Status: Hope you enjoy this story!! Tell me what you think along the way <3



“I love you.” I whispered to Melexa as she walked down the hallway. I didn’t want her to leave. I loved her.

Michael walked into my room a few moments later. “So she’s gone?”

I shook my head at Michael’s question. “No, but she’s going to think about me being in a band. I guess she had a boyfriend in a band before and it didn’t work out so well.”

“Oh.” He replied. “And her friend?”

I rolled my eyes. “Apparently she thought we were those kind of guys and planned on getting with me tonight.”

“And that worked out…” Michael’s voice trailed off.

“Whatever. Let’s just… go somewhere.”

“Where?” He asked.

I shrugged. “I have no idea! The bar?”

Michael glared at me. “Where else can we go?”

“I have no idea what’s in Chicago.”

I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I quickly opened it, hoping it was Melexa. But it was Seven.

“Please!” She pleaded. “One kiss and just be with me all night. Please!”

“Seven, I love Melexa and we have enough to deal with. I can’t believe that you’re doing what you have done to her! You don’t go up to girls and harass them about their boyfriend who is on stage. Why can’t you stay out of relationships that aren’t yours? Leave, Seven! I don’t want to see you again.”

She started hysterically crying as she left the hotel room.

“What was that about?” Michael asked.

I shook my head. “She’s trying to get back with me since I met Melexa and she claims she’s going to get killed if we don’t get back together.”

“Not like you haven’t heard that one before.”


“What are you going to do about Melexa?”

I shrugged. “I need her, Michael. I can’t be without her.”

He nodded. “So we’ll just take her on tour?”

I let out a laugh. “If she still wants to be with me.”

“I think she will. She was into you and if two are in love, it won’t matter if you’re in a band or not. You’ll be too in love to remember.”

“True. Where are we tomorrow?”

Michael shrugged. “You think I know that!”

“Well, I hoped that you would know that.”

Michael laughed. “You’re the one that memorizes our whole set list and tour route.”

“Yeah… I am. I just, Melexa has my mind right now. I really just want to be with her right now. I wonder where she went.”

Michael shrugged. “We haven’t known her long enough to know. Maybe to her friend.”

I glared at him. “Her friend is pissed at her because we were supposed to hook up tonight, we just talked about this.”

“Oh yeah. Well, that sucks. Can that not happen to us?”

I nodded and walked over to my hotel window. “It won’t, so long as I get Melexa back.”

“Remember how you were upset about Seven until you met her?” Michael asked me.

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“Well, maybe this is just like her.”

I shook my head. “I was afraid to find another girl again, to be honest. I didn’t want her again, I was just afraid to love again because of her. I knew what she did and what she could do. I knew all of that, but I didn’t think that I could really trust girls again. There’s just something about Melexa that I just need. She has this, this thing that I just need. I don’t know what it is, but she has it.”

“Alright then, this girl needs to see this.” Michael said.

I sighed. “I think she does, but she needs to want me too.”

“Yes, she does, but I don’t think that’s a problem. Why don’t you call her?”

I shrugged. “I couldn’t get her to stay here, she left. I wanted to just talk to her forever. That’s all I ever want to do is talk to her. I love her, Michael.”

He nodded. “Call her.”

“Okay.” I said and found her number. It was ringing, but Melexa wasn’t picking up.

“Hey, this is Melexa, you know what to do.”

I sighed and decided to leave a message. “Melexa, I know that you probably don’t want to hear my voice right now, but I love you and don’t ever want to lose you. I want to be with you forever. You have this thing that I just don’t want to live without. I need it and I need you. I don’t know what it is, but you just have it. You have this thing that won’t allow me to just let you be mad at me or for you to be away from me. I shouldn’t have let you leave; I should have held you tighter and never let you go. Please just come back here and we can talk everything over together. We’re two days into our relationship, but I don’t care. I want to be with you. So just call me back. I love you. Bye.”

“Long winded, much?”

I sighed and laid back down on my bed. “I’m going to bed.” I lied.

Michael shook his head. “No you’re not. You’re going to lay here thinking about her all night. You won’t get any sleep until she’s back by your side.”

“So what do I do to get her back?”

“Guys!” Cameron exclaimed.

“Cameron…” my voice lingered. “What’s the problem?”

He shook his head and started to pace back and forth. “This is bad, this is really bad. Oh my, God. What is
this going to look like to our families back home?”

“Like you’re crazy!” I exclaimed.

“What’s wrong?” Michael asked him again.

Stefanie walked into our room with Dillon and Brent behind her.

“Cameron, did you tell them?” Stefanie asked in panic.

“Tell us what?” I asked.

“No, we’re going to hell and we’re never going to get home now.”

“Calm down.” She said. “They couldn’t have done it.”

Dillon looked at me. “He was up here all night, weren’t you Zach?”

I nodded. “I haven’t left the hotel since the show.”

“Good.” Dillon said.

“And they must have camera’s in the lobby and halls and elevator, so we can prove that Zach had nothing to do with it.” Brent replied, trying to calm Cam down.

“What didn’t I do?” I asked again.

Stefanie sighed. “Seven’s dead at the House of Blues and they think that we have something to do with it. But when they know the relationship between you two, you and Melexa are getting nailed for it. So again, you didn’t do this, right?”

I felt dizzy and like I was going to throw up. I stood up, only to fall back down with a blackout.
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