Status: Just started this story, in honesty I have no idea where it will lead me.

The Path He Ran

Chapter 1- Journey To The Grocery

Wind ruffled across his face and pulled off his hood. The boy's pale eyes shook and squinted, trying to see through the crowd of dust that kept at them. Behind him, Winter used his body as a shield, clawing the ground every step.

The best choice would have been to turn back now, but they were obviously interested in the opportunities of this ancient city. The walls along the crackled sidewalk were carved with old drawings, graffiti, and the smell of spray paint still hung in the air. The terrain in this place looked almost like a desert, but the temperature was cool. Em hugged his bag close to his chest, it was radiating with heat from the food they brought from the previous city.

The long walk continued for what seemed like hours, and at long last the boy's eyes lit up at the sight of light beaming from the inside a small, rundown grocery store. Winter started running towards the building and then gestured for Em to hurry up.

"Excuse us." Em coughed as he puts his foot through the doorway. "Is anyone here?" There was no answer. Well, not that he expected there would be anyway, running a grocery store in this abandoned civilization would be too much of a farce. The place itself looked like hovel. The floor was ugly with dried up water marks, and spider webs hung lifelessly in every corner.

Em turned to leave, but not before he was startled by an alarmed Winter leaping on to his shoulder. He gave her a look before realizing what caused her panic. There was a bulky figure emerging behind from a hanging, half broken door. Em could see a fleshy foot appear from the darkness. Whatever it was, it was heavy, and probably strong.

Em took a firm hold on Winter in his arms as he jumped a few steps back. His body half turned and ready to run.

"Hold it." The figure delivered the voice a middle aged man. "Stay there and don't you move."

That made Em more than wanted to move, but he held back and stayed still, retaining a safe distance from the figure. "Who are you?"

"That should be my line." He moved faster. "Kids these days have no manners, don't your mothers teach you to knock before setting foot on other people's property?"

Winter hissed as his face finally came fully into view. He was a chubby man with scars and mud all over him. On his fat bottom lip was bulging zit, and his eyebrows so low that it could be touching his eyes. Em expected him to be clothed with animal hide and be holding a wooden club like those caveman he'd see on TV. But surprisingly, although the man was covered with filth, his dress was proper. He had a loosely buttoned collar shirt and what appears to be sports shorts reaching to the lower part of his knees.

The man slumped clumsily onto a metal crate before he spoke again. "You're one of those brats from those air polluting cities up north, aren't ya?" He slurred. "Hmph, they think they're better just because they've got shiny buildings and chandeliers on every ceiling. It's freakin joke, I tell you, a freaking joke."

Em felt his shoulders relax slightly as he watched the old man mumble to himself. He found his character amusing, in truth. But that didn't change the fact that Winter was thoroughly creeped out by him. He put his hands on the damaged door knob "I'll excuse myself then."

"Wait!" The caveman stumbled as he got up quickly. "Don't just leave right after trespassing my property."

Em raised an eyebrow. Trespassing? Could this place even be called a property anymore? It was a dump for all he could tell. "Well pardon me, but I'm in a hurry."

"Wine!" He bellowed. "Get me some wine!"

"And why should I do that?"

"To pay for trespassing of course." He rubbed his nearly bald head with only a few hairs. "And I'll give you something good."

"I don't think I need it." Em really was on edge now, his brow dipped low with uncertainty and annoyance.

The filthy creature leaned in Em's direction and waved two meaty fingers, gesturing for him to get closer. Em complied, but only so cautiously. His mind was wary from listening to the man's coarse speech. Just get this over with, he approached in light steps.

"That cat." He jammed his thumb near Winters face. "It's an erchis, am I right?"

The statement took Em by surprise. His eyelids that have been lowered by disinterest pulled up, and again his guard was at its peak. "You know of them?"

The man was silent for a second, and then burst into laughter. "There isn't a single person in the area who don't!" His laugh dragged out, died a little, and eventually his lumpy body ceased its movements. "If they're still here, that is."
♠ ♠ ♠
Like I said, I have absolutely no idea where this is going. I will tell the story of his past later into the events :) Comment and tell me what you think! Praises and critiques, anything is welcome!