And Love Said No

And Love Said No Ch 9 early wake ups and bad dream

I awoke early in the morning to someone starring in my face, in which it totally scared the shit out of me coz number 1 the door was locked and number 2 being woke up to someone starring in your face doesnt help. It was still pretty dark outside. I ended up screaming and punching who was in my face.
"OW!! What the fuck was that for sam?,"said a voice that was unmistakable to miss
"Oh my god Bam are you ok?,"I asked as i turned on the light and jumped off the bed onto the floor where bam was now pretty much laying.
"I think so,"He said slightly laughing and holding his eye
"I'm so sorry you scared me, how the hell did you get in here?,"I asked
"I have a key to the door of course,"said Bam
"I thought you were going to stay at missy's,"I said
"I was going to but her ex kept calling her so i bailed,"said Bam
"Oh well i hope you know i'm going back to sleep,"I said crawling back into bed.
"Oh yeah before i forget we are going to the movies tomorrow,"said Bam as he crawled into bed next to me
"Who's we?,"I asked
"Well I asked Missy to go to the movies tomorrow and she said you should come too but we have to find you someone to go with,"said Bam
"Who says I cant find my own date?? I asked feeling insulted
"Who did you have in mind??,"Asked bam
"I guess you'll just have to wait and see night,"I said as I turned off the light and layed down
"Night Sam,"Said Bam
Truth was I really wanted to go with bam but since he was going with Missy I knew just the person to ask
Bad dreams bad dreams......

It had been awhile since i had a nightmare about my parents, after my mom died i used to have nightmares all the time.I was so greatful for Bam and his family taking me in after My dad had killed my mom. My dad was an alcoholic and a drug addict and used to beat my mom and I, mostly my mom tho. My mom and April had been best friends since they were in grade school, and her and phil tried to get my mom to leave him but she was afraid of him and what he would do if she left him. There were times where he would beat me and my mom so bad that we wouldnt leave the house for days. When my dad would finally pass out my mom would call ape and Jess and Bam would come get me and sneak me out of my bedroom window. I can still remember the night my mom died just like it was yesterday, my dad had came home from the Bar heavily intoxicated and was also high. I was sitting on the couch watching tv when the door was slamed opened and he came staggering in we could tell right away it was going to be one of those nights
"I'm home piglets where's my god-damned dinner,"said my dad as he threw his coat to the floor
"Its in the microwave hon,"I'll go heat it up for you,"said my mom as she went into the kitchen
"This place is a fucking mess doesnt noone know how to clean around here?,"asked my dad as he kicked stuff around
"Your dinners on the table Dale,"said my mom trying to change the subject
"Took you long enough,"he said as he went and sat at the table next to my mom he took a bite of the dinner and spit it in my mom face
"What the fuck is this shit? do you call this dinner,"he yelled as he picked up the plate and threw it across the room I decided to help my mom by walking into the kitchen and start helping her clean up the mess
"Now that's what i like to see is my piglets cleaning up the mess,"said my dad like he was proud he opened the fridge and grabbed a beer and went into the living room and sat down
"I cant wait for him to pass out mom," I replied as i continued to help her clean up the mess
"I know sam I'll call ape as soon as he's passed out,"whispered my mom I nodded my head and started to stand up and i was staring face to face with my dad who slapped me across the face hard
"So you think you bitches can hide your little secret from me??,"He yelled
"Dale what are you talking about it?? what secret??,"Asked my mom
"Dont give me that shit stacy i found your housing and job applications, so you really thought you were going to leave me?? what did I tell you if you tried to leave me?? I've been letting you two get away with two much shit, i've been pretty good to you havent I?? Sam go to bed your mother and I need to have a chat,"My dad said as he grabbed me by my arm and shoved me towards my room I looked at my mom who just nodded and said it was ok as i turned the corner i seen out of the corner of my eye my dad strangling my mom with his belt.
"No dad dont!,"I screamed as I tried to get him to stop but he punched me in the face knocking me to the ground. I grabbed the phone and called ape panicking and of course Bam answered the phone
"Yo margera's house of bliss Bam speaking how may i serve you?,"he said
"Help get your mom and phil my dad is,"I went to say but he slapped me across the face which sent the phone flying out of my hand
"Calling your boyfriend? I always knew you were a slut,"as he slapped me again
"Bam help,"I screamed as he dragged me into the kitchen I was screaming and crying for help my mom was laying on the floor bleeding she wasnt moving but she was still breathing
"I'm going to teach you not to get int the middle of our arguements when i tell you to do something you do it got it!,"he said as he started so hit me with the belt, he hit me with it atleast a dozen times as he went to hit me again someone grabbed him and punched him knocking him to the ground i looked up to see phil standing there april, jess, bam and ryan came running into the house. April ran over to my mom who was still laying on the floor
"Somebody call 911 now!!,"she screamed
Jess dialed 911 as phil held my dad down along with Ryan's help Bam kneeled down and pretty much picked me up
"its going to be ok sam,"said Bam as he held onto to me that was the last thing i remembered coz i blacked out. I remember waking up in the hospital to a room full of people and everyone looked like they had been crying, Bam had fallen asleep with his head on my bed it looked so cute too coz he had his hand on my arm
"Bam," i tried to say but my voice was so hoarse from screaming everyone looked up and bam lifted up his head
"I'll go get the doctor,"said Phil as he left the room to go find the doctor.
"How long have i been out?,"I asked
"about a day how are you feeling? asked april as she ran her hands thru my hair
"really tired and sore, Ape where is my mom?,"I asked looking around everyone looked at the ground. Bam was rubbing my arm at that point and i knew something was wrong.
"Where is my mom?? is she ok where is she?,"I said as I started panicking
"Sweetie your mom she uh she passed away this morning, I'm so sorry,"said april
"No it cant be she's ok she has to be ok,"I said as i tried to get up
"Sam you need your rest,"said Bam as he tried to get me to lay back down
"No i dont need to sleep where is my mom i want my mom!,"I started to scream April grabbed me and hugged me as bam rubbed my back
"Its not fair why did she have to leave me I'm all alone now!,"I said as i started to cry someone started shaking me

