Lets make this moment last

Said and Done

Most people don't know where to start when they decide to tell their story but what can I say, I'm not most people and I know EXACTLY where to start. My name is Melody black and I'm head over heels in love with my best friend. I know what a cliche right but it really isn't like that with us because he will never feel the same way about me. I know another cliche but seriously John won't ever like me he has a girlfriend and he is in a band that travels every where seriously they just got home from a stent in the states. They are The Maine and about ever 14 year old punk girl out there is in love with them.

I still remember when John and I met it was the first day of second grade and my mom had practically had to drag me to Arizona but now that im here i could never imagine myself any where else, anyway back to meeting John, It was the first day of second grade and I was a new kid which is hard enough but when your short with short hair because of a gum accident it is way more traumatic.

I walked in and was forced to tell all of the students my name and where I came from and it turns out I talked funny due to the fact I had come from a small town in Louisiana. I stammered through my introduction and was forced to set next to a small boy named John. John went straight to pulling at my short hair and asking me a ton of questions that included one about why I talked so funny which I found extreamly rude at my delicate age.

When it came time for recess I couldn't wait to get out there and play with the other kids and I just hoped I found one girl who was nice to me so that we could play together. I didn't know what to expect but it surely wasn't the little blonde girl who's name was Holly i think to come up and push me to the ground. "You're gross and your hair is short like a boys, I bet you like girls" Holly snarled.

I had grown up with a very progressive mom so I stood up and said " I don't like girls but even if I did thats okay."

"Eww," came a shout from a boy near me, I think his name was Bryan I really can't remember now it's been so long.
I wasn't expecting Bryan to push me down to and try to force dirt into my mouth I also wasn't expecting any one to stick up for me no matter what did happen.

"Hey get off of her" John cried. He came up and pushed the boy down and made him eat dirt, the shock of the tiny boy getting the better of that bully made me like him instantly.

"Okay boy's thats enough, John I cannot believe you and Bryan are fighting again you know what this means right?" Mrs.Corey asked. "Yes I know, I cant come to recess for a week" John said almost sadly.

After recess John set next to me and we even shared Crayons and pencils, I even showed him my 64 pack with the sharpener, which he requested to use imediatly. I had to agree because he saved me from the bully's. What I didn't expect was for John to look over at me and say "So since I saved you will you be my best friend, ive always wanted to be friends with a girl." "Yes" I said almost instantly.

That's it that's how we became friends and we have been just that, best friends, every since.
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So this chapter isnt as good as i want it to be an sorry for my lack of updates but ill make sure to update a.s.a.p Oh and uh thanks for reading.