And Love Said No

And Love said No Ch 2 Party!!

By 7pm that night the house was full of people, alot of them I knew and others I had no idea where they came from. Ville Bam's friend had flown down for the event and to be here for 2 weeks. I had came back from the store with chips and stuff only coz Bam asked me when he seen me come thru the door, he was pretty plastered and made his way towards me sort of staggering

"Sammy its about time you fuckin got your ass here come drink with me," he said as he practically pulled me across the floor causing me to drop the sacks that were in my hand
"Bam you made me drop the sacks," I said Trying to get him to let go of me.
"Rabb get off your ass and get the sacks," Bam yelled as he continued to pull me over to where him and Ville were sitting. He made me sit in a chair between him and ville as he poured me a shot of jack Daniels Ville starred at me with his piercing green eyes he was also plastered i could seen a slight grin forming across his face
"Bam you know I dont drink hard alcohol," I said as he made me grab the shot glass
"Too fuckin bad sam you're gonna take a shot with me coz you love me and I know you'll do it,"said Bam fluttering his eyes at me. He knew that worked but what he didnt know was that I had a crush on him the last 3 years
"God damn you," I muttered picking up the shot glass i looked over and seen Ville holding his shot glass.
"That's a good girl,"Bam said as I shot a glare at him.
"Okay on the count of 3 we slam the shot, ready one two three go!,"said Bam as him ville and I took the shot and then slammed them on the table. I could feel the liquid starting to come back up but thankfully i was able to keep it down.

"You alright sweetheart?,"asked Ville as he placed his hand on my shoulder
"Yeah I'm okay, " I said as I started to get up but Bam placed his hand on my shoulder and made me sit back down

"Where are you going? You're not even buzzing you cant leave until you get a good buzz going,"said Bam as he handed me another shot
We took like 5 more shots and then he handed me a beer I still couldnt get up even tho I tried to tell him I was getting pretty intoxicated. He finally let me go before smacking me on the ass as I walked away, I walked over to where Dunn was sitting and sat down next to him

"Having fun?,"he asked as he smiled
"Oh yeah loads of fun,"I Replied rolling my eyes.
"You have to admit least Jenn isnt here," said dunn
"Yeah i'll drink to that,"I replied as we clinked our beers together (Not sure if that's the right wording)
I must of drank at least 5 more beers as i sat there talking to Dunn before i knew it i was completely shitfaced I finally stood up and looked over at Bam and Ville who were talking amongst themselves about god knows what.

"Hey guys," I slurred as I walked up to them almost falling but luckily Bam and Ville caught me
"Hey Sam having fun?," Asked Ville grinning.
"Oh yeah loads of fun so much fun i uh i think i need to peeeeeeeee," I randomly remarked. as Bam and Ville exchanged looks and laughed

"You need some help to the bathroom?," asked Bam
"You wish Bammi boy," I replied lightly smacking the side of his face
"That's not what i meant sam and you know it," Bam replied laughing and shaking his head.
"Yeah yeah yeah i know, Just give me another shot bitch," I replied as I grabbed the bottle of JD out of Villes hand a took a big gulp out of the bottle.
"Thought you said you didnt drink hard alcohol,"Ville commented grinning.

