasn't a success?" I said to myself. I did it once more but deeper. I watched the blood flow down my arm and then go back into the wound and seal up once again. I can regenerate? This is too weird. I put the razor into my pocket and walked out of my room. I went into the kitchen where Zacky sat drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey Zacky." I said grabbing some water from the fridge.

"You're up early."

"Couldn't sleep anymore. Can I show you something?" I whispered.

"Sure." I grabbed the razor from my pocket. I raked the razor across my arm again.


"No watch! I did this when I woke up. Just watch." I said and we looked down at my arm. Zacky watched as the blood once again went back into the wound and sealed shut not even leaving a scar.

"How did you do that?"

"I don't know. Yesterday when we went to the house to get my things, I found a a paper with my name on it. It said treatment. I read on and it said that my father injected me with a synthetic material that makes me able to produce an excelerant a flame basically. He said my ability to regenerate damaged parts wasn't successful. Now it is." I explained pointing to my arm.

"Does anyone know about this...ability to regenerate?"

"No just you." I said rubbing my arm, "But I need to learn to control this."

"I'll help you. I've helped Brian control his anger and issues and all that shit. I know I can with you." I sat down beside Zacky drinking my water and looking down at my arm ever so often. Why was I a lab rat? Did I mean anything to that bastard? What about my mother? Did I mean a fucking thing to here? A knock came to the door and we looked at each other.

"Who the hell would be at the house this early?"

"I don't know but I'll go see who it is." I said getting up and walking to the front door and I opened it.

"Hello Ivy."

"What the fuck do you want....Shania?" I seethed as I looked into the face of my mother.

"Ivy you can call me mom."

"You're not my mother." I said angrily.

"Yes I am and you will treat me with respect!"

"I don't give out respect until I get some respect you hooker!" I yelled in anger. I wanted so much to let the flam burn her ass up.

"Who are you?" I looked and seen Zacky standing behind me.

"I'm Ivy's mother. Her father told me why he gave my child to you all and I would like her back."

"Sorry but you'll have to talk to Shadows. He's in charge." Zacky said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Where is he?"

"Nitro will you go get Shadows for me please." I nodded and ran up the stairs and quickly knocked on his door. The door opened and he looked at me.

"What's up?"

"My mother is here. She wants me back." I said haning my head.

"She's not taking you away. I'll talk to her right now." he walked passed me and I followd him down to the door.

"Are you this Shadows?"

"Yes I am but I have to tell you that Nitro will not be leaving. Daniel signed your rights along with his to me. According my papers, she's mine." he said as I stood beside Zacky smirking up at her.

"Daniel had no right signing my child over to you!"

"If you don't like it. Tough. He paid his debt to us." he said glaring at my....mother.

"What debt?"

"He owed us a suffient amount of money and after finding out what he did to her while you left." Matt said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Daniel dd nothing to Ivy! She makes it up for attention. I left to get away from his drinking."

"Bullshit." I said laughing. She looked over at me with a glare.

"What did you say?"

"You didn't leave because of his drinking habit. You knew what he was doing to me! He used me as a lab rat and all you ever did was sit there and do fucking nothing!" I yelled and I balled up my fists making the flames over my hands. She backed up with her eyes wide.

"I...I didn't know about that."

"Bullshit! Stop lying you fucking bitch! You knew he was injecting me with this shit and you just up and left me with him so he could abuse me physically, mentally, and emotionally. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a mother!" I yelled un balling my fists letting the fire go out. I walked away and up to my room. I sat there as I heard yelling and then a car driving away. How could she just walk out let him do that shit to me and then come back wanting to be in my life and pretend like nothing ever happened? What the fuck?
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