Status: Hope you enjoy this story!! Tell me what you think along the way <3


You Got Me

“Sounds like this guy is the one for you.” Louis said, taking a small sip of whiskey.

“I really love him, but you remember what happened with Colin.”

He nodded. “I do, but I also knew that he was an asshole. Zach, here, he’s not. He really cares about you, but maybe you two should call it off until he’s back from tour. I mean, he’s got to be almost done or half way through the tour. So, you say that you love him and want to give him a chance, but you don’t want to do it while he’s on tour.”

I nodded and took another shot. I patted him on the face. “And this is why I love you.” I slurred. “Now, I’m going to see Zach.”

“Good luck.”

“Thanks.” I whispered. I left the bar and started walking back to Zach’s hotel room. I knocked on the door loudly. “Zach!” I yelled. “It’s me!”

Someone I didn’t recognize opened the door.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I’m Brent. Now, who are you?”

“Melexa. I need to talk to Zach.” I replied, walking into Zach room.

Brent got in my way. “Sorry, he’s not in a good place now.”

“Brent, who are you talking to?” Michael asked.

“Some girl named Melexa.”

“Let her in!” Michael exclaimed.

“Ha!” I said in his face. I walked over to Zach who was sleeping. “Shit. He’s not awake?”

Michael shook his head. “No. He just… Melexa? Have you been drinking?” he asked me.

“Uh.” I started to wave my finger in the air, and then dropped it. “Yes.”

Michael shook his head and turned away.

Zach’s eyes started to open and the corners of my mouth started to turn up. I just couldn’t wait to see him, but seeing him meant explaining where I stood on all of this. I didn’t want to let him go for tour, but I knew that I had to.

“W-what happened?” Zach asked.

“We got you good!” Cameron screamed.

Zach sat up and ran out of bed. “You bastard!” He yelled, running towards to Cameron, getting ready to punch him.

Laughing, some other girl held him back.

“You guys suck!” He exclaimed, letting up and sat down on his bed again.

Cameron sat next to him. “We couldn’t pass that up.”

He glared at Brent and the other man and woman before punching Cameron in the arm. “You know that I would get nailed for that! I hate you all!”

The guy next to Brent was hysterically laughing. His laugh almost made me want to laugh and I had no idea what was going on.

Zach turned to talk to Michael. “Did you know about this?”

He shook his head. “No, I want to kill the assholes with you! I hate the girl, but that’s something you’d go to jail for!”

Zach was pissed and I could see it. He suddenly noticed me standing in the room. “Melexa?” he asked.

I nodded.

Zach’s eyes stayed locked on mine. “Guys, give us a few.” He said.

Everyone shuffled out. As soon as the door locked, Zach stood up.

He pulled me into a hug and wasn’t about to let me go. “I thought you would leave me forever. Did you get my message?” he mumbled into my hair.

Gently, I separated us. Zach grasped my hand and walked me over to his bed. “No, Zach, I didn’t. I was talking with a friend…” My voice trailed off.

“Have you decided on what you want to do; because I really want you to stay with me. You have no idea how much I want you to be with me. I really need you.”

She nodded. “And I need you, too, but…”

He cut me off. “We’ll take care of the Avia and Seven thing.”

I looked down and pressed my lips together. Slowly, I looked into Zach’s eyes. “Yeah, about that. I haven’t talked to Avia… but I want to be with you too.” I closed my eyes and let out a breath. “But I think we should wait until you get back from tour.”

Him and I both smiled. I pulled him close to me.

“There’s something that you should probably know about me, though.”

Zach nodded. “Okay, what?”

“Zach, I… I drink… a lot and that is where I went tonight…” My voice trailed off, I was prepared for him to just tell me to leave, but instead of that, he just pulled me close to him.

“We’ll get through this. You and I can work through it as soon as I get off tour.”

I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Okay.”

“Now, can we just lay together tonight? It’s my last night here and I still have another month on the road.” Zach said, lifting up the sheets.

I smiled. “I have to wait a whole month before I get to see you again?”

He nodded and kissed me before rolling into bed. “Yup, better take advantage of sharing a bed now!”

I let out a laugh and pulled my pants and shirt off. I walked over to Zach’s suitcase and found a shirt. “I’m keeping this shirt, though.”

Zach grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. “That’s one of my favorite shirts.”

I kissed him. “I just knew!”

Zach kissed me back. “You can keep it…” He kissed me again. “That is until I get back to Chicago.”

I rolled off of him and cuddled up against him. “Where is your last show?”

“Hm. New Jersey, I believe.”

“Great!” I exclaimed.

“Why is that?” He laughed.

I smiled. “I like New Jersey.”

Zach didn’t know what to say to that.

I started laughing and closed my eyes. “Maybe I’ll go out there!”

“Oh!” he exclaimed. “You know,” Zach whispered in my ear. “I’d really like that. Then I wouldn’t have to wait to play a show and then fly home then back to Chicago. I could see you right at the end of tour.”

“Where do you live?” I asked him, pulling the covers over me.

“California…” he paused. “Bit of a stretch from here to there.” He let out a laugh.

I wasn’t laughing.

“I can move out here.” Zach quickly added.

I shook my head. “No, I want to get out of Chicago so bad and now I can.”

Zach smiled and hugged me again. “Well, I think we need some sleep. I have to travel tomorrow.”

I shrugged. “Eh, big deal.”

He laughed with me and kissed me again. “I really can’t wait to be with you, uninterrupted by anything or anyone.”

I smiled at him and let out a breath. “Me either, Zach. Me either.”
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