Bread and Water

don't you worry

“Father, we have all the money we’ll ever need,” she protested. “In a few years, I’ll be helping mother at the apothecary. I don’t need to marry someone rich to live a wealthy life.”

Her father cracked a small smile and reached a dusty hand forward to ruffle her hair. She laughed, trying to fight it off. He knew how much she hated that.

“Lil, it would make me feel a bit more reassured if you attended the gala. Won’t you go just to ease the pain off of an old man’s heart?” her father asked, frowning for good measure.

“Oh Father. You’re still young! You have many years ahead of you.” Lily kissed his cheek before heading to white double doors leading to her lavish closet. “As soon as you leave, I’ll start getting ready.”

Her father smiled. “That’s more like it. Let me know when you are leaving.”

He got up and left her bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Lily let out a long, relieved sigh. Her father was a bit complicated. He clearly loved her, but he made her do things that he thought were in her best interest. Like going to a gala to find a future spouse.

Lily turned back to her closet and pulled out the first dress she saw. She quickly changed into it, pulled her hair up into a fancy up-do, and brushed her cheeks with a little blush. She slipped on her dancing shoes before heading out of her room and down the marble staircase, her shoes clicking with every step she took.

“Lil, is that you?” her father called out, although she couldn’t see him.

She reached the bottom of the stairs. “Yes, it’s me! I’m leaving!”

She ran across the royal blue living room carpet as quickly as she could, trying not to trip, grabbed the golden front door handle, and prepared to run across the kingdom as fast as she could in her dancing shoes.
♠ ♠ ♠
"I promise you there will come a day."
Miley Cyrus, Butterfly Fly Away