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Dizzy Up the Girl

Chapter 5

“Dear, I know that the past bit has been hard on you, but you really must eat. I’m afraid to say that you are starting to look like a scarecrow, sweetie.”

Should I be forced to choose, I would always pick riding shotgun in a car as opposed to driving a two-ton steel trap. The only exception is when my mother is driving in which case I would rather jump out of the vehicle than listen to her backhanded quips.

“Yes, I’m sorry. It’s just hard to keep much down these days.”

“Well, you should try harder. There’s no need to for such a pretty face like yours to waste away despite this. Once this is all over, I am sure you can get right back into shape,” she said, taking a hold of my hand that had been resting on the leg, and I fought the urge to cringe.

In all cases, I had been ready to leave this morning. That was, until, I remembered that it was my mother that was going to come and take me back to my apartment. Heading down to the lobby felt more foreboding that I would have liked, and had it not been for the few nurses I saw giving me knowing looks from yesterday, I might of been tempted to throw a fit. But today was not that kind of day because I was getting to go matter how I got there.

“Your father wanted me to tell you how sorry he was that he couldn’t get back in time to see you home. His trip to Cancun got extended, and you know how much he hates to miss important meetings. I’m sure he sends his love,” she went on, moving her hand back to the steering wheel. I rolled my eyes, knowing good and well that my dad could have made it home if he really wanted to. His “business meetings” consisted of a few hours of actual work before his buddies and himself would head down to the pool and get piss drunk. More than once, I’ve wondered if he let his wandering eye get the best of him while he was away, but I’m sure my mother wouldn’t have cared. Their marriage was more of a convenience to them than anything else.

“I know. I didn’t really expect him to come anyways,” I said before resting my head against the cool window next to me. The A/C was on full blast, keeping my mother’s hair from frizzing out of control, and I would have given anything to roll down the windows for some fresh air. I could see my apartment complex come into view as we drove further, and I began to remind my mother which turns she needed to take for us to get there. It’s not like she came around often enough for her to remember.

“Now, don’t forget that you’re going to need some food when you get home. I didn’t have any time this week to come by and bring you some. Besides, I wouldn’t even have know what you wanted! But I did get to head up to North Carolina to see Brenda, and she was wanting to tell me...,” my mother told me as we pulled up to my apartment, but I drowned her out. Never in my life had my measly two bedroom apartment looked so inviting before. I could still hear my mother carrying on about some pointless girl’s night out she had taken as she parked the car, and I immediately got out, hoping that she could just drop me off. But when has luck ever been so kind?

“Oh, Elizabeth, let me help you up. I haven’t been over in such a long time,” she said, pulling herself from the car and then tugging down her jet black pencil skirt she chose to wear. Walking ahead of her, I rolled my eyes, already carrying all of my bags as I entered the building. The lobby was quiet, and with a quick wave to receptionist, I began to make my way upstairs. I was already heading up when I heard the clicking of my mother’s heels against the stairs before I heard her voice.

“Elizabeth, what’s the rush?” I held back a laugh at her breathless voice before leaving the staircase, more than eager to finally sit of some furniture that didn’t smell like cough syrup.

“208...208...208, oh, here we are,” I mumbled under my breath as I came up on my apartment. Fumbling with my keys, I managed to unlock my door and headed inside, taking in the familiar smell of cinnamon air freshener that I loved. I tossed my bags onto the floor beside the door before running towards my couch.

Had my mother been in the room, she would have made some flippant comment about how childish I was acting as I buried my face in my couch pillows. This is what I had been kept out from for the past week, and I didn’t quite realize how much I had missed it until then. I would have to remember to thank my grandmother for spotting me the money to afford this place the next time I saw her.

“Elizabeth! You know that the doctors told you to not exert yourself! You are supposed to take the elevator.” Closing my eyes at my mother’s voice, I lifted my head up from the couch to see her eyeing my room distastefully. I should have known that my place wouldn’t be up to her standard. It seemed any house that didn’t come complete with gaudy chandeliers and marble trimming were beneath her.

“I was just excited. But, I’m here now, so there’s no need to be so worried,” I replied.

“Yes, well, I can see that now. I am sorry for this, but I really do have to run. I am supposed to fly down and meet with your father in Cancun. He’s just such a sweet man, Elizabeth. It would do you well to find one as well.” I bit back a groan, praying that she would forgo her speech on how I needed a man in my life.

“I’ll get right on that...,” I mumbled.

“What was that?”

“Nothing...I was just saying that I hope your flight went well. Uh, tell dad that I love him,” I said quickly, hoping she wouldn’t press the issue. I heard her heels clack against my hardwood floor before I felt her press a soft kiss to my forehead, patting my hair before she stood back up.

“Oh, I will. While I am gone, do please clean up a bit. There is dust everywhere! And, if the insurance company calls, let them know that you are deferring your expenses to us. Medical bills these days,” she said as she began heading back towards my door. I sat up, watching her as she walked away and closed my door, and I let out a sigh of relief.

That could have gone much, much worse.

I sat down for bit, just taking in my apartment. It wasn’t anything special. My grandmother, who I loved dearly, had offered to put me up here while I interned at the recording studio. With a cheeky smile and wink, she had handed me a check with more zeroes than I had ever seen in my life. Go and live your dream, she told me.

