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What the Future Holds

Chapter One

I stood alone in the dense green forest. The sounds of life and movement filling the air. My senses were on full alert bringing in the sounds, smells, even the tastes of the cool humid air. My eyes were closed as I concentrated more on what was going on in the surrounding forest.

I could hear the river slowly flowing over rocks in the distance. Tiny fish quikyl doged pebbels and bends in the water. The wind gently rustled the ary of green leaves on the trees. Cool air threw my thick brown-red-tinted locks around my shoulders and over my cheek and nose. Bugs crawled over the covered ground and living trees, looking for their next home or supply of food.

My ears quickly zeroed in on an almost silent lapping coming from the river. I turned instintivily and sniffed the air, the smell of life was trailing itself to my nose. Without thinking I was running around and over tree trunks, swinging from branches, but all the while being as silent and deadly as a stalking panther. I moved with grace through the thick maze of trees and bushes.

I slowed as I reached the river. Standing by the edge was a large buck dipping its head towards the water and drinking. I was silent. Not even the sound of the air entering or leaving my lungs was loud enough for the sensitive ears of the buck to process.

I crouched behind the trunk of an old Oak Tree. My knees bent, preparing for the jump I was preparing to make. I focoused in on the pulse under the soft fur on the animal's neck. Before the buck could notice I was there, I had flown through the crisp air, over the wide river and was now ontop of the helpless animal.

My teeth easily dunk through the thick fur and tough skin of the buck. Its blood filled my mouth and I swallowed. The life of the animal warmed my body from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. I drank from the animal quickly, not wanting it to suffer more then it had to. The buck never made a sound as I approached it, attacked it, and drank its life away, to my amazement.

As I finished I dropped the lifeless animal gently to the forest floor. I wipped any trace of its blood from my lips. The buck stared at me with its wide black eyes. To settle my turning stomach at taking the animal's life, I ran my hands over its eyes forcing them closed. With one last look at the animal I got up and started walking home instead of running.

As I was walking I couldn't help but think about the life had just taken. I knew it was apart of my nature, but the other side of my nature made me feel horrible. You see I was born with human and vampire instincts, features, and feelings.

When m mother got pregnant with me she was eighteen and human, and my father was a vampire. They had just gotten married and were on their honeymoon. I mean who thinks a vampire could get a human girl pregnant? Surely not my parents nor anyone in my family. I was the surprise of the century.

Due to reasons still unknown to anyone anywhere, I grew radidly. It didn't take the average none months for me to develop and be ready to be born, it only took a matter of months. Also from what I am toldabout my birth, it wasn't a pleasnant situation for anyone invloved, especially my mother. Beause of her decision to go through with the pregnancy and birth it made her human body weak to my vampire side. Like a normal baby it gradually develops. Taking what it needs from its mother at a decent pace. With me not being a full human child, I took more from my mother then normal. I took her life source, her blood as my breakfast lunch and dinner.

Ever since I was old enough to realize the difference between human blood and animal blood, I decided I would be like the rest of my family and only live off the blood of animals, and human food. Before that stage in my life though my parents attempted to sway me to the animal blood, but my young weakened control preferred the blood bags Grandpa Carlisle would bring home from the hospital.

To everyone I may look like the average seventeen year old girl. In reality I have only been alive for six years. As I grew when I was younger, until now, my growing has slowed to an absolute halt. Also my vampire side had become more promanant as I've grown.

Instead of having human lumsiness to how I carry myself, to having the grace and stealth of my parents and family. My running speed has increased tremendously, but Grandpa and my uncles say that could be just because of me growing up. I think my my vampire side is taking over my body because the venom in my body has stunned my growth but it also is giving me the energy and power and strength of a full vampire. I mean I aslo don't sleep like I used to. I seem to go days withough needing any sleep or rest, then I get a random urge to lay down and nap, but then I'm fine.

At that moment my ears picked up on the sound of a piunding large heart, and the sound of large paws digging easily into the soft soil. I immediatly knew who it was before the smll hit me. The sent of earth, warmth, and of coarse wet dog filled the air around me. Before Jacob could reah me I quickly jumped into a tree above me and setteled on a branch.

I saw Jacob's large form slow to a walk and stop under my tree. His brown russet fur slightly waved in the cool breeze. I saw his nose twitch as he tried to cath my sent. Before, even my well adjusted eyes could see, Jacob phased without worrying or caring if I was any where around or if I could see him.
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This is only the first chapter. I wanted to explain what was goign on with Renesmee and where she was at in her stage of growing and everything before jumping straight into the story. It'll help for me to move the story along in future chapters. I know it seems boring, but I promise I have amazing ideas for this story.

Okay feedback is appreciated :D comment, subscribe, recommend.

-Bailey <3