Status: Finished

Don't You Ever Forget About Me.

Chapter Seventeen - Hello Beautiful

It was over. The tour was over and it was currently midnight in whatever state we were driving through right now. I was sitting up alone on the very comfortable couch by the kitchen table on the WCAR bus. I was sitting with my feet up on the couch and my legs pressed against the table looking trough my twitter feed and my own tag on tumblr. I was just trying to figure out what people thought of Andy and me, as the couple we now were. It's been about two weeks since he posted a picture of us two on instagram with the text "meet my beautiful girlfriend". I had been caught quite off guard at first but after an hour I was happy to finally let people know I had a boyfriend. And what a boyfriend I had then also. Andy must be the sweetest guy out there that I've ever met. Everyday he told me I was beautiful, everyday he kissed me not caring who was watching or what they would think and it all felt so right. I had moved in on the WCAR bus now. It had been a hell between Justin and I. As fast as we had seen the other we had hissed names at each other or ignored each other, however it was brutal and I couldn't take it anymore. So I had talked to Kellin, packed my bags and walked over to their bus and moved in to the only empty bunk. But actually I had slept in Andy's bunk for most of the time. This whole relationship was something new to me, I hadn't had a legit boyfriend for over four years. And that so called boyfriend I had when I was barely fifteen was a mistake, but I was young and dumb and he was a year older, popular and he had a car. He was every girls dream, he was the reason every girl in school hated me but I actually had to thank him. He made me stronger, he made me realize I didn't need a stupid boy by y side to be happy. I was fine on my own. But here I was, sitting on my boyfriends tour bus playing Ryan Adams songs on low volume writing my feeling out on my tumblr. I had made my tumblr into my own little diary, the fact I had about thousand followers just made it not so private. But I love it, I actually got a few messages asking me for help and I always replied as good as I could.

I was jut finishing up my latest writing session for today and pressed post when I someone wrapped their arms around my shoulders from behind and kissed my neck. I smiled when I looked into Andy's eyes.
"Hey" I whispered since everybody were sleeping after their last show on a few weeks, maybe months. I didn't know right now.
"Hi honey" he whispered back and sat down next to me on the small couch. He took my hand and buried his nose in the crock of my neck making me giggle. Andy loved to tickle me around my collarbone ever since he discovered I was very sensitive there.
"Why are you up now, you should be asleep" I whispered and kissed his cheek.
"I miss you beside me" he replied and I blushed but luckily it didn't show off in the darkness of the front lounge. I found his lips and pressed mine against them. His kisses reminded me of cigarettes and something else that I couldn't name but I liked it, I liked him. We still hadn't said I love you to each other but we were in no rush. I was going to go back to his and Kyle's apartment in Troy. I had already talked to Aunt Alice and she was fine with it, I never felt like home there really. I hated to say it, but it was something that was wrong. Maybe I'm just saying that now cause I'm thinking of Justin and the memories of our first kiss, first date and first time we met. I wish I wouldn't have fallen for him. Things would be better. Or maybe not...
I shook my head and Andy looked up worried at me.
"I just have a lot in my head right now" I answered him before he even asked. "Come on" I said and closed my laptop. Andy smiled but still had a worried look on his face. I kissed his lips and dragged him back to the bunk where I am him climb in first then I laid down beside him.
"I love you" he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you too" I finally replied. And for the first time I fell asleep as fast as I put my head on the pillow.
♠ ♠ ♠
So... I've got friends. Holy shit! Haha. But I'm so sorry for being so slow on the updating. But I hope you'll enjoy it and please comment your opinion :)