And Love Said No

And Love Said No Ch 12 Finland Bound

Ever have one of those moments where you cant sleep? Yup that's the problem I had, only an hour and a half of sleep. Not sure if it was coz I was excited or nervous to see Ville again. It had been over a year since I had seen him last. I was awaken by someone slamming my door open and jumping on my bed and continued to jump on my bed I finally sat up to be looking at Bam and Dico who were grinning
"Do you have to do that?, I asked Glaring at the both of them
"Yes now get up we leave in an hour, said Bam
"Alright I need to take a shower I said slowly getting out of bed
"Hurry your ass up, Said Bam as he slapped me on the ass as I walked past him I saluted him with my middle finger and shutted my bathroom door
3 hours later.............

After almost 2 hours at the airport we finally left for Finland. We got first class as usual which was pretty nice except for the fact that not only did i have to put up with Bam and the guys but Jimmy Pop were tagging along as well. I was almost asleep when some decided to be an ass and kick the back of my seat. I looked up to see Jimmy and Bam grinning up at me
"What?, I said half growling
"Why the hell are you sleeping?, asked Bam
"Hmmm I dunno maybe coz i didnt get home till almost 3 this morning and I had to pack which took some time and then I hardly had any sleep so tell me why Im sleeping, I replied
"Whoa someone is cranky, said Jimmy
"Ya think?,"I said
"Go to sleep then," said Bam as he threw a pillow in my face and walked off
"Dick,"I muttered under my breath
Many hours later

"Sam wake up we're here, said Raab as he shook me
"Dude you should of left her on the plane, said Ryan as he walked passed me
"Watch it Dunn Ill sick Danny on you, I said Ryan flipped me off and continued walking. As soon as I stepped off the plane I was hit with very cold air
"Note to self make sure I have a coat handy the next time I go to Finland, I said to myself as I followed them off the plane

Alright now where do we go? asked Dunn
"We wait,"Said Bam
"Wait for what?,"asked Rake who was half awake
"Ville you dumbass who else would we wait for?,"Replied Dunn
"Jonna?,"said Rabb. Everyone turned and looked at Rabb as if he had the plage. Jonna and Ville had been seperated for quite some time and everyone knew not to mention her name around Ville.
"Are you fuckin crazy? They've been split up for awhile now and you really think he'd have her of all people come get us?,"growled Bam
"Her who?,"asked someone standing behind us. We turned around to ville starring at us with a cigarette in his hand as usual.
"Britney spears, Rabb has the hotts for her he was saying how he wished she was here,"said Dico
"The hell I do, She's a skank,"Yelled Rabb Dunn smacked Rabb in the back of the head as Ville just stared at us with his eyebrows raised.
" We just gonna stand here all day or are we gonna go?,"replied Bam quickly changing the subject.
"Yes but there's a problem with my apartment so we'll be staying in a hotel I hope you guys dont mind,"said Ville
"Sounds good to me as long as I can go to sleep I could really care less,"I replied yawning
"So your'e saying you'd sleep with me?,"asked Jimmy as he put his arm around me.
"Dont hold your'e breath,"I said walking off to follow Ville.

At the Hotel
"Holy shit This hotel is huge!!,"said Raab as we walked into the hotel
"Raab Think you can be mature for once in public?,"asked Dunn as he smacked him in the back of the head.
"Guys chill."Said Bam
I felt retarded standing there I'm sure we looked like lost children as Dunn and Raab were fighting so I decided to sit on the lobby couch and wait to find out what exactly we were doing.
"Ok I was only able to get 2 suites so it looks like we all will be sharing,"Said Ville as he held up 2 keys
"I get to share a bed with Sam,"said Jimmy grinning at me
"Well if you want to be castrated I suggest you sleep else where,"I replied glarring at Jimmy as the rest of the guys laughed.
"Dont worry sam you wont have to sleep with Jimmy, I'll make sure of that,"said Bam as he put an arm around me
"Gee thanks,"I muttered under my breath
We picked up our bags and walked to our hotel suite which were right next door to each other with an connecting door. Raab, Ryan, Rake and Dico, shared a room and Jimmy, Ville, Bam and I shared a room, In which by the way the Suite's were HUGE!! It was like being in a mini condo. After We unpacked and got settled the guys wanted to go to a local pub (bar if some of you don't know) so it was off to the pub
At the Pub.............
We had got a back booth and as usual the guys split up to go what they do best.......Drink!!! Ville, Ryan and I sat at the booth drinking a beer, and talking.
"So where's Missy?,"asked Ville
"She's at home apparently she doesnt enjoy our company or something,"I said
"Her exact words were she didnt want to be stuck with a bunch of drunken immature retards,"said Ryan rolling his eyes
"She said that? Why does he put up with her?,"I said slamming my beer down and taking ryan's cigarette and putting it in my mouth. Ryan and Ville looked at me shocked, I dont know if it was out of anger of just pure shock to be exact.
"What the hell are you doing?,'Ryan finally managed to blurt out
"What you didn't know I smoked?,"I said grinning at them
"Apparently not love, its a shock really,"Ville replied
Bam walked up to the table as Ville and Ryan starred at me in shock still
"What the fuck sam? When did you start smoking?,"Yelled Bam
"For quite awhile now Bam,I said calmly
"Well Stop it it's not good for you,"said Bam
"Whatever Bam . You've hardly been around this last year so how would you know what is good for me?,"I said raising my voice
"Sam You know why I havent been around I've been doing the element tour and been very busy,"said Bam
"You forgot the part about Missy,"I yelled standing up and walking off

