Status: I'm ***ing back! Hell ya!

The God That Never Came

Starting A New Life

A flight attendant woke me from my sleep telling me that the plan had landed. I got up from my seat and exited the plane with my bag. I have no idea where Huntington Beach is. I walked up to the desk.

"How may I help you?"

"How far is Huntington Beach from here?" I asked the woman politely.

About 4 miles. Can I call you a cab?"

"No thank you ma'am. Can you show me the way please." I asked smiling.

"Go out of the building of course and take a right and follow the road and you'll be Huntington. Are you sure you don't want me to call you a cab?"

"Thanks for the directions and no ma'am. I'm a marathon runner. I think I can manage." I said lying through my teeth. I walked away from the desk and followed the directions the woman gave me. It was still dark out so I won't have to worry about people blinding me with their fucking lights.

The walk didn't seem that long until I came to the welcome sign in Huntington Beach. I walked along the well lit street and come to an all night diner. I was rather hungry and thirsty from the long walk so I went into the diner and sat down at the counter.

"Hey my name is Sabrina. What can I get you?"

"I'm Octayne. I'd like a water and salad please." I said rubbing my eyes.

"What kind of dressing?"

"Ranch." I said politely.

"Coming right up." Sabrina left and refilled a man's cup before getting my water and bringing out a salad. She sat both things down in front of me.

"Are you new around here?"

"Yeah. Just moved here to be exact." I said taking a bite out of the delicious salad.

"You picked a great place to live. The people of Huntington are so friendly and the beach is so beautiful this time of year."

"I've seen pictures but I guess I had to see for myself." I said drinking my water.

"So where do you live?"

"No where at the moment." I said setting down the water.

"You don't have a home?"

"No." I said eating the rest of my salad.

"You can come live with me if you want. I live alone and it gets very lonely at times."

"I wouldn't want to intrude or anything." I said as she took my finished salad.

"You wouldn't be intruding."

"I don't really know you either." I said shrugging.

"My name is Sabrina Sullivan and I'm 40 years old. I live in a 2 story house and work right here at The All Night Diner." She smiled while leaning against the counter.

"Alright. Anywhere is better than the streets." I said finishing the water.

"Great! I get off work in 5 minutes." I nodded and she went back over to the other man. He had tattoos running up and down both arms. He placed some money on the counter and left. He was very handsome. I watched as Sabrina wiped off the tables and counter as someone walked in.

"Hey Sabrina."

"Hey Donny. You're here early." she said smiling. Must be her boss or something.

"I thought I wuold come in and wait for April to get here so you can go on home."

"Thanks Donny." She smiled and took off the apron and hanging it on the wall. She grabbed her purse and smiled.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah." I said grabbing my bag and following her out to the car. I got in and she drove down the road.

"Where's the high school around here?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Let's just say, you can see it from my house."

"That close huh?" I said laughing.

"Yeah. What grade are you in?"

"A Sophomore." I said lying once again.

"Cool. At least you arrived just in time."

"What do you mean?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"School starts in 2 weeks."

"Is it too late to register?" I asked.

"Nope. We'll go tomorrow and get that done."

"Don't you mean today?" I asked looking at the clock.

"Yeah." she laughed and pulled into a beautiful 2-story house driveway and parked. I got out with my things and followed her into the house.

"You sure do have a nice house." I said looking around.

"Thank you. I've done most of the decor." I went into the living room and seen 2 game systems and I was instantly confused.

"I thought you said you live alone?" I asked.

"I do but my son and his friend come over sometimes but right now they're touring. When school starts back, their jobs keep them from seeing me as often but they always manage to come and visit."

"Is your son in a band?" I asked sitting down in the living room.

"Yeah. Jimmy's the drummer for Avenged Sevenfold."

"Avenged Sevenfold?" I asked confused.

"You've never heard of them?"

" foster family wouldn't let me listen to music." I said lowering my head.

"That sucks! Maybe I can get them to play for you sometime."

"That would be awesome." I said smiling.

"So why did you move to Huntington?"

"For a better life." I said looking around the huge living area.

"What was you life like before you came here?"

"Well, I don't have my parents because of a car accident...and to be honest foster life wasn't for me. I never seemed to fit in." I said telling half the truth.

"I'm very sorry for your loss."

"Thank you." I said holding my mom's necklace.

"Is that your mother's?"

"The necklace? Yeah. It's the oly thing I have left of hers." I said smiling.

"She must have been important to you."

"She still is." I said yawning.

"You're tired. Let me show you to your room."

"Thank you." I said standing and grabbing my bag. Sabrina took me upstairs and opens the first door.

"Here you go. I'll leave you to get settle in and I'll see you in the morning. Oh and you're bathroom is connected to the room for privacy."

"Thank you so much for letting me stay." I said smiling.

"No problem. Everyone needs a loving home." she smiled and left the room shutting the door behind her. I sat down on the bed with my back pack and started unloading everything. I put my underware and socks into a drawer together and hung my clothes into the huge closet. I pulled out my pajamas and went into the bathroom. I pulled up my shirt and look at the burns those monster inflicted on me. Why did I let that happen? Why didn't I fight back?

I looked through the cabinets and found a first aid kit and put some burn ointment on it and it soothed the burning sensations. I took off my shirt and changed into my pajamas carefully. I put everything back into the first aid kit before exiting the bathroom. I plugged my phone charger into the wall to charge up my phone before getting comfortable in bed. I pulled the covers over my head and slowly drifted off to sleep.
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