Status: Finished :)

John H Watson


John did everything within he power to find Mycroft but it would take a few hours and his team knew there was a time limit.
John and Mycroft formed a odd friendship after Sherlock 'death' and after listening to John and all the help Mycroft had done for him the least John could do was help Sherlock find and save him.
Hours pasted and Sherlock was still pacing around the room.
“Sherlock would you please clam down! We will find him, so could you please sit down your driving me crazy.”
“But he's out there somewhere! I have to solve this somehow and I only have another six hours left.” Sherlock replied as he paced back and forth and John sat there unmoving they were behaving the opposite to each other.
Sherlock continued his pacing and mutterings to himself as John sat there with his phone in his lap wanting for a call. He had met a lot of influential people when Sherlock had been away and he just needed to wait for them to call one of his team or himself back.
20 minutes later his phone rang.
“Hello?” said John. “Yes this is John Watson.” he replied calmly.
“Yeah. Are you sure? Alright then. Yes! We're on our way then and thank you.”
“Who was that.” questioned Sherlock the second he hung up.
“A friend of mine. He had said that Sebastian Moran rented a warehouse by the river a few weeks ago and he is there at the moment.” replied John calmly with a small smile.
Sherlock headed straight for the door.
“Wait! Sherlock.” John called as he sent a text to William telling them were to go and he be there in a few minutes.
“What!? He could be doing also anything to Mycroft.”
“Stop worrying he is going to be fine. My team already on it's way and there arrive within the next few minutes.” John explained and they walked down the stairs and out the door. Waiting for them was a black BMW and John didn't say anything he just opened the door and got in and Sherlock followed seconds later.
“John?” Sherlock was a little speechless John had done all this to protective his brother and help when Sherlock was to emotionally to see everything or anything clearly.
“Just go with it Sherlock and do as I say so that your not in any danger.” replied John calmly and softly and then grabbed the bag on his left.
Inside was a pair of pistols and half a dozen clips.
“Now you going to wait outside and when I say its safe you will come inside but not before.” command John.
“No! I am going too he is my brother.” replied Sherlock.
“I am not arguing with you Sherlock. You can stay outside willingly or make me do something that I will later regret.”
“I...... fine.” sighed Sherlock and John smiled in thanks towards Sherlock for listening for once.

“Come on wake up!!” said Sebastian to Mycroft with a slap to the face he was also tied to a chair.
Mycroft looked around a remembered were he was and then looked at Sebastian.
“I believe your rescue team is gonna be arriving soon and I bet you wanna be awake to see them arrive.”
As Mycroft moved he felt pain go down he left side it was nothing to bad Moran had just beat him a little and hit him a few to many times on his left side he was gonna he hurting for sometime after this.
“Way are you doing this? Your not gonna leave here free even if I do die here.” asked Mycroft. He was the British Government and no one was really safe from him.
“You brother took someone important away from me and if I can't have the doctor I'll have you instead.” Moran replied coldly.