Status: Sequel will be up soon! :3

When I Sleep, I Dream, and It Gets Me By


I absent-mindedly erased the names from the mirrored doors of the changing rooms.

“Excuse me,” a silky warm voice spoke. I turned around and smiled. A guy standing about six foot three stood there with clothes in his arms.

“Do you wanna try them on?” I asked smiling. His hair was short and raven black, but it still partly covered his eyes. His pale skin was contrasted against his locks and as I looked at the pile of clothes, I saw a tattoo on his arm.

“Yeah,” his voice spoke. It sounded like honey dripping down from the tube into my green tea before I go to sleep. Oh, how I long for sleep. I opened the door that was in front of me.

“Here,” I opened the door and grabbed a marker from my back pocket, “What’s your name?”

“Matt,” he smirked and looked back at me as he walked in.

“I’m Blair,” I smiled, “holler if you need anything.” I watched as he nodded then shut the door. I wrote “Matt” with a line underneath his name in blue marker on the mirror. I wonder what kind of tattoo he has… A tingle began on my hip as I thought of tattoos. Another one started on my ankle. The hum of the tattoo needles played in the back of my head as an older song played in the store: “The Boys of Summer” by The Ataris.

“A little voice inside my head said, 'Don't look back. You can never look back.' I thought I knew what love was…”

“Blair!” My name was exclaimed behind me. I turned around. A smile crept onto my lips and I knew I looked happy. Maybe I don’t need to fake happiness anymore. I really wish I could just sleep. God, Blair! Stop ranting to yourself! Matt stood in front of me looking at me. I glanced at his shirt, or was he trying on shorts?

“Yeah?” I asked biting my lip.

“How does this shirt look?” he asked. I looked at his eyes, blue and green with wonder and curiosity. The tank top was black and gray and white striped, and it looked so good on Matt. It showed off his tattoo -the tingling was back- and his arms were muscular. Not to big, not to small, just… perfect. A blush began going over my cheeks. “Does it look bad? It looks horrible, doesn’t it?”

I giggled softly, “No, no, it looks good.” I spoke quietly, but hopefully loud enough for him to hear.

"Okay," he smiled and walked back into the changing room. I watched the door close.


I unlocked my apartment and shut it once I walked in. My iPod played "You Should Have Killed Me When You Had The Chance" by A Day To Remember. I felt a vibration against my thigh, which pocket do I have my phone in? My arm dropped and felt my pockets. Ohh, it's a text message. Amanda!

That guy Matt came back after you left, he asked for your name c: I tink he's gonna add you on facebook :3 A smile crossed my face. Does he have a thing for me?

Do you tink he has a thing for me? :3 I replied and a blush began an embark onto my cheeks. I grabbed my iPod as "Casablanca Sucked Anyways" by A Day To Remember came on. Should I leave this one? Hmm... I ignored my vibrating phone. The anxiety of knowing if he has a thing for me or not was too much to deal with. A yawn escaped my lips. I'm really tired. I sighed softly. I dropped my bag on the floor, I didn't care where it went. The room was getting hotter by the second I was in it, and all I wanted was to be in my bed. The day was wearing on me. I took the hair tie on my hand and put my hair up into a messy ponytail. The new found air on my neck felt amazing. I flicked the switch to turn my fan on. Living in Southern California teaches you a few things: One) Most people surf. Two) It can get humid. Three) Own fans, not an a/c. You will be a social outcast.

I slowly walked to my bedroom, it was my sanctuary. Well, my whole apartment is, actually. I plugged in my iPod to the docking system as I tossed my phone onto my bed. "Fool Everyone" by A Rocket To The Moon played from the stereo. I changed my clothes from what I wore to work to a random pair of soffee shorts and an "old" The Maine tour shirt. I then prompted to fling myself onto my bed. My very, very soft bed. Oh, how I love you.


I heard my phone vibrating against my pillow, and the sound was pissing me off. My skin was burning up, but my bones felt ice cold. I curled up, then flung the sheet off of my body. Do I work today? Holy fluffer doodle, I think I work today. I really wanted to scream and just cry. I grabbed my phone and texted Amanda.

i can't go to work, im sicky

I dialed Tanya's number and I knew she was gonna be okay with it, I don't even know why I'm not texting her. I waited a few seconds and I got her voice mail. Meh!

"Hey Tanya, it's Blair. I'm sick so I can't work today." I hung up and tossed my phone on the bed. The sickening, twist in my stomach started and I leaped out of bed to my attached bathroom. My stomach felt empty, and my throat burned. My muscles were killing me, I wanted to just lay on the bathroom floor and cry. I heard a knock on my door and I groaned at the thought of having to get up. Mehh! I crawled out of the bathroom, onto my bedroom floor, towards my living room and to my apartment door. I opened the door while sitting on the floor. I knew it wasn't going to be someone important so it didn't matter if it was on the floor or standing to open it.

The first thing I saw when the door opened was Amanda's legs. Awe!

"Awe, poor baby!" she exclaimed while I saw another pair of legs. Hairy, long, muscular... familiar...

I glanced up at saw Matt, I immediately shot up.

"Oh, hey guys." I said trying not to look like I didn't just vomit.

