Status: I'm ***ing back! Hell ya!

The God That Never Came


~~~~~~~~~~~~~SABRINA'S POV~~~~~~~~~

I looked down at my phone for the hundreth time and Octayne hasn't showed up yet. I've called her numberous times but all my calls went straight to her voicemail. Where the hell is she?

"Donny? Octayne still isn't answering my phone calls. I'm worried about her." I said sitting down.

"Maybe she fell asleep."

"She always keeps her phone on though. I'm calling my son." I picked up my phone again and dialed Jimmy's number.


"Jimmy?" I said.


"Yes honey. I need your help." I said frightened.

"What's wrong mom?"

"I have a friend who was supposed to pick me up from work 3 hours ago and she hasn't shown up. I've called her numberous but it always goes to voicemail." I explained.

"Mom calm down and I'll call the guys and we'll be right over."

"Alright but please hurry. She's always answered my phone calls." I said pacing the floor of the diner.

"Alright mom. Just sit down, we're on our way." I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone and sat back down at the counter. What if something is wrong with Octayne? I seen a black SUV park in front of the diner. My son got out of the car and came into the diner.

"Sabrina what's going on?"

"I'll explain later but right now we need to find her." I said ushering all the guys out of the diner. We got into the car and my son started driving down the road. I looked on both sides of the road carefully to make sure I didn't miss anything. I seen 2 sets of tire tracks and fear bubbled up in my chest.

"Jimmy stop!" I said opening the door and getting out. I followed a skid mark that went off the embankment on the other side of the road. I looked down through the trees and seen headlights at the bottom.

"Jimmy! Call 911!" I screamed and made my way down the hill.

"Sabrina be careful. There's a lot of car parts lying around." Zacky said grabbing my hand. The closer we got to the car, the more horribe the scene was unfolding right in front of me. I stood in front of my mangled car but I didn't see Octayne. I looked around the car and finaly spotted her bloody body 10 feet from the car. I rushed over to her side and checked for a pulse and there was a slight throbbing in her neck.

I looked up the hill an seen the paramedics rushing as fast as they could down to us. Time seemed to slow down as they carefully strapped her to a backboard and carried her back up the hill. Zacky and I followe the medics as they put her into the ambulance. I got back into Jimmy's SUV with the others and followed closely behind the ambulance. We rushed in right behind them as doctors were running down the hall with her. The rushed her into an exam room.

"Ma'am you need to stay out here while the doctors work." a nurse said before walking into the room. I looked through the window as they placed a tube down her throat. What the hell happened to her? What would make her run off the road like that? I hope she's going to be alright.


We've been sitting her for hours and no one has give us any word about Octayne's condition. What if she didn't make it? What the fuck is going on?

"Where's the family of Octayne Viscar?" I stood to my feet as a doctor came over to us.

"Are you the mother?"

"Yes." I said lying but I consider her my daughter.

"Ms. Viscar."

"It's Sullivan. Octayne is adopted." I said correcting him.

"Ms. Sullivan, Octayne went through surgery on her spleen, kidneys, and a portion of her liver with ease. She has 2 broked legs, 2 broken ankles, he left knee was shattered, the facial bone under right eye was broken, and her neck was broken in 2 places. She has a large gash that goes from the bridge of her forhead down to her jaw. Where she hit the ground chest first, it collasped a lung and we fixed that but she'll be on a ventilator until she wakes up."

"So she's going to be alright?" I asked smiling slightly.

"She's not out of the woods just yet but like I said we'll know more when she wakes up."

"Can we go see her?" I asked pointing over my shoulder at the guys.

"Yes. Follow me." We all got up and followed the doctor into the room where Octayne's battered body lay. She laid motionless in the hospital bed with a breathing tube taped to the sides of her mouth and a huge bandage over the cut that was on her face. Tubes ran in and out of both arms and all the cuts and bruises that riddled her exposed skin were saddening. I sat down at her bedside and gently grasped her hadn in mine. She looked so bad. What if she can't recover from this? I hung my head and let tears flow down my face.

"Sabrina....she's going to be alright. She may look like hell now but she'll recover."

"I know Brian but what if she doesn't? I want to know who did this to her." I said wiping my tears away.

"How do you know someone did this?"

"On the road, I seen 2 different skid marks. One was Octayne's going over the embankment and the other was from someone speeding away." I explained while looking over at her hoping she'll wake up soon.

"We'll know when she wakes." I nodded and stared at her broken body and silently prayed to God to pull her through this. She's so young and she doesn't deserve to die this way. She deserves to have a life with a man and get married, have some kids and grow old with the one she loves. She doesn't deserve to die because some idiot runs her off the road. I looked over as the door opened and a nurse came to the bedside. She changed her bandages and the IV bag that hung above her before leaving the room.

"Guys, why don't you go home and get some sleep. I'll stay here with Octayne." I said looking down.

"Are you sure mom?"

"Yes honey. I'll see you all tomorrow." I said hugging them as they left the room. Why would someone do this to such a sweet girl? Did she do something to upset the person who ran her off the road? I laid my head back against the chair and slowly fell asleep.


I awoke suddenly to the soud of rapid beeping and seeing Octayne shaking uncontrollably. I ran out of the room and yelled for help and nurses and doctors came into the room. I stood out of the way as nurses held her down and a doctor injected something into her IV. She slowly calmed down and they checked her making sure she didn't hurt her wounds.

"What happened?" I asked in shock.

"She had a seizure. It's very common with trama."

"Is she alright?" I asked as the other nurses left the room.

"Yes. She'll be just fine." I nodded and the doctor left me alone in the room with Octayne. I sat down and grabbed her hand in mine again. That seizure scared the living shit out of me. I thought I was literally going to have a heart attack when she started shaking. I know I won't be going back to sleep tonight.
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comments? thnx to my only commentor!