"Sam, hon wake up,"said a voice I woke up to looking at bam who had a concerned look on his face
"are you alright you were crying in your sleep? you ok?,"he asked
"yeah i think so i had a nightmare about my mom," I said frowning
"The night she died huh?,"he asked
"Yes," i nodded as i started to cry he wrapped his arms around me in a great big hug
"I'm sorry sam,"was all he could say
'It's ok bam sorry i woke you up,"i said looking at the clock that read 6:30
"Dont worry about it i was still awake listening to you breath, now lets go back to sleep,"he said as he pulled me back down wrapped his arms around me
"You mean i need to go back to sleep,"I said as i rested my head on his shoulder
"alright smartass i mean both of us go to sleep now,"he said laughing
"ok night bam,"I said closing my eyes
"night sam actually its morning but whatever,"he said as he ran his fingers thru my hair within a couple minutes we both were asleep.

That Morning........
"So you want me to go to the movies with you,"said Ville as he puffed on a cigarette
"Yes coz who else would I invite novak?,"I asked
"You got a point there I dont think you want to be molested by him,"said Ville laughing
"True,"I said smiling
"So why do you want me to go with you?,"asked Ville
"well for one this is supposed to be a double date and two you know how i feel about Bam and i dont want to go solo so pleeeeasseee?I said fluttering my eyes
"Ok i guess i'll go but only coz I dont want to see you go by your lonesome,"said Ville
"thank you and you know you love me,"I said hugging him
"Right,"said Ville as he rolled his eyes
"Its true you think i'm cute and you just love me,"I said grinning
"Have you been drinking sam?,"said Ville as he raised his eyes at me
"No I havent been drinking just happy you are going to the movies coz i dont know what i would do if i had to go solo,"I replied
"Go nuts watching Missy hang all over bam?asked Ryan as he walked into the room
"Exactly she just ugh makes me cringe,"I said
"awww sam i'm sorry,"said Ryan as he put an arm around me
"Not as half as sorry as I am,"I mumbled I spent the rest of the day lounging around and then got ready for the worst evening i've had in a long time.