"I dont usually, because i do shit like this," I said as grabbed bam and kissed him on the lips. Ville's jaw dropped and Bam just starred at me shocked not knowing what to say I grinned and walked off well more of staggered off to go grab another beer. Bam and Ville stood up following me, Before i knew it both of them were grabbing me by my arm and dragging me thru the house to the couch
"Hey what the fuck are you too doing?? let me go," I said as i tried to struggle out of their grip but it didn't work at all
"We need to talk,"said Bam as he pushed on my shoulders to make me sit
"About what?," I asked fluttering my eyes at Bam
"You know what,"Replied Bam looking at my drunken state.
"Oh yeah that uh it wasnt me," i lied taking a drink of my beer
"Right and who was it??," asked Ville laughing
"It was.....................Raab," I said pointing to Raab who was siting across from me
"Hey i'm drunk but not that drunk sam,"said Raab
"Yeah whatever i have an announcement to make,"I said standing up and almost falling
"And that would be?,"Asked Ville
"I'm fuckin wasted!!,"I yelled
"Your point being?," asked Novak walkng up along side me with some chick he had his arm around
"I dont have a point and who's the chicky your banging tonight?," I asked causing Ville to choke and Bam to start laughing
"Her name is Jenn,"said Novak
"Jenn's a slutty name not to be rude or anything," i replied
"Who are you supposed to be a comedian here?,"snapped Jenn
"Holy shit this one actually speaks!," I replied acting shocked.
"Your just jealous coz Brandon wont sleep with you,"said jenn
"Right and your sleeping with him coz you feel like you guys have a real connection and are soul mates," I replied rolling my eyes
"Come on Brandon lets go,"said Jenn pulling Novak along
"See ya in the morning guys,"said Novak
"Later Novak,"said Ville
"Be careful Novak and dont get the clap," I said clapping my hands causing poor ville to spit out his drink
Jenn turned around and walked back towards me
"You know your just jealous coz i'm with Brandon and obviously you cant stand the fact that someone pretty like me is with me,"She replied smirking
"Not to burst your bubble but i could have Novak anytime i wanted as a matter of fact i could have any of these guys," I said
"Right,"said jenn rolling her eyes
"Its true hon,"said Novak
"Only coz she's a dirty nasty skanky whore,"she said just as the music stopped and everyone turned their attention to her and I.
Raab, Rake, Dico and Dunn walked over towards Bam and Ville Who had stood up ready to break the fight that was about to happen
"What the fuck did you say?," I asked getting in her face
"You heard me bitch,"she said
"Oh now your calling me a bitch is that supposed to hurt my feelings or something?,"I asked
"Get outta my face," She said pushing me
"Make me,"I replied pushing her back
Jenn then slapped me across the face which caused people to gasp.
"Was that supposed to hurt?," I asked laughing
"Yeah and your mama too,"she said
"If i were you Jenn i'd be leaving like right now,"said raab looking at me i had my fists clenched and my eyes darkened.
"why what's she gonna do go get her mama?,"she asked laughing
"First of all my mama is dead you whore,"I replied punching her in the face. The fight broke out and we started hitting each other
"Um shouldnt we be doing something?,"asked Dico
"Wait a few minutes I wanna see her get her ass kicked,"replied. Dunn as he watched us fight along with everyone else
"All right ladies break it up,"said Bam and the guys breaking it up
"Let go of me Brandon Cole,"I replied through clenched teeth as i struggled
"Now Now Samantha I think Jenn has had enough,"Said Bam holding onto me tightly
"Come on just let me hit her once more just once more,"I said
"You'll always be a nasty whore just like your mama,"she said as she spit on me
"Okay one more,"said Bam letting me go i jumped on her and hit her a couple more times she got me once before i knew it i was being grabbed again by bam and Ville who both had a hold of me while i struggled
"Jesus Christ she's hard to hold on to,"said Ville
"No shit,"said bam holding me by the waist
Jenn stood up and started to grab Novak's hand
"Come on Brandon,"she said trying to pull him away
"I dont think so i think its time you leave,"said Novak taking her to the door
"Bye,"I said and waved as she walked off I turned towards Bam and the rest of the guys
"alright someone get me a beer my buzz wore off,"I said
"You heard the lady get her a beer and the first aid kit too,"yelled Bam as Dunn saluted and walked off
"You cant be serious," I said
"Totally serious your hand and eyebrow is cut and i dont think you want whatever std she has do you,"he asked
"Nah but hey i'd like to stay and chat but i am on a mission.. to find my beer,"I said as i started to walk off but Bam and Ville grabbed my shirt and pulled me back
"Nice try sam,"said Bam and he made me sit down
3 hours later...................
Everything was back to what was normal for the party before the fight happened. The party was starting to die down and everyone who wasnt passed out was leaving. Novak found another chick and so he called it a night and went upstairs with her. I had gotten even more wasted than i was before the fight and So was bam ville and the rest of the guys.
"Ok i think i'm going to go to bed,"I said as i stood up and i started to fall back but Bam caught me
"oh yeah i almost forgot to tell you uh your sharing a room with me,"said Bam
"What? Why?,"I asked
"Coz Ville's gonna have your room until we get the other guest room fixed,"said Bam
"Its ok Bam I'll sleep on the couch,"said Ville
"Nonsense you can sleep in Sam's room right sam?,"said Bam elbowing me
"Yeah sure whatever i really dont care at this point just point me in the direction to go sleep," I said staggering off
"i think you need a little help,"said bam putting his arm around me to hold me up
"Thank you mr margera but i think i can take it from here," I remarked starting to walk off but falling on my ass
"Are you sure?,"Bam asked laughing as he picked me up off the floor
and started helping me up the stairs to his room we got to his room and he shut the door and locked it behind him
"Why you locking the door?," I asked raising my eyebrows
"So we dont get disturbed in the morning," replied Bam
"Good point," I said nodding my head
"Bam walked over to me and pushed me lightly which made me fall on the bed he just stood over me and smiled i grabbed his hand and jerked him my direction which sent him falling next to me we both started laughing
"we're fuckin wasted," he said laughing
"Yuppers Bam and Sam shitfaced on the next viva la bam," I said laughing I dont remember the rest of night coz i passed out not long after that