And Love Said No

And Love said No Ch 10 Going to the movies

"Alright we have popcorn, gummy bears, whoppers, and soda's was there anything else we needed?, asked Ville as him and I were walking into the theater to find out where Missy and Bam were sitting
"Um I dont think so, I replied still looking around I spotted Bam and Missy sitting in the middle towards the back (does that make sense??)
"Damn did you guys get enough stuff? asked Bam as we sat down the seating arrangements went like this missy, Bam, Me and Ville.
"Nah we would have gotten a keg but they don't sell those here, I said getting myself situated without spilling my soda
"Fuck yeah that would be awesome!, said Bam as Missy rolled her eyes at the comments we both made.
"Bam I'm going to get something from the snack bar do you want something honey?, asked Missy
Gah that voice it sounded so phony it made me want to puke.
Ill go with you, said Bam as he followed Missy out of the theater as I watched them walk out of site
You know I swear the look you just gave Missy was like you wanted to set her on fire, said Ville
You a mind reader?, I asked
No I just know you way too well Sam, Ville replied laughing
Thats the part that sucks, I said
Awww Sam it cant get much worse, Said Ville
Were back did you guys miss us?,asked Missy as her and Bam sat down
Not hardly, I muttered under my breath Ville heard me and started laughing hysterically
Yo Ville, Whats so funny?, asked Bam as he gave him the what the fuck dude? Look
Nothing sorry it was something Raab said earlier,said Ville. Bam nodded and continued to talk to Missy about what I have no idea and really didnt care to know either.
Nice save,I whispered
Thanks and you owe me,said Ville
For? Youre the one who started laughing ,I said continuing whispering
Only coz of the statement you made and hey I saved your ass so be grateful I didnt tell him coz you know I still could, He replied grinning evilly.
Alright thank you,I said as I crossed my arms and pouted
Aww Sammy dont get mad, said Ville as he put his arm around me
yeah yeah yeah,I said sticking my tounge out
Careful Ive been known to bite tounges,said Ville Very loudly which got Bam and Missys attention My face must of turned a thousand shades of red
Awww Bam look at Sam shes blushing!!,Said Missy
I see that having fun Sam?, Said Bam grinning
More then youll ever know, I replied sarcastically
Come on Sam you know you love me, said Ville as he pulled me closer to him. Bams grin faded and it turned more into a shocked expression
That is so cute, dont they look cute together Bam?,asked Missy
Uh yeah sure I think,Said Bam slightly nodding
You think?? Look at them they look adorable together you guys should really hook up, said Missy as she placed her head on Bams shoulder. This made me cringe, to see her touch him. Bam just had a blank look on his face Im not sure if he was shocked or what. The movie started and was rather boring I might add it was some chick flick Missy picked I didnt even know the name of it to be honest coz I wasnt really paying all that attention I was just here coz Bam asked me to so pretty much during the whole movie I was playing with my feet or bugging Ville or biting the heads of the gummy bears and switching them around I know psycho much?? Anyway like I was saying before I got sidetrack talking about gummy bears the movie finally ended ( thank-god) so we could all finally go home, We ended up getting separated away from Bam and Missy, we decided to walk to the Hummer when I seen the most horrible sight, Bam and Missy were kissing. I knew there was no telling Bam now.

As soon as we got back home I pretty much jumped out of the hummer and ran inside I know I scared the shit out of the guys coz I slammed the door open and tried to act casual as I walked into the house
"Shit Sam you scared the fuck outta me,"said Ryan
"Sorry,"I mumbled
"Hey did you guys know your on the news tonight?,"asked Raab as he pointed to the Tv
"Its official Bam Margera and Samantha Adams are no longer together. The two-some were spotted tonight at the Westchester theature with two different dates. Bam margera was with some unknown female, and Samantha was with HIM's lead singer Ville Valo, the foursome seem to be having a good time, we even have footage of Bam and the unknown female having a romantic kiss,"said the reporter on the tv I couldnt handle seeing that sight again I started to cry and ran up the stairs to my room and slammed the door shut and locked I slid down to floor and cried hard knowing that I should of told him in the first place

Villes POV
Bam and I were still outside when Sam ran into the house I felt so bad for her.
"So are you and Sam like together?,"asked Bam as he looked at his feet
"No, what makes you say that?," I asked taking a drag off my cigarette
"I dont know you guys seem to be getting along really well tonight, said Bam
"What did you want us to fight or something? Hate each other? Have her kick my ass?,"asked raising an eyebrow
"You know what I meant,"said Bam laughing
"I know the answer to your question is no, we are just good friends thats all,"I replied
"Ah ok well its fucking freezing out here Im going inside,"said Bam.I nodded and followed him inside
"So Romeo enjoy your kiss with Missy?,"asked Ryan as the rest of the guys laughed
"What? Did Sam tell you guys?," Asked Bam
"No it was on the news, way to score man,"said Novak
"Where did Sam go?,"I asked looking around
"She ran upstairs after she seen Bam and missy kissing on TV,"said Dico shrugging his shoulders
"I'll go check on her,"I said as I headed upstairs

Your POV
I felt like shit there were so many things running thru my mind, I just wanted to run away and hide my heart felt like it was smashed into a million pieces. There was a knock on the door followed by a voice
"Sam open the door its me,"said Ville softly
I stood up and unlocked the door to see ville standing there with a concerned look on his face he looked sad but then again its hard to tell with him sometimes. he could see that I had been crying well coz my make up had smeared. He didnt say anything just pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. He shut the door behind him and walked me over to the bed I started to cry again
"Why couldnt I have told him?,"I asked crying even harder
"I dont know Sam wish I could tell you,"he replied softly
"I just want to die,"I said sobbing
"I know but thats love, its never easy,"said Ville
"yeah no kidding,"I said
"You should get some sleep,"said Ville as he threw my pj's at me
"getting a little demanding are we mr. valo?,"I said slightly smiling
"me demanding never,"he said with an evil grin
"sure whatever you say," I said laughing
Ville jumped on the bed and grabbed me and pulled me down next to him and hugged me
"I wish i could take your pain away i hate seeing you cry,"said Ville
"Its ok i'm used to it,"I replied
"I'm serious Sam i wish there was something i could do," he said as he sighed
"well there is one thing you could do," i said
"What's that love?," he asked
"Sing to me and love said no," I said
"And love's light blue Led me to you, Through all the emptiness that had become my home. Love's lies cruel,Introduced me to you. And at that moment I knew I was out of hope.
Kill me. I begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me I cried and love said no
Kill me I cried and love said no
Love's icy tomb Dug open for you
Lies in a cemetery that bears my name Love's violent tune
From me to you. Rips your heart out and leaves you bleeding with a smile on your face
Kill me I begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me ,I cried and love said no
Kill me I cried and love said no
And love said no
And love's light blue
Took me from you. And at that moment I knew I was out of hope
Kill me,I begged and love said no
Leave me,for dead and let me go
Kill me.I cried and love said no
Kill me.I cried and love said no.
And love said no
Ville's Pov
As I finished the song i looked down and realized sam was asleep. I smiled and covered us up with a blanket. I turned out the light and pulled sam closer to me. I hoped that everything would work out for sam. Broken hearts take time but I'd be willing to wait as long as it takes to make her see what love can really be like.
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(sorry I couldn't think of anything to write for the end of this chapter but please tell me what you think)