Lets make this moment last

Thinking of you

I cant wait until this dirty bus pulls up in front of my house. I've been around nothing but boys for months which wouldn't be bad if it hadn't been for the fact that my now ex girl friend was tagging along on this tour and I accidently called her my best friends name while we we're having sex. Im getting ahead of my self, my name is John O'Callaghan by the way and I'm in a band called the maine. We get to travel the world doing what we love and it is the best thing that I could ever ask for.

As soon as the bus pulled up I was practically already out the door. I didn't even think to say good bye to the guys so I had to slow myself down just a little bit to get the words out. I just wanted to go inside and shower and maybe take a nap and pray I don't dream of Mel again like I have been lately.

I'm getting ahead of myself AGAIN. Melody whom I call Mel is my best friend in the entire world, the only people that probably come close to her are my family and Jared. Mel and I met in second grade on the first day actually I saved her from these bullies that we're saying horrible things to her. I lost my recess privileges for a week but I would do it all again knowing what I know now. Mel isn't just my best friend she is also the love of my life but she will never feel that way about me because well she is beautiful and perfect and probably the nicest girl I have ever met. She isn't really that tall maybe 5'6 tops, she has gorgeous greenish blue eyes that you could get lost in. I haven't told her about Me and Monica yet because well I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to say. I mean how do you tell your best friend that your girlfriend dumped you because you called her by another girls, no not another girl, Mel's name. Anyways back to me wanting to go inside.

I jogged down the path that led to my front door and flung it open and gave my mom the biggest hug she has probably ever gotten in her entire life. What can I say I love my mother she's my back bone man.

"Woah John calm down" My mother said to me in what was supposed to be a scolding tone.

"I'm sorry mom I just missed you soooooo much. You know I'm always overly loving when I get home" I said while joking with her. "Where are Shane and Ross?"

" They're both out with their friends honey, and not to be mean but maybe you should go take a shower before Melody gets here because I invited the darling over to dinner for a welcome back John, Jared, Kennedy, Garrett, and Pat party. Im sorry I didn't invite Monica I figured after being with her for 3 months you two would want some alone time but if I was wrong I can call her." My mother said like it was the most casual thing in the world.

" Yeah umm, mom, about Monica, " I started while rubbing the back of neck. That was one of the worst habits I had that and running my hands through my hair so much that I'm pretty sure ill be bald before I'm 30. "You won't have to invite Monica to things anymore, cuz uhh, she kind of umm, broke up with me. I was my fault and there is no way she will forgive me so um, uh, it's over for good" I finished lamely.

"Oh honey, what happened?" My mom asked in the most harmless tone she could muster.

" I'm really embarassed ma, I'd rather not say," I said hoping that would satisfy her, I should've known better.

"John Cornelius O'Callaghan the fifth, you better tell me what happend right now young man!" My mom scolded me.

"Fine ma, jeez, I might've sorta, called her another girls name when we we're well ya know," I finished lamely yet again.


Uh oh. " I called her Mel's name, not that that changes it or anything," I told my mother. That actually seemed to calm her down some, hell she even broke out in a smile. What the hell is going on here.

"Oh sweet heart, I always knew that you had a thing for her," My mom said in a lovey dovey tone.

"Yeah, yeah mom. I'm going to take a shower now, maybe I can wash away some of this embarrassement" I told her while swiftly ducking her kiss that was headed straight for my cheek. I mean I love my mom and would let her kiss me on my cheek under normal circumstances but right now I'm so embarrassed that Im sure I'm a shade of bright red.

"Okay honey, don't forget to put your clothes in the laundry and the party is at six." My mom reminded me.