I Do, Forever and Always


I stared at Matt's eyes as he squeezed my hands.

"I'll be the one at the end of the aisle," he smiled.

"I'll be the one in white," I smiled up at him.

"I love you my soon to be beautiful bride," he kissed my lips. My lips curved up into a smile against his.

"I love you too," I smiled at him as his hands left mine. He opened the door and then glanced up at me. He winked at me before shutting the door. I wouldn't see him for another.... 16 hours. I locked the door as I heard him pull out of the driveway. I grabbed the house phone and dialed Amanda's number.

"Pulling up," she stated. I laughed as I hung up. I opened the door and saw Amanda running towards me with a dress and makeup.

"Oh god," I muttered as she pushed me up the stairs. Bar time, can Matt come back and save me from this... hell?


"I wanna wake up where you are, I won't say anything at all. So why don't you slide?" I rolled over as "Slide" by Goo Goo Dolls was coming from my iPod. I yearned for Matt's good morning kiss's, his sweet comments, our cuddling... I sighed. It was my wedding day. A smile crossed my lips.

"Good morning cupcake!" Amanda busted into my room.

"Morning kitty puff!" I exclaimed rolling over and smiled at her.

"We're going to breakfast baby," she said tossing me a sundress. I nodded as I rolled out of bed. I slipped the dress on, not caring if she was still in the room or not. I grabbed my phone. I'm really getting married. A smile crossed my face as we walked towards the car. I absentmindedly locked my door and skipped towards the car.

"Where to?" I asked her.

"Starbucks, my dear," she said and I smiled. The perfect start to the perfect day.

I sat on the chair as Amanda got her makeup done.

"Is this good?" the stylist asked me. I nodded my head smiling.

"It's perfect," I smiled at Amanda. She smiled brightly at me.

"Come here bride to be," the stylist smiled joyously. I walked over towards her. Her hair was falling out of her ponytail as she began running her hands through my hair.

"Curly updo?" she asked, "like Taylor Swift in 'Love Story'?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed as she began separating the pieces to curl. I admired the way her hands curled my hair. The delicate way her hands grasped my hair and wound it around the hot iron. I watched as her hands began to wind the curls and pin them to my head.

"Traditional wedding makeup?" the makeup artist asked going in front of me.

"Sure," I said unsure of what I actually wanted on my face. I never actually cared about makeup. I was gonna end up crying it off anyway. The makeup artist began instructing me to close my eyes and such as she poked and prodded at my skin.


I stared at myself in the mirror. The dress rippled down my body. The white fabric complimented my tan skin. The veil flowed down my back. Amanda walked up to me.

"Are you freaking out?" she asked me softly. I shook my head looking at her.

“I’ve never been so sure of something in my life,” I spoke calmly. She glanced down at her phone, then chuckled.

“Matt’s crying,” her voice spoke this and tears pricked in my eyes.

“W-why?” my voice was shaky; scared, worried.

“Nothing bad,” she spoke pulled me close to her. She placed the phone in front of me to read the text that the best man, Denny, sent her.

Matt’s crying. He’s so unbelievable happy that he’s marrying Blair. He’s staring at the picture of her on her phone. He’s staring and not making any sense. He’s just saying what makes her perfect. I don’t think he sees any of her flaws. And if he does, he doesn’t see them as flaws. I want a love like theirs. It’s so pure, and perfect. He really wants to see her right now, but we’re telling him he can’t because we know that Blair is superstitious. Tears traveled down my cheeks. The sincerity of Denny’s text to Amanda about Matt made my heart yearn for me to be in his arms again.

“Stop crying,” she said softly padding the tears away.

“I love him so much,” I said commented softly looking at her dead in the eyes.

“Hunny bun, I know you do,” she smiled at me. She knew that I loved him before I realized it. Before I admitted it. Before I spoke it. She was apart of me. She knew everything about me. She’s my best friend, my sister… by choice.

“Nothing is going to change between us,” I blurted out. No rhyme or reason just… truth. I through my arms around her neck. Her arms wrapped around my waist.

“Nothing’s gonna change,” she agreed. After a few seconds, she spoke again, “now come on gorgeous, let’s clean up your face and go get your husband.” she pulled back and looked me in the eye. Her eyes were shiny with tears, I nodded and grabbed her hand.

“To the makeup!” I exclaimed. As Amanda fixed my foundation and eyeliner, my brother walked in.

“Ready?” he asked. I nodded. My parents died in a car crash two years ago, so I asked Chris to walk me down.

“Hell yeah!” I smiled.

“You’re beautiful,” he smiled at me. I blushed as my brother kissed my cheek. He extended his arm and I took it smiling up at him.

“If you’re wondering, your fiancée is jumping up and down at the alter,” Mary spoke as she said some wedding planner stuff into the headpiece she was wearing. I giggled softly. Oh Matty…

Mary led Chris and I to the aisle. My arm began to shake as the music started for the wedding party to walk down. Amanda kissed my cheek. She murmured sweet words to me. I nodded. I watched as she walked towards the aisle with her flowers. Her dark maroon dress complimented the white roses and a bunch of my other favorite flowers. Mary handed me my bouquet as the congregation stood up and the music started. My heart raced with anticipation and anxiety. I squeezed Chris’s arm tightly.

“Don’t let me fall…” I breathed scared. Tears brimmed my eyes. I want my dad here.

“I won’t,” he spoke softly to me as we began walking. We rounded the corner of the outside aisle. There was a soft breeze and I closed my eyes. I took the breeze in, it giving me courage to walk to the man I love. My eyes caught Matt’s as I got to the start of the aisle. We paused.

“I love you,” I mouthed to him. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. His smile grew big as we began walking again.

“I love you too,” he mouthed back to me. I blinked the tears back as we got closer and closer to the man of my dreams. My legs shook. As we got closer, Matt and Chris were speaking in nods. The priest spoke something about who gives me to Matt or something, but I didn’t hear him. I only heard the beating of my heart, and I only saw Matt. No one else mattered.

And then it hit me… I was marrying the man of my dreams.
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