"Poor Blair," Amanda said grabbing my waist and holding me up. She clearly saw that I was gonna pass out, "Matt, would you be a dear and go make her some hot green tea with sugar and honey?" he nodded and headed towards the kitchen that was right next to him. I looked at Amanda with confused eyes. "Come on, let's get you in bed." She nodded at my confused face. If she doesn't explain...

Amanda began walking me to my bed. "He saw me post on twitter how you were sick and how I was coming over to take care of you. He messaged me asking if he could come over with to see you," she looked at me with knowing eyes. Of course he has a thing for me. I laid on my bed and watched as my kitten jumped onto my bed and curled up on my stomach. I heard a slight knock on the door and I glanced over at Matt.

"Hey, the green tea is ready," he walked in holding my favorite mug. I smiled at him.

"I'm gonna go get her some stuff from Target, watch over her please." Amanda commanded with a smile then walked out of the room, out of the apartment and to her car because that's what Amanda does. And, I highly doubt that she'll be back in an appropriate time for a trip to Target. I glanced over at Matt as he watched my kitten do happy paws on my stomach.

"You can sit down," I said softly, tapping next to me on my bed. He nodded then sat my green tea on my nightstand. He walked to the empty side of my queen bed and sat crossed legged on it.

"Nice cat," he commented. I glanced up at him. I nodded, the queasy feeling in my stomach came back. Oh no...

"Matt," I spoke as I was getting off my bed as fast as I could. Sassy was going to be so mad at me. The time was going slow. I tried to get to the bathroom without talking, but because my life is so, just awkward. I got to the bathroom and I sprawled myself next to the toilet. I think Matt heard me, because I felt him holding my hair, and rubbing my back. He's so amazing. I leaned back against him and I felt him wrap his arms around my body. “Ocean Avenue” by Yellowcard started playing from my alarm clock.

“There's a place off Ocean Avenue. Where I used to sit and talk with you.”

“I love this song,” Matt commented. I nodded with closed eyes. My body slumped against his even more. His hand rubbed my arm soothingly. I felt him pick me up slowly, was I being carried like someone does on there wedding day? Do people do that to people that they have no feeling for?

I glanced up at him while he carried me. I closed my eyes again. I didn’t wanna watch what was happening. I just wanted to feel something other than being sick to my stomach. I felt the softness of my covers. They were warm. Warm like when the fan is blowing in your room and you have the windows open on a hot day. The bed dipped. Then, I felt his arms wrap around me and because I was just feeling, and not thinking, I felt for his hand and a little smile crossed my face. And since I only live once, I laced my fingers with his. I opened my eyes, and I saw Matt looking at me. I felt him squeeze my hand. Maybe being sick had it’s perks?


“What time is it where you are? I miss you more than anything.” I rolled over and turned off my alarm clock, ending “Jet Leg” by Simple Plan.

“Feeling better sleeping beauty?” Amanda asked me, I looked around my bed and didn’t see Matt.

“What day is it?” I asked Amanda. She looked at her phone and laughed.

“The 5th of July.” She commented with a smile. It’s been a few days since when Matt held me while I slept. We’ve been inseparable.

“Look at the time, we're always waiting. But we're in love, and that should be just fine.” My ringtone played in the air, and I glanced at it. My phone was on my Pride and Prejudice book. I reached for it and I saw it was Matt. A smile crossed my lips. He makes me feel alive again.

“Hey Matty,” I said with a smile on my face. Even though we’ve only known each other for a few days, we liked each other. And, we just didn’t care. An hour with him was like a day with other guys. Our love was different. It was like Nick and Norah. We were like Romeo and Juliet. Without being star-crossed lovers. That much I know about our future.

“Hi baby, how are you feeling?” A blush crossed my face as he called me baby.

“I’m better, a lot better.” I replied.

“Good, I’ll be over in a few minutes.”

“Okay,” I smiled. We hung up and I tossed my phone across my bed. I giggled softly at the thought of kissing him again.

“He really likes you,” Amanda said smiling. I glanced at her and smiled.

“I really like him too,”

“Hey baby,” I looked up and saw Matt standing next to my bed with a dozen blood red roses. I gasped.

“Hi,” I said quietly with a smile on my face. I stood up and kissed him softly. His arm wrapped around my waist.

“I’m going to get tea,” Amanda spoke leaving my bedroom.

“Hi,” he said softly kissing my forehead, “these are for you.” I smiled, taking the roses from him.

“Awh! Thank you,” I kissed his cheek and set them by my bay window. We both sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Our hands found each other.

“Blair?” Matt asked as I stared at the ceiling?

“Yeah?” I responded looking over at him.

“I wanna go out with you. Text you sweet nothings, call you before I go to sleep, call you when I wake up, surprise you at work. I wanna be your everything, I want you to be my everything. I wanna be with you when you’re sick to make sure you get better. I wanna take you on dates. I wanna make your dreams come true. I wanna be your boyfriend. I want you to be my girlfriend.” Matt smiled at me. Oh my god, please?

“I wanna go out with you too, I want all of that. I wanna be your girlfriend.” I replied with a blushing face. My blush was like the red of an apple.

“Be my girlfriend?” he asked quietly.

“Of course,” I said quietly. Matt sat up and leaned over to me, he took my face in his hands and kissed me softly.
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Herro! :3 I'm posting a bunch of stuff I've written for my creative writing and just random stuff. :3