
I stood at the kitchen sink washing the dishes left over from breakfast, the sun was high in the clear sky as the group set out for the day. Glenn and Maggie were going on a run to town; They'd taken requests for any items we may need. I'd requested they bring me back some lotion and chapstick. Shane and Beth were out in the field now, doing some target practice. I could see them out there, laughing and pausing between shots for quick kisses and sweet glances. I couldn't help, but smile at my friend's happiness. She'd seemed to let her toughness melt away just a little bit in the last few days.

"Where do you want this?" I jumped at the question and turned to see Daryl standing in the doorway, a hand on the wound from the arrow, his breakfast plate in the other.

"I was going to come and get it from you," I said, as he walked into the kitchen with a slight limp, "You didn't have to get up." I reached out as he handed me the plate and silverware. I'd taken him dinner the past four nights and for three of them, we'd sat together and just talked.

"I'm feelin' better," He said, "I don't like ya'll waitin' on me."

"There's nothing wrong with taking a little help when you need it," I said, making short work of his plate. He gave me a grunt as he leaned against the counter.

"I don't like it," He grumbled, "I'm heading out today, though, so I won't be a burden."

I rolled my eyes, "You're gonna end up getting yourself killed."

"I can take care of myself," He said, rubbing his side a bit.

"Obviously not," I said, getting a small smirk from him, "Be careful."

"Yeah," He nodded, "You too." I watched him walk out of the room and listened as he made his exit. I went back to my dishes, out the window I could see Shane and Bee stealing another kiss. I grinned as I softly hummed to myself.

"Rose?" Carol had entered the kitchen and came to stand beside me.

"Hey, Carol," I smiled, looking over at her, "How are you?"

"I'm fine," She said, "Listen, I think you should try and give Daryl some space while he finishes up healing," I furrowed my eyebrows, puzzled by her.

"I wasn't trying to step on your toes or anything," I said, drying my hands off and turning to completely face her, "Just trying to be helpful."

"We really appreciate that," She said, with a soft smile and crossed arms, "But this group, we've been through a lot together," She paused for a moment, "Daryl and I-"

I nodded, seeing where she was going with this, "I understand."

"Good," She said in a passive tone, "Thanks for your help with the dishes." I nodded and watched her walk out of the room.

Later that day, after Glenn and Maggie had returned and handed out all of our goodies, Beth and I sat beneath an old oak tree, sharing a cigarette from one of the packs they'd brought back with them.

"I can't believe they found these," I said, exhaling the smoke.

"It's been so long," Beth smiled, "I think I have a nicotine buzz."

"Me too," I said, passing the cigarette to her. My thoughts went back to this morning and my interaction with Carol, "This morning, when you and Shane took off to go shooting, I was in the house washing the dishes and Daryl came in and talked to me for a minute and a few seconds later Carol came in and," I shook my head, "I don't know, she was like hinting to me that her and Daryl are something. She told me to 'give him time while he's healing'"

"That's strange." She said, raising an eyebrow, thinking about it. "Never would of guess that they were knockin' boots."

I wrinkled my nose, "She sleeps in the R.V. right? Maybe he's just gettin' in and gettin' out."

"I don't know, it's weird." She sighed, "Well, I mean there isn't much to pick from and regardless of the apocalypse; a guy still has needs." She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the thought.

I laugh, "I guess so. All this time we've been talking he never mentioned her."

Maybe Daryl is keeping it hush hush?" She asked, "Might not want everyone to know." I let the conversation end there as Beth passed me the cigarette back, I took a long drag.

"Do you ever feel like we're not welcome here?" I'd been noticing more and more how Lori would watch us, observing our every move.

"I do, with the exception of Shane."

"Obviously he likes you being here," I smirked, "I don't think Carol or Lori trust us."

"I don't think anyone does. I'm starting to think we're overstaying our welcome."

"Rick does," I said confidently.

"And Daryl." I nodded and leaned my head back against the tree as a cool breeze blew through the leaves.


The next day Beth and I were stacking up the firewood T-dogg had been cutting when Shane and Glenn returned from town. They'd left early, ignoring Rick and Hershel's protests about going back into town so soon; They were worried about the noise of the cars leading walkers back to the farm. T, Beth and I joined the group forming around the pick-up truck, the bed of which was nearly overflowing with boxes.

"We went and picked up some things to make this feel a little more homey out here," Shane said as he opened the tailgate. We watched him start pulling boxes out, "And when Glenn got back yesterday, he told me about the camping store he'd seen."

"You went back into town," Rick started, crouching down to investigate the boxes, "To get some camping showers?"

"We thought we could set up a shower area behind the house, that way it's easier on all of us. We got three of them," Glenn said as he climbed up into the bed and pushed the other boxes to Shane, "We got a stove too and some other stuff, Check it out, we can free up the kitchen a little bit."

"You risked all of our lives to go get these," Lori said, shaking her head, "We go to town on necessity."

"We thought it would be something nice for us to have," Glenn said, his face falling a bit. You could see the disappointment on his and Shane's faces.

"It is nice," Andrea piped up, "It'll be great not to have to fight over the bathrooms in the house." She offered up a smile. Rick had already turned and began walking away, Shane's dark eyes had narrowed and followed his friend all the way back to his tent.

That night after dinner, I gathered up a towel and a bar of soap before heading to the new row of three showers. All of them were empty and Shane had attached a glow stick inside each, providing enough light to shower by. The three stalls were up against the back wall of the house, meaning they were in a private, but safe area. Daryl's tent was within sight, but his fire was burning out, letting me know he'd gone to bed, or he may be sitting with Rick and the rest of the group at the main fire. I slipped my boots off before stepping into the small dark plastic stall. I carefully stripped down, dropping my dirty clothes on the other side of the plastic ontop of my boots. I hung my towel over the top of the shower and pulled the handle to release the water. It wasn't freezing, but it wasn't warm. The drum that the shower pulled water from had been sitting in the sun almost all day, heating the water to a comfortable temperature. I set about getting myself cleaned up, thankful that Shane and Glenn had gone back to town.

