And Love Said No

And Love said No Ch 11 A talk with Bam

1 year later.....

It had been a year since that night with Bam and the movies. 2 weeks later Bam asked Missy to move in with him. Ville went back to Finland to work on the new album, and stared the new tour I talk to him at least once a day. I got a job working at Duffers which is really great coz I needed the money and it keeps me away from home. Ive became really good friends with Danny the manager and the girls. The guys came in almost every night well except Bam and Missy we havent seen much of them.

"So do you think the guys will come in,"asked Margo as she helped me clean tables
"I'm not sure Dunn said something about picking someone up from the airport more then likely Bam and Missy,"I said rolling my eyes
"You don't like Missy do you," She asked
"She's ok, I've known her a long time she just annoys me and she treats me like Im a little kid," I replied
"So do you think Ryan will come in?," asked Danny as he took the tray from my hands that I was holding. In case I forgot to mention it to you Danny is gay and has a crush on Ryan. We all tease Ryan about it too.
"More then likely Danny,"I said pinching his cheeks and walking off. It was Friday night and it was going to busy.
It was packed full of people and the tips were amazing. I happened to see the guys come into the bar and sit at their usual place so I went to the table to get their order as usual.
"Alright let me guess 3 pitchers of Budweiser, one Heineken, jack and coke and a screwdriver," I said while writing it all down
"Damn youre good, replied Raab
"No stupid she knows us, hello we all live together," said Novak smacking Raab in the back of the head.
"Sam please tell me Dannys not here,"said Ryan as lit a cigarette and tried to hide his face but that didnt work coz Danny seen them sitting down.
"Hey guys, hey Ryan," said Danny as he walked passed to help coz it was so packed.
"Does that answer your question?," I asked trying not to laugh as the guys snickered
"Why me?, groaned Ryan as he crossed his arms
"Hey youre the one who put the condom with the toy car in your ass,what do you expect?," I asked causing the guys to laugh even harder
"Ha ha very funny," said Dunn
"Hey its not my fault he watched jackass hey maybe he taped that part just so he could feel closer in you I mean to you," I said grinning Ryan looked up at me and glared
"Sam I dont think you should of said that,"said Dico as he looked at Ryan who kept a serious look on his face. It scared me a little bit coz it looked like he was going to kill me.
"Um I think I better get back to work," I said walking away very fast
"You just wait Sam, you cant work forever," said Dunn
"I'll just buy you some beers that should make you forget, or least I hope," I said to myself as I walked up to the counter. As I made it back to the table with the beers I could see two more people sitting there just my luck it was Bam and Missy.
"Here are your Drinks, I gotta go help Margo but I'll come back when Im off,"I said as I sat the beers down and walked off. The rest of my shift went by in a blur I tried not to look at the booth coz seeing Bam with her just hurt so bad. I kick myself for not telling him how I feel but I guess thats what I get for not telling him.

Closing time
I was never so glad when the bar closed. I was heading out to my car as I got closer to my car I could see someone leaning against it I couldnt make out who it was. I got my mace out and held it in my hand tightly ready to use it if I had to. As I got to my car I realized it was Bam. What the hell was he doing here? I figured he would have gone home with Missy.
"Damn woman you take forever," said Bam as he slurred his words.
"Its called closing up coz some people are pigs and dont clean up after themselves," I said sarcastically as I stood there looking at Bam who was completely smashed.
"Hey I clean up my messes,"he said acting offended
"Ha yeah right, ape and I are the ones who clean up your messes," I said slightly laughing
"True,"Bam replied agreeing with me.
"Ok why are you here anyway, I figured you would of went home with everyone else,"I said as I unlocked my car door
"I thought you could use the company on the way home,"he said
"Bam Ive worked here for almost a year youve never waited for me after work, Ive hardly seen you to be honest, so what is really going on,"I asked
"Missy and I got into a fight I got out of the car I couldnt take her bitching," Bam said sighing
"Ah well that sucks," was all that I could say
"Yeah it does, anyway are we just going to stand here or are we going to go home?," asked Bam
"Yeah ok sorry long night," I said as I unlocked the passenger door so bam could get in.
It was quiet for about 5 minutes; I thought Bam passed out that was until he scared the shit out of me
"Im going to Finland Tomorrow,"he finally said
"Oh cool," was all I could think of to say
"By the way you are too and we are going to go see Ville," said Bam
"I cant I have work," I said
"No you don't, I talked to your manager he said you could have time off you deserve a vacation," he said smiling
Damn him Im going to kick his ass. Note to self dont tell your boss that you love bam, I thought to myself
"You okay you do want to go right?," asked Bam
"Of course I want to go, I havent seen Ville in so long," I said
"Do you love Ville?," Bam blurted out
"What!! No I don't love Ville why would you ask me that?," I asked half shocked
"Sorry I dont know why I asked that," he said
"Its ok,"I said chuckling
No Im in love with you Bam why cant you just see that!! I screamed in my head
"So whats up with your boss Danny, he seems a little odd," said Bam changing the subject
"Hes gay," I replied
"He is really? I thought there was something different about him," said Bam
"He also has the hotts for Ry,"I said
"Oh my god no way!" said Bam laughing
"Speaking of that Dunn is a little pissed at me so hopefully when we get back he'll be asleep," I said remembering what I had said to him at the bar
"What did you say?," he asked
"I uh said something about the condom with the toy car," I said grinning
"No wonder he said you were going to get it I just didnt know why, now I do," Bam replied laughing hysterically
"Gee thanks now I have something to look forward to when I come home," I groaned
"Awe poor Sammy," said Bam
"Yeah yeah yeah," I replied as we pulled into the driveway
Luckily everyone was asleep when we got there so we both headed upstairs to our rooms.
"Hey Sam?," said Bam as he staggered towards me
"Yeah Bam?, I asked
Thanks for deciding to go with us to Finland youre a great friend dont ever forget that," Bam said hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek before pulling away. I breathed in deeply god how I missed how he smelled and it always seemed to comfort me for some reason.
"Sure no problem,"I said forcing a smile
"By the way we leave tomorrow at 1 night," he said going in his bedroom and shutting the door.
I went into my bedroom and packed knowing that I wouldnt have time later coz Id be really tired as I finished packing I laid on my bed and looked at my nightstand to read the clock which read 3:25
"Great only a couple hours of sleep,"I said to myself when something caught my eye it was a framed picture behind the clock I picked it up and smiled it was a year and a half ago at Jimmy pops birthday costume party the theme was mid-evil times, that was the most fun I had in a long time. Jimmy was plastered and chased me around the party trying to get me to go in the closet with him, luckily Bam saved my ass. The picture showed bam with his arms around me and we were smiling and you could see Jimmy poking his head around bam giving his famous grin. I laughed and put the picture back on the nightstand and turned out the light and got into bed
A trip to Finland will be nice I thought to myself
Little did I know the trip to Finland would be one I'll never forget.