And Love Said No

And Love Said No Ch 5 DAMN YOU!!

"Come on just smack me once sam just right here,"said Jimmy as he pointed to his cheek
"No Jimmy i am not going to slap you ," I said laughing as i tried to walk off but him and evil jared blocked my path
"Hey where is your drink sam,"Asked Jared
"i'm the designated driver tonight,"i replied
"I call bullshit on that one hey Bam is sam the designated driver tonight," Yelled Jimmy
"Fuck no where did you hear that," said Bam
"Sam,"said Jimmy and Jarred
"Damn you!!,"I said giving him an evil look as Bam walked over to us and put an arm around me
"So you decided to be the designated driver huh??,"he asked
"Yup,"I said grinning
"Well i hate to burst your bubble sam but glomb said he would drive everyone home,"said Bam as he walked off to go talk to raab
"Well it looks like you have to drink now Sammy said Jimmy as he put an arm around me
"Damn you Jimmy,"I said again
"here this is for you from Jimmy and I with love,"Said Jarred as he handed me a blue drink
"What is this?,"I asked looking at the glass
"oh its a little of this a little of that its really good,"Said Jimmy
"I dont know last time you guys had me drink something it had ex-lax in it,"I replied
"sam we told you that was an complete accident,"Said Jimmy
"Besides that was for Vito,"said Jarred pushing the cup into my hands
"Ok but if this makes me puke or vomit your asses is mine!!,"I Said as i took a drink, surprisingly it was actually good!!
"Good huh?,"Asked Jimmy
"Yeah what is it?,"I asked
"Its called and Adios mother fucker,"Said Jarred. I choked on my drink and started laughing
"A what?," I asked
"An Adios mother fucker, it has a little bit of this and a little bit of that,"said Jarred
"Basically all the hard alcohol
with a little bit of blue rasberry mix in it,"Said Jimmy
"Well its good no matter what it is,"I replied practically chugging it down.....
I wonder what's going to happen.......

3 hours later.......

"Dude how many of those did she have?,"Asked Dunn
"I dunno ask those 2 they were with her the entire time,"Said Glomb pointing to Jimmy and Jarred
who was holding me up coz i was pretty wasted and had the giggles
"Dunn my buddy I love you,"I said throwing my arms around his neck
"Sam how many of those did you have?,"Asked Dunn holding on to me
"Um about this many,"I said holding up my finger which showed 3 fingers.
"That's all you had that isnt too bad,"Said Glomb
"I also had a pitcher of beer,"I whispered
"Ok little lady lets get you home,"said glomb
We got outside and started walking towards the car Bam and Ville were already there along with everyone else
"Bam!," I yelled and started running towards him which knocked him onto the ground
"Hello to you too Sam,"He said as i lay on top of him
"What's up?,"I said looking at him
"Um not alot uh Sam would you get off of me?,"Said Bam
"Only if you carry me,"I said with a grin
"Ok fine,"said Bam as he stood up and picked me up. We all got into the hummer and started to drive everyone home, by the time we got there i was passed out cold so bam picked me up and took me into the house and to his room he removed my shoes and covered me up with a blanket, and turned off the lights, not long after that he went to sleep himself.