Near the end of my shower a strong wind picked up, blowing my towel away. I looked up and sighed.

"Well, fuck," I muttered, pulling the handle and letting the water fall over me and rinse the soap out of my hair. I rang the majority of the water out of my hair before peeking my head out of the stall. I spotted my towel lying a few feet away on the ground, I peered around, making sure there was no one in sight. I took a deep breath before stepping out, bare assed, into the night. I scrambled to pick up my towel and wrap it around me. A chuckle floated on the wind, making me freeze, I turned around to see Daryl leaning against a tree beside his tent, his arms crossed and his crossbow over his shoulder. My heart was pounding in embarrassment as blood rushed to my face. I held my towel tightly as I scooped up my dirty clothes and my boots as I made my way over to him.

"You fucking pervert!" I said loudly as he stood there, still smirking and probably reveling in the eyeful he'd just gotten.

"If you don't want anyone lookin' you shouldn't be running around naked, girl," He said, holding back a laugh. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Carol probably wouldn't appreciate that," I smirked, he furrowed his brows.

"What's she got to do with anything?" He asked, standing up straight.

"Well, you eyeing another woman might, you know, affect your relationship," I said, shivering in the wind.

"I ain't in no damn relationship," He said in annoyance, "I'm just trying to find her kid."

I raised my eyebrows at him, as the realization that I was standing in front of him, having this conversation in a towel came over me, "You should probably let her know that, because that's not what she thinks." I turned on heel and began walking away from him, know he was probably watching me still.

"The hell with ya'll women!" He yelled at my back, making me put on a smirk of my own as I crossed the field. I unzipped the door of the tent Beth and I were still sharing, she glanced up at me as I entered then went back to her book and I zipped the tent back up. I dropped my dirty clothes and boots in a heap on my side of the tent.

"What the hell was all the yelling?" She asked as the wind made our tent sway a bit. I was on my side of the room divider, I began pulling on clean clothes.

"Daryl was being a creep and watched me get out of the shower," I said, "My fucking towel blew away in the wind and I had to run and get it naked and he was standing there, laughing!"

"Ooh la la," She said, I popped my head around the curtain and she winked at me, "I'm guessing by the yelling that you didn't like it?"

"He was being creepy! Who just stands there and watches someone like that? So, I called him a pervert and told him Carol wouldn't appreciate him being a peeping tom and he said," I did my best imitation of Daryl, "I ain't in no damn relationship."

"I thought she said they were?" Beth asked.

"That's what I thought, and he was like 'I'm just trying to find her kid'. Kinda weird for her to imply that then for him to say they're not together. Someone's lying."

"I think she is. Daryl doesn't seem like he would really care about those sort of things to lie about it," She gasped, "Maybe she sees you as a threat!"

I shook my head, "All of this drama is giving me a headache." I slipped between the blankets on my cot.

"I can't believe this shit is still so complicated," Beth sighed, "The last thing we need now are complicated relationships."

"I don't have a relationship," I smiled, reaching out and pulling the curtain diving the tent back and looking over at my friend, "You on the other hand..."

"I sense a little green monster," Bee smirked.

"Not jealous, just peeved. He's cute and obviously he's sweet and a good man to be out lookin' for Sophia, but Carol's baggage. She's got a HUGE thing for him."

"Everything will work out, Rose. Don't you worry your pretty little self about it," She smiled at me before I let the curtain fall. Bee turned the lantern off.

"I'm not worried," I say, looking up at the ceiling of the tent, still trembling in the wind, "We're nothing," I paused, "Except he does have a nice butt...and arms...and yeah, he's pretty nice."

"Whatever you say," Beth said with a hint of amusement in her voice, "I'll have to say 'I told ya so' some other time, then."

"I guess so," I said, rolling over on my side, "How's Shane? You're not gonna kick me out, are you?"

"Let's take it one day at a time! I only kissed the guy the other day," She laughed, muffling it with her sleeping bag, "He's good though. I think this might be a good thing."

"You need something good," I said, snuggling in and feeling sleep pulling at me.

"Don't we all?" She asked rhetorically, "Please make sure I don't get all cutesy and love sick. You have my permission to do whatever necessary to stop it."

"I won't hesitate," I yawned, "G'night."

"Goonight, Rose. See ya in the morning."


The following morning was cool, crisp, and sunny as we all sat together, finishing up our breakfast. Glenn was behaving oddly, seeming overly nervous and anxious. I sat alone, picking at my eggs as Beth was talking to Shane. Daryl seemed to be giving Carol a cold shoulder, as she tried to take his plate he stood up and deposited it in the wash bin. He lingered there for a few moments before turning around, I lowered my eyes to my plate and focused on eating so he wouldn't see me watching him. A couple moments later a shadow fell over me and I looked up to see Daryl standing there.

"Hey," He said, meeting my eyes for just a moment.

"Hi," I responded.

"Look," He began, "About last night," He ran a hand over his face, "I'm sorry, alright?" I could tell apologizing wasn't something he was used to doing. I nodded and was just about to speak when he turned and walked away, taking a seat beside T-Dogg.

"Guys," Glenn said, but everyone was so enveloped in their own conversations, no one even turned to look at him, "Guys." I glanced over at him and he looked pale, his eyes unfocused, "The barns full of walkers."

Finally, he had everyone's attention.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey everyone, we hope you had wonderful holidays and a safe new year!

we love hearing feedback from you about our story, so please feel free to drop us a comment, we always appreciate it!

<3 D.