And Love Said No

And Love said No Ch 1 The bitch is finally gone

Who wants to bet me that Jenn will be back in 24 hours,"asked Dico
"I ain't betting shit coz I don't know about him sometimes,"replied Dunn as he sipped on his beer and watching Bam throw Jenn's stuff over the balcony to the floor. Bam had been in mexico filming a show when Jenn had seen on one of those gossip shows that Bam had slept with Jessica Simpson, that's when she finally snapped and started thrashing the house. Bam and everyone came home to find the house completely trashed and that was the last straw for him.
"Yo earth to Sam," said Dico as he waved his hand infront of my face
"what??," I asked looking at both him and Dunn
"You were doing it again,"said Dico
"Doing what?," I asked
"That spacing off shit,"said Dunn
"Sorry I was watching Bam throw Jenn's stuff off the balcony what did you say?,"I asked
"I asked you if you knew who was getting Jenn's shit," asked Dico
"I have no idea, it will probably be chrissy and Trish," I replied shrugging my shoulders.
"Great the bitch squad just what we need,"mumbled Dunn Just then Bam walked into the room we all looked up to see him pretty pissed off
" Do you know what that bitch did to my skateboards? She fucking broke them all, and then trashed my computers.," said Bam
"That's fucked up,"said Dico shaking his head.
"She did all this because of a fucking rumor that i banged Jessica Simpson., fucking women,"said Bam as he looked at all of Jenn's stuff on the floor I looked at him and our eyes met then he realized i was in the room, he must of forgotten I was sitting there. we had been best friends for over 10 years, i was pretty much one of the guys, i had moved in with him and his family after my dad had been arrested for killing my mom, I've been living with them since i was 13.

"Shit Sam I didnt see you sitting there, I was meaning all women I..,"Bam went to say but was cut off by Dico
"He means he wasnt meaning you and besides Jenn was a cunt anyway,"replied Dico
"Anyway what I was about to say is... I've declared it Fucking get wasted night, I need you to get the beer Dunn, Dico you get the people and Sam you come with me," said Bam as he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him up the stairs As we reached the top of the stairs we went to Bam's room where he pushed me in and closed the door behind him and locked it. I looked at him with a concerned look on my face as he walked towards his bed and sat down. I followed and sat down next to him.

"I cant believe she did this,"Said Bam as he shook his head
"I know Bam I'm sorry this happened.," I replied as I placed a hand on his shoulder
"All this because of stupid tabloids I don't get it, I thought she trusted me, she knows I wouldnt do that," said Bam
"Well you have to admit she was jealous of every female you talked to," I replied shaking my head.
"yeah she is a tad bit jealous.... actually a lot," admitted Bam All of a sudden we head a crash against his door

"Hey are you guys gonna come out anytime soon or are you two fuckin,"asked a voice I went to the door to open it to see Novak with his ear up to the door i Punched him in the balls as I walked past him Tonight was definaly going to be interesting i said to my self as i walked down the stairs
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I'm rewriting this story.. It needs A LOT OF WORK lol