And Love Said No

And Love said No Ch 13 Goodbye Missy

2 days Later..........

"How long is he going to be on the phone with her?,"asked Dunn
"Who knows its been what an hour?,"said Dico as he looked at his watch
We were all sitting in the Hotel room waiting for Bam again as usual. The last 2 days Missy was constantly calling him and asking Bam a thousand questions. "What are you doing, when are you coming home, who's there with you?" just her annoying little questions. Then she'd start to bitch at him if the guys got too loud in the background, I mean come on I felt like Missy was acting like his mother and Ape doesnt even do that shit.
"I don't know about you guys but I'm getting really hungry,"said Raab
"I know hopefully he'll be off the phone soon then we can go to the resturant,"I said while fixing my dress.
All of a sudden we could hear Bam yelling
"FINE Move out then!!,"yelled bam as he walked back into the room and threw his phone.
"You alright Bam?,"asked Ville,
"Yeah. I guess you guys heard. Missy is moving out,"said Bam as he sat down on the Couch.
"Sorry to hear that Bam,"said Ville
"Its ok," mumbled bam as he ran his hands thru his hair.
In a way I felt bad for him, He seemed crush but then on the other hand i was glad she was going to move out I guess you could say that was selfish, but as all of you know I'm in love with him.
"Yo Sam,"said Rake Waving a hand in front of my face
"Sorry i was spacing off I said as I looked around to find everyone starring at me
"Ready to go? we've been calling your name for like 5 minutes now,"said Glomb.
I stood up and we went to this resturant ville picked out no sooner we got there Bam started drinking not a little a lot
"You know he's going to kill himself by drinking that much,"I said as we watched Bam take another shot of jack daniels
"God you sounded just like ape,"said Dico
"Least she didnt sound like Missy,"said Raab taking a drink of his beer everyone glared at Raab and I just gave him this blank expression
"Sam your'e scaring me stop it,"said Raab
"What? I didnt do anything,"I said slightly grinning
"True but the look on your face scared the shit outta me,"said Raab
"Probably not as bad as when you woke up to the male prostitute, you thought was a chick,"said Jimmy
"Hey He looked like a woman,"said Raab
"How the hell did he look like a woman? He had facial hair for god sakes, were you that fucked up you didnt notice?,"asked Dunn
"Yeah i was pretty wasted admited Raab
"Pretty wasted enough not to notice he had something between the legs?,"asked Jimmy
"Enough you guys i'd like to enjoy dinner and not barf," I said laughing
"Alright then a toast ,"said Dico as he passed around glasses to each one of us including bam
"What are we drinking?,"I asked as I looked at the contents in the glass
"Yeah I agree i dont wanna be drinking some thing that tastes like its been in a dirty sock,"said Rake as all of us laughed
"Its called Koskenkorva,"said Ville
"Kosken what?,"asked Dunn
"Koskenkorva, its a dry white wine, very popular here,"said Ville
"Alright but if this makes me wig out or puke I'm going after you valo,"said Jimmy as we all laughed
"It wont unless you drink a lot, Bam-Bam come over here,"said Ville. Bam looked up you could tell right away he was pretty buzzed. He walked over and stood next to me
"You alright?,"I whispered to bam
"Yeah just having a shitty night, raise your glass everyone is looking at you,"Bam replied slightly smiling I raised my glass as everyone was grinning Ville winked at me and stared his toast.
"I want to thank you all for coming to see me, I hope your vacation here in helenski is a memorable one and to Sam may the wine not make you puke,"said Ville grinning
"To Ville,"I said Raising my glass
"To Ville,"Said everyone else, and taking a drink, the wine was a little strong but wasnt too bad!! We had our dinner and a couple more drinks and decided to head back to the hotel because raab had gotten wasted (besides bam) and was making an ass out of himself. Dico, and Rake took raab back to the hotel by cab coz we all knew he wouldnt make it back without causing some havok or passing out or puking or perhaps all 3. Dunn, bam, Jimmy, Ville and I decided to walk back since it was nice out, and didnt want to be puked on by Raab.
"You've been quiet tonight,"said Dunn as him and I walked together.
"Just got alot on my mind Ry,"I replied
"Let me guess Bam?,"asked Dunn
"That obvious?,"I asked
"Not really I just know you too well, and to be honest yeah its obvious coz you havent really taken your'e eyes off of him all evening,"said Dunn
"I feel bad for him coz of the whole Missy thing he looks crushed,"I said
"I do too but deep down your'e probably happy like the rest of us,"said Dunn
"Your'e happy about it?,"I asked
"Fuck yah I am, ever since he's gotten with her he's changed he's not the same anymore she controls everything he does, and I mean everything. She wants him to change the show from viva la bam to viva la bam and missy,"said dunn
"Are you serious? How did you find that out?,"I asked
"I was in the kitchen making popcorn and I overheard her talking to bam about it and the sick thing is it was like he was agreeing to it,"said dunn
"Oh my god that's screwed up why would he let her control him like that? Bam was never that way with Jenn, she tried to control him once and he let her know he wasnt going for it,"I replied
"I know its really weird,"said Dunn
we got back to the hotel to see raab practically hanging upside down
"what the fuck?,"I asked
"Hi sam,"said raab in one of the voices he does for cky (little key-key's need for shitbox)
"What the hell happened to you?,"I said Laughing as i walked off to my hotel room to change clothes (which wasnt very far remember it was next door) I changed into my pjs and grabbed a couple beers and walked out onto the balcony to have a cigarette. Little did I know someone had decided to follow me out there.....

Dun Dun Dun!!!
was getting pretty buzzed and in deep thought thinking about Bam.
"you sure hide alot,"Said Bam making me jump
"Well what can I say I like being alone,"I replied taking a sip of my beer.
"You never used to be, you used to be part of the group and now its like you've distanced yourself from everyone especially me,"said Bam looking at the ground
"Now you know how I feel,"I muttered not realizing I said it a little too loud
"What's that supposed to mean?,"asked Bam. I thought well I might as well tell him it was either now or never.
"For starters ever since you ended up with missy you're the one that ditched everyone, she had this control over you it was pathetic,"I said
"She didnt have control over me,"said Bam
"She didnt? then how come you never spent time with the guys you were always off doing things with her, Bam she took you away from your friends whether you realize it or not,"I said getting really angry was he that damn stupid?
"I spent time with the guys when i wasnt busy,"said Bam
"Yeah when you werent busy you rarely spent time with us and when you did she called like every half hour,"I said
"I'm sorry sam I never realized how much control she had,"Replied Bam softly
"Well now you do," I said while taking another drink
"There something else isnt there?,"asked Bam
"You catch on fast I replied sarcastically,"I said standing up to walk back into the hotel room but he stepped in my way.
"Sam you can tell me, What's bothering you?,"Said Bam
"What's bothering me? You can't see it god your'e blind I'm,"I went to say but his cell phone went off
"Hold on a sec," said Bam holding a finger up
"Never mind just forget it," I said starting to walk in the hotel but he grabbed ahold of me and kissed me
"I Love you too sam,"he said as picked me up and carried me into the hotel room
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Watch for the next chapter I'm working on it so if you have any idea's let me know :)