Status: Hope you enjoy this story!! Tell me what you think along the way <3


Shock To The System

I woke up next to Melexa. I couldn’t wait for the end of this month. Don’t get me wrong, I loved touring, but right now, I was too love-struck to even love being on stage. I just wanted to spend the next month with Melexa, and then we could pick up the tour.

I slowly got out of bed and turned the TV on to see what the weather would be like today. I wasn’t looking forward to traveling. I really wanted to stay with Melexa all day.

She stirred a little, but didn’t wake up. I slowly crawled back into bed and started to kiss her forehead.

She reached up to push me away.

I grabbed he hand and kissed it.

She smiled and slowly opened her eyes. “You know, I hate getting woken up.” She warned.

I kissed her forehead and walked off to the bathroom. I changed into some different clothes and started to brush my teeth.

“Zach!” Melexa yelled.

“Wha?” I yelled, trying not to spit toothpaste everywhere.

“Come here… quickly!” She screamed.

Melexa seemed panicky. I started walking towards her. “What is it?”

She pointed at the TV and covered her mouth.

“A local Chicago girl was found dead after an Allstar Weekend concert in The Chicago House of Blues. We’re not sure exactly how she got there, the boys of the up and coming band, Allstar Weekend, were the last seen in the venue by a security guard who locked the place up after they five of them, a girlfriend, and their manager had left.” The blonde lady explained.

“Such a tragedy.” The other said. “Let’s turn it over to Chet for some more information on this case. Chet?”

“Thanks, Naomi. Yes, a tragedy this is. Seven Turner was found dead inside the venue, which has us all puzzled. All fingers are pointing to her ex-boyfriend and lead singer, Zachary Porter from Poway, California. Witnesses claim to have seen Seven around Porter before and after the show, just wanting a picture with him. Porter just wanted her gone, as he was trying to spend time with his current girlfriend. With the two of them being the last people out, along with the rest of the band, this band’s career could come to a stop for the murder of a young girl. Back to you, Naomi.”

I started shaking my head. “No, no, no! This can’t be happening.” I opened my door and ran across the hall to Dillon and Brent’s room, then down to Stefanie’s and finally I started banging on Michael and Cameron’s room.

I was breathing heavily as they all came out with pissed looks on their faces.

“What the hell is it?” Michael asked.

“Did you see the news?” I asked.

They all shook their heads and looked at each other.

“No, it’s nine. Why would we be up?” Stefanie asked.

I started to breath harder. “Seven’s really dead.”

Michael turned around. “Yeah right.”

Cameron followed him back into his room.

“Not falling for that one again, Zach.” Michael yelled.

Brent and Dillon shrugged, but didn’t move.

Stefanie took a step closer to me. “Zach, that was a joke last night, remember?”

“Oh I remember. But this is real. They think I did it. Check the news. They think I did it.”

“Zach,” Melexa called. “It’s on every station.”

“Is it on right now?” I asked.

“Yes.” She said.

Dillon, Brent and Stefanie followed me.

“Here’s Brad for the latest.” A man in a suit said.

“Thanks. Now, the boys in Allstar Weekend are attractive, nice, and put out great music, but could one fan have gotten to Zachary Porter? The vocalist of Allstar Weekend was the last one out of the venue with his girlfriend, but this morning, Seven Turner was found dead in the House of Blues. Turner has a history with Porter, but it was called off right before this tour. Eyewitnesses have reported seeing Porter getting angry with Turner after and even before their show. Porter’s girlfriend and Turner were also seen in a near fistfight over something. We don’t know for sure who did this, but things aren’t looking too good for the Baby Maker Rock band, Allstar Weekend. Back to you.”

“Believe me now?” I asked Stefanie, Dillon and Brent. “I’m getting framed for this and they don’t even have evidence.”

“Calm down, Zach.” Stefanie said. “They’ll know when she was murdered and if it was during the time that you were here, we’ll be fine and they can’t pin this on you because there really does have to be cameras that will show you never left.”

There were several knocks on my door, followed by muffled yelling.

I opened the door and found Michael and Cameron.

“We saw it.” Cameron exclaimed. “But you didn’t do it!”

I could see Melexa start to tear up. I walked over to her and pulled her close to me. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want them to throw you in jail for something that you didn’t do.” She whispered.

I shook my head and started swaying back and forth. “They can’t. They won’t. They’ll find me innocent. Don’t worry, baby.”

“So what are we doing?” Michael asked.

Stefanie shrugged. “I really have no idea, I’ve never had to deal with a false accusation…” her voice trailed off. “I think we’re going to have to call the rest of tour off, do a live chat, and stay here until we can get this cleared. If we leave, it may look as if one of us did do it, but even if we stay, it could look like that too.” She pondered the thought for a few moments. “I’ll check my email, then we’ll just wait it out for a bit. Post about a live chat at 12pm and let fans know what’s going on.”

I closed my eyes as she left.

“Zach,” Michael spoke up. “I was with you as soon as Melexa left you and then Melexa was with you all night. Brent, Dillon, Stef, and Cam were with us for a while, too. You had someone with you all night. It’ll be fine and this will all blow over.”

I nodded. “Thanks Michael.”

He walked out with Dillon. Brent and Cameron soon followed, gently closing the door behind them.

I rested my head in my hands.

Melexa started to rub my back. “You didn’t do this, babe. It’ll be okay. I’m staying with you until the end. I’ll be here.”

“I know, but what is this going to look like to our fans and to our parents? They don’t know what I did last night.” I picked up my phone and updated our band status.

Live chat in ten to explain all of this.

I hit send and went to get Cameron and Michael. “We’re doing this chat now. I’m not waiting.”

They nodded.

“We’ll be over in five.” Cameron said.

I walked back and put clean clothes on again.

“Alright, let’s do this.” I said to myself in the mirror.

“Ready, Zach?” Michael asked.

I nodded and kissed Melexa before we went live.

“Alright, we are live and they are watching.” Cam announced.

I took in a deep breath. Views were higher than they ever have been. “Hey guys.” I said.

We all pulled our phones out so we could clearly see what they were saying. Melexa also pulled hers out.

“So, we’re here to talk about what we are sure most of you have already seen on the news.” Michael said. “But don’t jump to conclusions.”

I nodded. “We’re not like that and you guys know that.” I sighed. “Unfortunately, we are cancelling the rest of tour. The Chicago PD are going to come and question us sooner or later, so we have made the decision to stay in Chicago so we’re not pulled out of a show by police.”

I looked down at my phone to see all of the hateful things that were being said. I nudged Cam, who looked at his phone.

He nodded. “I know.”

I got up and walked out of the screen. I started pacing back and forth and ended up just looking out a window for a while. Watching people carry on with their lives because they weren’t being accused of a murder.

“Everyone is asking where Zach just went.” Cam stated. “Well, Zach is reading what you guys are saying and just seeing the accusations on the news were bad enough. So he doesn’t really want to see people hating on him or questioning him on why he did this. Zach did not kill Seven Turner. Melexa was with him when they left the venue. When she left Zach’s room, Michael came over and Melexa came back when all of us were in Zach’s room. He was with at least one of us all night and if there are cameras in the hotel, we’ll be able to prove that Zach was here all night.” Cam looked at me. “He has found a girl who is taking this as well as she can, but it’s hard. Please, we called this to tell you what really happened, not to get hate.”

I slowly walked back in to the chat. “I fully apologize for calling the last few shows off, but we have to. We’ll be back there soon enough…” my voice trailed off. “You know, if we still have fans.” I replied harshly and left my hotel room.
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Billy Idol song for title? I think SO! thoughts?