Status: ~Being Written~

Warped Tour Adventures

Chapter Three; Zack Merrick's Point Of View

I could hear restless fans out front of the bus. It's weird being with this guy, I mean, he has no boundaries whatsoever. Also his name, Dahvie, is strange. I even researched some of his songs, I can't believe that there is someone out there who exists that like both of our bands. We're not even remotely similar. It just goes to show how diverse some music tastes can go.

I hear some names being called and the security guard lets them in. I see a girl wearing a panda skirt, yes I said panda. Although the girl behind her with lavender like hair is beautiful, I wish I could see her eyes.

A bit creepily, I guess, I take off the blindfold. Only to her some strange words escape the faceless beauty's lips.

"Can't I see whats going on now, Pegasus?"

"Pegasus? That's an interesting nickname." At the sight of me, I could hear her gasp and begin to fan-girl a bit. I'm shocked she kept her cool, it was really sexy, the look she's giving me. Rawr. Shit, calm down boy.

I could hear her giggle, the sound was delicious. She began to explain 'Pegasus.' "Yup, she hates to be called by her real name. Really, anything else will do. She'll even let me call her a slut."

"What?" I could hear some voice from behind me that's a bit on the high side, definitely female, I assumed it was her friend. As if proving her point, the now nameless beauty raised her eyebrow and smiled at me. I could get used to having this girl around. Well, I would have to anyways seeing as how her friend won the contest and now they're hanging out with us for the rest of warped tour. Maybe even... After? Who knows? SPEAK MAN, SPEAK!

"By the way, I'm Andrea." I have to come up with something witty to say...

" That's a beautiful name, I'm going to be a bit cheesy here and say that it also suits you, gorgeous." I can't believe I stooped that low... Wait, is that a blush I see? How cute, I force myself to resist the urge to caress her face and instead listen very closely to what she says.

" Well if we're being cheesy here, you're not so bad yourself, handsome." So, cheesy lines do work. I'll have to use more on her, I want more of her after this. I can just tell. I get a bit caught up in my thoughts and a visibly awkward Andrea breaks the silence.

"Soo... How's life, Mr. Merrick?" How adorable, I haven't been called that since... Ever. I feel my smile go wider at the respect.

"Call me Zack, Andrea." I took a few steps closer, so that I was able to whisper this in her ear. I could see little bumps forming on her naturally smooth skin. I relish in the fact that I have as much effect on her as she does I. Random fact, I love that she doesn't wear that much make-up either.

After that I lift her bridal style into my arms and have her sit down next to me with her legs draped over me. I don't know what it is, but this just made her that much sexier.

"Okay Zack... How's life?" I chuckle at her question, normally fans flirt pointlessly or ask me questions like they're a reporter. Which maybe they were...

"Pretty good, I mean, I do have a gorgeous girl sitting next to me." Truer words have never been spoken.

"Really now? Sounds like the life." I laugh a bit at her words, because I feel like it is. The life, I mean. A gorgeous girl in my arms, and well... The feeling is described in infinite love songs but until you experience it yourself, like I am now, you don't get it. I look into her eyes deeply, and I could feel a connection there.

The pull I felt towards her was insanely strong, so I followed it and almost kissed her. There was something I needed to say before we kissed. I just couldn't let it happen this way.

I try to speak words, but they only come out in mumbles, especially because our lips are so close together. I can barely form words. Andrea pulls back a bit, the curious puppy dog pout adorned her face.

Strange when minutes before, I felt on top of the world. Now, I feel like a fish out of water trying to get words out. Nothing's coming. To think I'm in a famous band and I'm the one floundering for words... (Pun intended;)