Bread and Water

you are in my dreams

His blue eyes haunted her dreams.

Every morning, she would wake up with the boy’s eyes still embedded in her mind. They were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. The blue reminded her of the sky just before twilight, or the glistening water that filled her pool during those hot summer days. They were eyes full of comfort, meaning, and most of all, love. Love for her, and her exclusively.

Those dreams revealed her heart’s deepest desire. Those perfect eyes belonged to the most amazing boy on the planet, the only one she could see herself marrying someday. She didn’t see him as often as she liked, but when she did, she made sure to steal a glance into those blue eyes of his. They would share a sweet smile before going their separate ways.

That’s all their relationship would ever be, could ever be. Covert glances and secret smiles.

He was forbidden to love her.

He could never be hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
"I can't have you but I have dreams."
Brandi Carlile, Dreams