Status: Hope you enjoy this story!! Tell me what you think along the way <3


Equal and Opposite Reaction

“Did you get it?” Cameron asked me.

“Get what?” I questioned, fully forgetting about what I went back to my room for.

“Your wallet!”

“Oh! Yes, and I also got Melexa and Avia the day off.” I said, very proud of myself.

Michael walked into the room and looked at me. “And how did you manage to do that?”

I shrugged. “Just told their boss who I was and how his hotel is basically our people anyway, so we didn’t need it.”

“Huh. Any thoughts on how you’re going to break the news to Melexa tonight?” He asked, changing the subject.

I shook my head. “I have no idea. I think I want to open with a song for her, but then I want to like, surprise her and bring her backstage, then I’ll go on stage, but I don’t know.”

“Any idea of what song?” Cameron asked.

“Yeah, but I’m not fully sure yet.” I sighed and plopped down on the couch. “Why can’t this be easier?”

Michael let out a breath. “It would be if you had just told her…”

“I know, I know, but I didn’t and this is where we are.”

“Yes, we’re trying to find ways to tell this girl that you are actually the type of guy she hates.” Michael laughed.

I glared at him. “She’s only seen the assholes, not us.”

“And what are we?” Cameron questioned.

I shrugged. “I don’t know!” I exclaimed. “But we’re not assholes, that for sure! Your grandmother would kill us if we were ever like the guys Melexa described.”

Cam backed off, but agreed.

“Well, I think you should just sit with her at the bar and we’ll go up on stage, hopefully she’ll remember us and if she asks, “aren’t those your friends?” then you tell her we are, leave her, get on stage in front, and bam, she knows your secret!” Michael explained.

I smiled. “I like it.”

“Practice it?” he questioned.

I shrugged. “Why the hell not?”

We walked out on stage. I looked around at the empty House of Blues. This would be packed full of screaming girls soon enough. I got off the stage and sat at the bar.

“Hey, aren’t those your friends?” some asked me.

I spun around and saw Dillon. I nodded. “Yeah, they are. That’s why Dillon isn’t up there.” I replied and walked up on stage. “And let’s break into Amy.” I said.

“We haven’t played that song in a while!” Cameron exclaimed.

I laughed. “I know, I just kind of want to go back and do something that we haven’t done in a while for her. She’s not a girl you meet every day and this isn’t a song we play everyday.”

“Aw!” Michael said, obviously uninterested. “Let’s eat.”

I laughed. “I’m going to call, Melexa.” I announced.

“Really?” they asked me.

I smiled. “I have, what? Two hours before we go on?”

They nodded.

“A little under.” Cameron said.

“And I told her that I would hang out with her!” I said, pulling my iPhone out.

“You’re starting to sound like what Cam would… if he had a girl.” Dillon joked.

I walked away, shaking my head. I waited for Melexa to pick up.

“Hello?” she answered out of breath.

“Are you okay?” I asked her in panic.

“Yeah, just jumped over some clothes piles and a bed to answer the phone, but other than that, I’m fine!” Melexa took in a breath. “What’s up?”

“Nothing.” I said, looking down at the ground. “I was just wondering what we were planning on doing tonight. Dinner? Walk? Totally up to you.”

I heard her let out a small squeal, probably to her friend. “Uh, let’s just walk the town, nothing extravagant.”

I smiled. “Alright. Meet at my hotel room?”

“Okay. I’m uh, actually just around the corner, so stand outside.”

“See you soon, Melexa.”


“Bye.” I replied and shoved my phone back in my pocket and started walking to the hotel.

I stood outside for ten minutes, waiting for Melexa. I suddenly saw her come around the corner with her friend. I smiled and hugged her. “Hey, Melexa.” Taking a step back, I looked over her clothing choice. “Oh wow, you look beautiful.”

She smiled. “Zach, this is Avia.”

Avia smiled at me and tugged at Melexa’s sleeve. “Can I talk to you?” she asked.

“Yeah, hold on a sec, Zach.”

I nodded and let them talk.

“Bitch!” I heard Avia yell. “You knew that was him, didn’t you?”

Melexa shook her head and shushed her. “No! It’s a different guy, I swear!”

Avia stormed away.

Melexa was left there. She seemed sad. I got closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. “What’s going on?”

She shrugged me off and grabbed both of my hands. “I need you to be honest with me.”

I took in deep breath. “Okay.”

“Do you and Avia have a thing?”