And Love Said No

And Love Said No Ch 7 All good things must come t

FF a month later......

It has been a month and let me tell you its been going pretty good, Bam and I have even gotten closer. The guys flick us shit coz we are always together we have even gotten the nickname Basam. The tabloids even call us that, I believe we have even been on every Tabloid magazine its nuts!! Ville thinks I should go ahead and Tell Bam how I feel about him but i dont know if I can.

"Hurry your ass up woman, we've been sitting down here for almost an hour so hurry up or your getting left,"Yelled Ryan
"Allright I'll be down in a minute geez,"I said as I looked in the mirror one last time.

Tonight was the grand opening of the new club called the Blue Flamingo (Note: ok if it sounds really cheesy I'm sorry!!) Bam was asked by the owner of the club to make a grand appearance so we all were going. As soon as I opened the door Bam was standing there
"Its about damn time you got out of there you ready to go,"He asked
"Yup,"I said I looked in the mirror again
"You look hott now lets go,"said Bam as he extended his arm for me to take in which i did. As soon as we got to the club we were lead to a booth in the back. The guys left me and ville sitting at the table while they went to get drinks and whatnot
"So when are you going to tell him Sam,asked Ville
"I dont know to be honest I dont if I can,"I said frowning
"Well you wont know unless you try love,"said Ville as he took a drag off of his cigarette
"Yeah i know," I said as Novak and Rabb approached the table with a tray of drinks
"Have you seen all the sweet ass here?,"asked Novak as he handed both ville and I our drinks
"Yeah there's alot of hott women out here tonight, maybe Bam will get himself laid,"replied Rabb
"Naw he's got himself Sam here,"Said Novak as he sat down and put an arm around me
"comedian tonight are we,"I said as I crossed my arms
"awww sammy you know I was just playing with you,"said Novak
"Dude leave sam alone your not her type,"Said Bam as him and Dunn walked up
"And i suppose you know what her type is,"Said Ville
I looked at Ville with wide eyes who just shrugged his shoulders at me.
"Well yeah she wants someone who isnt a whore and a druggie she wants someone who's disease free and is good lookin,"said Bam
"so someone like you?,"asked Ville
I couldnt believe him he was playing cupid and giving it away that i like him maybe he wont catch what Ville's trying to say.
"Um yeah someone like me but you know i'll have to screen them first sam just to make sure they arent douchebags,"said Bam
"Gee thanks bam,"I smiled weakly
"You alright sam?,"asked Dunn with a concerned look on his face
"Yeah i'm fine who's going to buy me another drink,"I asked
"I will I will,"yelled Raab as he jumped up
"I'll go with you,"I said as i stood up and walked with Raab to the Bar

Bam's Pov

"Allright Ville what's going on why is Sam acting wierd,"I asked
"If you really want to know Bam ask her maybe she'll tell you,"He replied
Damnit I was hoping he would tell me so i didnt have to ask her. I might as well ask her coz its driving me nuts as i got up to the bar i could see Raab and Sam taking shots and laughing.
"Hey sam can I talk to you for a sec?,"I asked

Your Pov
Raab and I decided to do shots and we were laughing at each other coz of the faces we were making i was getting pretty smashed even thou we wasnt up there very long but still i didnt see bam walk up to us
"Hey sam can i talk to you for a sec?,"he asked
"Sure, hey raab i'll be right back,"I said to raab who nodded as i walked off with Bam outside so that we could talk
"Is everything ok?? You have been acting wierd tonight,"asked Bam
"Yeah I'm fine why?,"I asked
"Coz you have been acting different to be honest you have been like that off and on for awhile now,you sure your ok?,"he asked as he cupped my chin into his hands and made me look into his eyes. I couldnt look away I looked into his eyes and it seemed as if he knew exactly how i felt coz he started to lean in to kiss me. As soon as our lips touched someone bumped into us, and that person would completly change everything.