And Love Said No

And love said No ch 14

3 days later
The last couple days seemed to last forever. Missy hasn’t called Bam, which has made the rest of us happy. Bam seems to be back to his old self, as for him and I; I don’t know what’s going to happen. We haven’t really talked about it. We have 5 more days here then we go back to West Chester and I go back to work. Lucky me NOT!! The boys and Ville decided to go to town to go fuck around and I decided to catch up on some sleep.
“Kill me I begged and love said no. Leave me for dead and let me go, “Sang my ring tone on my cell
“Hello,” I said half awake
“Wake up bitch!!,”yelled jimmy pop
“That’s miss bitch to you, and what do you want James, “I asked
“Well Samantha, Brandon wants you to get up and get ready we are going to dinner with Mr. Valo. We will be there to pick you up in 15 so be ready, “Said Jimmy in a British accent. I could hear the guys laughing hysterically.
“Whatever you say, “I replied rolling my eyes and hanging up the phone. No sooner I got off the phone with Jimmy the door slammed open. Raab came running in grabbing me by the arm and pulling me out the door.
“Damn it raab I don’t even have my shoes, “I yelled as Raab Continued to pull me thru the hotel and thru the elevator. As soon as we hit the bottom floor Rabb draggedme once again to where the guys were waiting for us.
“I thought I told you to get ready Sam?,”said Jimmy
“I would have if sir dick butt kiss over here didn’t drag me out of the room, “I replied glaring at raab.
“Not my fault Jimmy sent me up there to get you,”Said Raab shrugging his shoulders. I turned to look at Jimmy which had a grin on his face .
“You’re an ass you know that?,”I said glaring at him
“You know it baby,”replied Jimmy still grinning
“Ok genius, since you think your so slick you can go get my shoes, “I said
“No can do sweet cheeks we are running late as it is I guess you’ll have to go without your shoes,” replied Jimmy
“Lovely,” I muttered to myself
“You could always have one of us give you a piggy back ride,” said Raab as 5 hands smacked him in the back of the head for what he said
“Ow fuckers what was that for?,’’yelled Raab rubbing the back of his head
“Well since it was your great idea to have Raab drag me out of the room you get to carry me,”I said smiling at Jimmy
“Damnit,” said Jimmy as I jumped on his back.
We went to an American/Finnish restaurant which was nice for a change because I at least knew what I was eating. Yesterday Ville took us to some weird Cafe and of course everything was in Finnish so we didn’t have a clue to what we were ordering. Least I can say is it was a self serving cafe. I mostly stuck to things like cake and things that didn’t look too odd. I know I’m paranoid I might eat snails or something haha. Anyway Dinner tonight was pretty good with the exception of Raab and Dico acting like 5 year olds as usual. After dinner we went to a bar called Hotelli Helka. We almost didn’t get in thanks to the guys not getting my shoes but, with much persuasion from Ville and realizing who he and Bam were they let me in.
“I can’t believe that worked,”Said Dunn laughing as we sat in a booth drinking our beers.
“Wouldn't of thought telling them it’s a religious matter that Sam doesn’t wear shoes would get her in, “said Raab laughing also
“Hey don’t laugh at my religion I take it very serious you know,’’I said with a very straight face.
“Really and what religion would that be?,”asked Bam smirking
“Buddhism?,”I replied which made the guys laugh hysterically
“Oh really? Then I guess Buddha doesn’t mind you fornicating with Bam then,”Said Jimmy as mine and Bam’s face turned about 3 shades of red.
“I KNEW IT!!,’yelled Raab which caused everyone to stop and stare in our direction
“I have no idea what your talking about,”I replied
“Bullshit Sam I seen the look on your face you and Bam fucked,”sang Raab in which Raab got Dico, jimmy, evil jarred and a drunken Glomb to start chanting Bam and Sam fucked.
“And we’re going to do it again tonight,”sang bam really loud which caused the boys to quit singing and caused me to drop my jaw
“Shut ya up didn’t it,”replied Bam grinning
We decided to call it night and go back to the hotel because it was getting late. Ville gave me a piggy back ride this time to the hotel
“So are you happy now?,”asked Ville as he carried me
“Yes for once I am ville. I just don’t know if Bam and I are officially together or not,”I replied
“Have you thought about maybe discussing this with him?,”asked Ville
“Honestly no I haven’t, I guess I’ve been wrapped up in the moment,”I replied
Truth was I had thought about it. It was running thru my mind constantly. Were Bam and I a couple?
“Alright Valo my turn you’ve had your fun,” said Bam walking up along side us
How much of that conversation did he hear? I thought as Ville put me down and I got on Bam’s back it was quiet the first few minutes, very awkward silence actually.
“So how are you enjoying our trip?,”asked Bam I guess it was his way to start a conversation
“It’s nice, it’s a great stress reliever,” I replied
“I’ll say. I’m sure ape is enjoying her vacation too, “said Bam laughing
“That I wouldn’t doubt,” I replied laughing too
“Finally we are here,”said Bam as we got to the hotel
“Thank god I wanna take a bubble bath,”I said as he started to put me down and stopped.
“Bam what’s wrong?,’’ I asked as he gently put me down
Then I saw it
“Missy what are you doing here?’’ asked Bam
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Sorry it's been a long time since I've updated I've had writers block for a long time. I personally think this chapter sucked but i needed to get this chapter out so i could get to the really good stuff tell me what you think and leave comments too