‹ Prequel: Trust Me
Status: In progress.

Fall Away

Chapter 11

Just before dinner, all the tributes were dismissed from the arena so they could go back to their floors and wash up. I took this opportunity to slip over to Adri, trying to go unnoticed by the other tributes, but Cashmere kept a wary eye on me from her spot just ten feet away from Adri.

“Oh, there you are, sweetheart.” Adri flashed me an absent grin. He reached forward and took my hand in his, swinging it back and forth lightly. I was a little disappointed that he hadn’t greeted me more warmly, but I knew he couldn’t be too affectionate in front of all the tributes.

“I miss you.” I murmured quietly. “It’s so weird, being in the same room with you but not being able to even talk to you.”

He nodded. “I know, but when we’re in the arena I’ll be right by your side all day and all night.” He promised.

I furrowed my brow, confused. “Is it just me, or do you sound like you’re actually looking forward to going into the arena?”

He laughed. “It’s a bit of a bittersweet deal; I could be moments away from death at any time, but I’ll get to be with you again. I’d say it’s worth it, though.” He said with a wink.

I smiled, relief washing over me. Had I really been worried about him deserting me for Cashmere? My worries seemed so silly and far-fetched now. “Don’t get yourself stabbed this time, okay?” I said, poking his chest threateningly.

“I didn’t get myself stabbed. I stabbed myself; it’s totally different.” Adri joked.

I rolled my eyes. “I swear, you’re the only person I know that can joke about getting stabbed.”

He kissed my forehead. “And it’s one of the things you love most about me,” He filled in smugly. “By the way, don’t lock your door tonight.”

I cocked my head. “What? Why?”

“Because I’m going to come visit you after everyone else goes to sleep.” Adri said simply.

“You can’t do that! What if they catch you? You know it’s forbidden for tributes to go to another district’s floor!” I hissed.

Adri shrugged. “I went last night and nothing happened. Besides, what’s the worst they can do? Kill me? I’ve already been sentenced to death in their minds, Winnie.” He pointed out.

“They can make it a lot harder for you in the arena. They could target you.” I warned.

Adri shrugged. “The way I see it, they’ve got two couples in the arena this time around. They practically expect us to try and visit each other.”

I gnawed on my lip. President Snow had said that I should spend as much time with Adri as possible, so maybe Adri was right. Perhaps he was expecting us to sneak around. I glanced up at Adri and nodded tentatively. “Okay. But don’t do anything stupid!”

Adri laughed. “I thought you knew me better than that!”

“I do know you better than that, so let me repeat; don’t do anything stupid.” I said pointedly, smacking him in the stomach with a grin. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, and I let myself be swallowed up in the embrace. From my peripheral vision, it looked like the arena was now completely empty.

“How cute,” I heard someone say, and I cringed as I heard Cashmere’s sarcastic voice. I could practically hear the smirk in her voice. “Look, Adri, if you’re done cuddling your little girlfriend, we should go grab some dinner.”

“I’m not his ‘little girlfriend’; I’m his wife.” I snapped, wriggling out of Adri’s arms to glare at her. I couldn’t help but smirk as I saw that her neck was still bandaged.

“And isn’t one of your wedding vows ‘Till death do us part’? You’re doomed to death; your marriage is as good as over.” Cashmere said.

“I’m not dead yet, and neither is this marriage.” I said firmly. “The last Games brought us closer together; so will this year’s. So don’t think that you can come between us.”

Adri placed his hand on my shoulder and gently pulled me back. “Winnie, that’s enough.” He murmured in my ear. His voice was soft, but I could hear a warning edge to his tone.

“Come on, Adri. I’m hungry.” Cashmere said, holding out her arm. Adri walked over to her and linked his arm through his without even saying goodbye, and the two walked out, leaving me by myself in the empty arena.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dundundun. Cashmere's such a bitch; I love it.