Eventually, I began to feel familiar pinpricks work their way up my leg, and I stood up. Making sure that I wasn’t going to fall face first with my numb foot, I hobbled over to where I had thrown my bags. I fished around for a moment before grabbing hold of my cell phone and unlocked it. It was only half past twelve, and with a quick look around me, I realized that I had nothing to do.

“And I thought the hospital was boring,” I said under my breath before pulling up my messages. I typed a quick text to the owner of the recording studio, Greg, and sent him what schedule I could work now. Another text was sent to my best friend, Maciel, telling her that she needed to get back home pronto as I was now free. However, before I closed my phone, another name caught my eye.

Right under my best friend’s contact read the name of certain blonde boy that I had met this week who had failed to tell me that he know...part of the biggest musical act in the world at the moment. My thumb hovered over his name for a moment, and I debated whether or not I should text him, but that decision came quicker than I would have imagined. Bringing up a new message, I typed slowly, making sure that I said exactly what I wanted.

New Message:
To: Niall
So, you’ve heard from me. What a shocker. I just got back home from the hospital. Um, how are you?

I sent the message before I could change my mind, biting my lip as I stuffed my phone into my pocket. With a short breath, I looked around my place one last time before grabbing my bag. Now that I was home, there was no cafeteria to go to. While the food was not going to be missed, I definitely needed to go to the shops for some food. I headed back to the lobby, taking two steps at a time on the staircase, before going outside towards the grocery store across the street.

I had just finished picking up what I needed, along with a few pints of Ben & Jerry ice cream to celebrate my coming home, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I kept walking back towards my apartment but a nervous pit had opened in my stomach. Without jostling my bags, I ran back up the staircase - nearly tripping over a step or two - before I found myself back in my place. Haphazardly throwing my groceries on my kitchen counter, I leaned back against my refrigerator, pulling out my phone before taking a deep breath.

To: Ellie
Hey there! Good to know you got back. Didn’t think you were ever going to text me.

I laughed lightly before replying with a bit more confidence.

To: Niall
Eh, you know. When I get bored enough, I’ll talk to anyone. ;) But, seriously, I am bored.

Sending the message, I placed my phone down on the counter and began to put my groceries up. After having moved everything, I grabbed my phone and sat down on my couch, reaching for the remote control when I felt my phone buzz against my leg.

To: Ellie
Really now? My mates and I are almost done with work today. You want to show me where to get some food. I’m starvin. x

I froze, processing what he had asked, before slouching down in my seat. I mean, Niall is still the same boy I met in the elevator. Why should I care if he’s, um, famous or not? Closing my eyes and letting out an aggravated huff, I replied.

To: Niall
That is fine with me. Just one question. Are we going to be mobbed by any of your fans?

Sending the message, I went to sit my phone down, but he responded almost immediately. My phone began to vibrate, and as I went to reply to his message, I found that he was calling me instead. My eyes widened as I saw his number flash on my phone, and I unlocked it.

“Uh, hello?”

“Who told you?” I stayed quiet for a moment, hearing the anxiety in his voice, before letting out a long breath.

“That doesn’t really matter, does it?”

“Look, I’m really sorry about not telling you, but...,” he said quicker than I would have liked before I cut him off.

“I’m not mad, Niall. I can’t really blame you. I just wanted to let you know that I figured it out. Actually, a lot of things that you’ve said before make sense now,” I said slowly. He stayed quiet for a moment, and I could hear a few voices in the background, including Harry’s. “I take it that you boys were...practicing?”

“No, actually, we were recording. We’re working on a couple of songs,” I smiled, practically hearing his voice light up when he talked about their music.

“I guess your search for good old southern cooking will have to wait then, won’t it?” He laughed, and I could hear the boys in the background grow silent.

“No, actually, we just finished. I wasn’t kidding when I told you I was starving.”

“Ah, typical boy with a bottomless pit for a stomach, right?” He snorted, and I heard him start to say something before another voice cut in.

“Niall! Who you talking to, mate? Is it that girl from the hospital? Is Dr. Horan going to go make her feel better” My mouth shut closed at the voice and what they had said before I heard Niall.

“Shut up, Louis! Go pine after Harry or something,” he shouted back with a laugh, and I chuckled as well.

“Well, they seem like lovely boys, Niall.”

We talked for a few more minutes before Niall gave me the address to where they were all staying. I knew the hotel obviously as it was the biggest downtown, and he told me to text him when I got there.

“Since when did I agree to coming over?”

“You didn’t. But I would love it if you could,” he said. I bit my lip, looking around my room before dropping my voice.

“You sure the boys won’t mind,” I asked.

“Not at all,” he replied, and I felt a blush creep its way up my neck.

“Well, I guess I don’t really have a choice. Just, uh, let me take my medicine and get dressed first. I’ll be over in about an hour, if that’s alright.”

“That’s fine. And Ellie?”


“It’s been lovely hearing from you,” he said with a soft voice. My heart clenched, and my stomach churned. With a quick goodbye, I tossed my phone beside me, and let out a groan as I rubbed my eyes furiously.

What had I gotten myself into?
♠ ♠ ♠
So... We met Louis I guess... The other members will be coming in sometime... Please subscribe and recommend, and whatever else you can do! I do love the comments I'm getting though, THANKS!