Status: Hope you enjoy this story!! Tell me what you think along the way <3


You've Got Mail

I slammed the door shut and locked it. I pulled the letter from my pocket and saw that my name was on the front of it in neat print. I was debating whether or not I should read it. I was dying to know what they said to me, but at the same time, if it was something I didn’t’ want to hear; then I didn’t want to know what was inside.

I flipped the letter over a few times, and finally tore open the envelope. There were several pieces of paper in it and a note card that I spotted on the floor. I stared at the back of the card. Sorry Zach. It read.
I took in a deep breath and decided to keep reading, maybe this wasn’t a bad letter after all!


We know you won’t check your Twitter or Facebook wall, and even you all do, you won’t respond to us. So we decided to write these letters rapidly this morning and give them to you at your hotel. Sorry for doing this to you, but we want our voices heard towards you.

Love, Callie

I stopped reading and shuffled through the letters. Each one was from a different person. There were at least ten fans that got together and put a letter in this envelope to give to me. I set them in my lap and picked up the one on top.


What is going on? I don’t understand any of this. I just don’t believe the fact that you would actually hurt, let alone kill, another human. You’re so sweet and genuine. Can you please explain this to us all? Or at least explain why you’re getting framed? I don’t want to believe all of this, therefore, I’m not, but I don’t know why I have this feeling that you may have known something about this. Please just, just tell us what is really going on. I know you like your personal life separate and, well, personal, but this kind of is affecting Michael, Cameron, Dillon, Brent, and your fans. Even if you don’t cancel tour, fans that believe this won’t go. I want this to be gone.

See you in Pennsylvania tomorrow.

Love, Julia

Julia had a point, I was affecting everyone, not just myself. I needed to get this cleared up. I didn’t think too long or hard about this, I just wanted to get through them all.

Dearest Zach,

I will support you in what you do about this. I do not believe that you had any part in it, but if you did, please just come forward now because they’re going to find out sooner or later. I was here for Not Your Birthday, and I’ll be here for your 23rd birthday this year!


I smiled. These weren’t bad at all. I didn’t know why I was stressing out about these ten minutes ago. I didn’t want to stop reading these. These note are what would keep me going for a while. They would get me up on stage tonight.


“I was born to die with you.” We’ll never get married, but I was born to be a fan forever and forever is where we’ll go to together. I’ve got your back in this! Pennsylvania is going to be dope tomorrow night!


I realized that no matter what, I would get my ass on stage and get Annabelle and Evelynn on stage with us! I could do this.


What the fuck? Why haven’t you said anything about this? Couldn’t you have like, told us that you killed her instead of calling off tour? I really can’t believe you right now.



Unbelievable. Regardless of whether or not you did this, you called off a tour… you called it off so people won’t judge you or call you out or question you. Because that’s not selfish at all. I get that Life As We Know It was about partying hard and drinking and doing drugs, but like, seriously? A murder? That’s low… real low…

Melanie H.

Hey Zach,

We get a late album; then a late EP; skipped vital towns on tour, only to cancel it all together this morning; no hard copy of EP at first few shows; and now the murder of a fan? Respect was seriously lost for you, bro. And I thought Life As We Know It video was bad…



You’re a horrible person.


Life just went from amazing to shitty in four letters. I saw that there was one last letter and it was lengthy. I took in a deep breath and prepared myself for what I was about to read. Juding by the last four letters, I had no idea what to expect or what to do. I just wasn’t sure if I should even continue with the band. I was ruining Michael and Cameron’s chances of becoming anything big and getting out of our small towns. No one is happy right now and that’s all because of one thing that happened that I’m getting convicted for.
I looked down at the letter and began reading it. I had nothing else to lose.

Dear Zach Porter,

This was all my idea and I wanted people to be able to express what they were feeling. As Callie said, we know you won’t check any social media sites, and if you do, there’s no way in hell that you will acknowledge them. This was the only way I could think of.

First off, I would like to apologize for anything that you didn’t want to read, but already did. I know that some weren’t what you needed or even wanted to read, but you did. And these 8 letters were basically summing up what the rest of the fan base was saying; I for one, and sticking off to the side and watching what’s going on. I don’t believe in jumping to conclusions based on what the media is presenting or what someone is saying via Stickam. But I had to pick a side in this case scenario. I honestly love you Zach and I believe every word that you say right now. Believe me when I say that. I want to help clear your name.

I would like to set up an interview and put it on Teen Pop. Teen Pop, as I am sure you know, is the largest interviewing panel on the Internet. I am a fact checker for Teen Pop, as well as a co-founder for it. I want to personally interview you and each of your band mates about this situation and put it together to create the perfect story that proves you’re innocent.

I completely understand if you do not want to go forward with this offer, but please consider it and email me soon. I’ll be at the Pennsylvania show and if you want to do this, we need to get a few crews over there. We want to record a live version and then we’ll do the edited short version.

Thank you for your time, Zach. I really appreciate you reading this and hope that you’ll continue being as amazing as you always are. See you Pennsylvania.

Love Forever, Carmynne

I took in a deep breath and debated on emailing Carmynne. Slowly I stood up and walked out of the bathroom. I looked around and saw that everyone was waiting for me to get out of the bathroom. I waved at everyone, but didn’t move any further.

“What is all that?” Michael asked me.

I shrugged. “I don’t know whether to call it hate mail or inspirational mail, but we have an interview today.” I said, looking down at my watch.