A Party to Die For

Mander Fo Fander

"Last year's wishes, are this year's apologies." I smacked my alarm clock down. Another day, another day of my life. Not saying it's bad, but I sure could be a heck of a lot better. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. Today, I felt like having a bed head. My hair is actually pretty like that. I stepped down the steps and fixed some cereal. Cold and soggy, just like my heart. I laughed at Nicky's cereal slogan. My parents had left me a note on the table beside my book bag.

Gone into the office to review applications. Be home by five so you don't have to wait up. Manders is going to take you to school.

I balled the note up. Manders is my neighbor who dropped out in the eleventh grade. He was my best friend until he found out I had a crush on him. It was eighth grade!!! We never really made up so our relationship was not so good. He pulled up in the old Volkswagen Van and honked his horn in the tune of "Shave and a Haircut" I sighed and grabbed my backpack.

"Hurry, hurry, chop, chop, Bonnie!!!" My eyes got big.

"Bonnie, that was our old nickname. We were obsessed." I laughed. The whole ride to school, we reminisced about our old days. Maybe my day wasn't going to be so bad.
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Do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!