Bam's Pov
I couldn't believe it Sam was smoking yeah sure she was an adult but just something about her smoking made me cringe. It wasn't the Sam I've known all these years. The past year had changed dramatically. I was with Missy a year and things seemed to be going very well at least i thought so anyway.........
Sam's Pov

After that mini fight with Bam I decided to go find the guys, they always seemed to find a way of cheering me up. I found the guys playing pool and seemed to be having a better night then i was seemed to be having.
"Sweet Sam is here, I call sam as my partner,"Yelled Raab as he grabbed my arm
"The only reason why you want her as your partner is coz she can play pool and you can't play worth shit,"said Dico
"True to that,"said Raab as we all laughed.
"Here looks like you need this,"said Dico as he handed me a mug of beer
"As a matter of fact I do Thank you,"I said Taking a big drink of beer. About 3 games of pool and 5 beers later I was feeling pretty good and having a blast.
"Can you even see the cue ball?,"asked Raab laughing hysterically
"Yes I can now shut up Rabby so I can make the shot,"I said thru slurred words I completly missed the cue ball and ended up laughing my ass off along with the other guys
"Good shot sam I think you got one in," said Dico laughing
"Hey what can I say I'm a natural,"I said grinning. We finished our game and I walked thru the crowds to the bathroom. As I was walking out I bumped into a very drunk Ville and Bam
"Wille!,"I yelled as I jumped on him and about knocked him down
"Sammy nice to see you again........are you drunk?,"asked Ville looking at me with a smirk on his face
"No...... I'm more sober then you,"I said slurring my words some more and almost falling on my ass but bam caught me
"You sure about that Sam I think your'e wasted,"Said Bam
"Shush Mr Margera, Dont need to broadcast it,"I hissed
"Sam, Mr Margera is Phil don't call me that,"said Bam
"Awe did Bammi get offended?,"I said Lightly smacking him on the cheek. If looks could kill I would of been dead for doing that
"Alright you guys i think it's time to go back to the room,"said Ville grabbing both mine and bam's arm.
"No way I want another drink,"I said trying to walk off but Ville kept his grip on me
"Sam you don't need another drink your'e smashed enough as it is,"said Bam
"Bam you dont know what I need,"I said grabbing him by his shirt and pulling to me as I said it
"Woah um ok guys just one more drink and its back to the hotel,"said Ville gently pushing us to the bar.
"Two and its a deal,"I said smiling
"What you cant handle more then two?,"asked Bam snickering
"Is that a challenge?,"I asked sitting on the bar stool
"Hmmm yup.... yup it is I bet you cant keep up with me."said Bam
"Ok that's a deal ,"I said shaking his hand
"On one condition tho,"said Bam
"Ok what is it?,"I replied
"Ville Picks the drinks,"Said Bam
"And that's supposed to worry me how?,"I said
"Fine dont say I didnt warn you,"said Bam laughing. About 7 drinks later I was even more intoxicated then I was before. Usually by now I'd be puking but something told me to stay strong.
"I think you guys have had enough,"said Ryan as he stood behind me making sure i didnt fall on my ass
"Never," i said finishing whatever drink Ville ordered us which by the way was really nasty.
"You alright there Bam?,"asked Ville looking at Bam who was trying to finish his drink, in which he did, I thought he was going to hurl
"yeah I'm fine,"said Bam as he slammed his glass down while looking at me.
"I'm waiting for one of them to puke,"said Rake giggling
Bam leaned over and whispered in my ear
"How about a draw,"I think i'll puke if i have another drink,"said Bam
"Deal,"I said as we shook hands
"Ville we decided to call it a draw,"said Bam
"Thank god lets go I'm tired,"Said Ryan
Ville helped me off the stool as we were walking out Bam pulled me off to the side
"I can't believe you drank that much,"said Bam
"What you didnt think i could hold my alcohol?,"I said grinning
"actually no i didnt really,"said Bam
"Well surprisinly I did I said laughing
"you know i'm sorry I havent been around all that much i've been really busy,"said Bam
"I know,"I said looking down and continued to stagger while following the guys back to the hotel
"Is everything ok Sam?, seriously you seemed like something is bothering you,"said Bam as he stopped me and stood in front of me
"I'm fine, we are getting farther away from them,"I said pointing but Bam wouldnt budge
"I know where the hotel is now what is going on I can see it all over your face something is wrong now please tell me,"said Bam
"I dont know if I should bam, I said looking away from him. He cupped my face in his hands and made me look at him.
"Just tell me Sam you can tell me anything,"said Bam
"How can I you are always with Missy, We used to be really close and ever since she came into the picture you've distance yourself not only from the guys but from me,"I said angerly
"I never did it on purpose Sam, I've been very busy with the skating tour and Viva la Bam and we are going to be doing another Jackass movie this year so things have been very hectic but I didnt realize you were feeling ignored,"said Bam
"Its not just that Bam there's something else," I went to start to say and then his stupid cell phone rang and of course it was Missy as usual.
"I think fate has its reason's for keeping us apart,"I thought to myself as we walked back to the hotel.
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Leave me comments and feedback, Dont know if this story is good or not